Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Is Free Health Care Really Free? Is the health care the government providing really free or not? Free Government Health Care - sometimes Universal health care usually refers to a health care system which provides free healthcare and financial protection to all its citizens. Free or Universal healthcare is against the 1st and 9th amendment. Its against the 1st amendment because people see it as a violation of the right of assembly. Its against the 9th amendment because there are more rights for the americans than the ones that are in the constitution. Free/Universal healthcare has been a more wanted thing for the less fortunate because it covers everything a normal person needs so they do not have to worry about losing their health care and not being able to go to the hospital. I am towards it because there are people in the world that cannot afford health care so if they can get on a computer or use a payphone and sign up. Because if someone were to get a disease and does not have health care it could spread and t hey just might die. Most other people are against this because their ...

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