Sunday, May 24, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility ( Csr ) - 863 Words
1.1 Introduction As the dramatically growing of economies and development of technology in the last century. The term of Corporate Social Responsibility appears more often into public’s concerned and it has become a hot issue in recent years. This essay is going to discuss and provide an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by debate some key issue in this area. 1.2 What is Corporate Social Responsibility? In 1953, Bowen’s Social Responsibility of the Businessman firstly discusses the idea of corporate social responsibility. He states the relationship between society and corporations. Bowen believed that company needs to be realised the importance of ethically run the businesses are able to achieve superior performance in long run. The concept of CSR is company operate voluntarily to enhances their legal responsibility for the society, which covers many complex areas, including sustainability, charity, human rights, and environmental friendly. For example, the European commission defines CSR as â€Å"a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholder on a voluntary basis†(European Multistakeholder Forum on CSR, 2004:3). Minimize the harm and any negative impact on our environment and society to obtain sustainability by sharing responsibility between stakeholders is what CSR t rying to achieve. 1.3 Background of Corporate social responsibility The early rood ofShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility And Csr1566 Words  | 7 PagesSocial responsibility or also called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- is the firm’s engagement (voluntarily initiated) in and its compliance (legally mandated) to environmental, social, and governance issues (The Foundation, 2014). Also, is based on stakeholder’s needs being financially sustainable, and CSR can come from both corporate or not-to-profit organizations. CSR has seven categories; Leadership, vision and values; Marketplace activities; Workforce activities; Supply chain activities;Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1167 Words  | 5 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept which is also known as corporate citizenship, corporate conscience or in a simple way a responsible business. It is an integrated concept of self-regulatory business model for any organisation. Corporate Social Responsibility has been in practice for more than fifty years now, which has been adopted not only by domestic companies but also by transnational company with voluntary CSR initiativesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Csr1232 Words  | 5 PagesCorporate social responsibility has become a buzzword within the industry in the last few years. Following the financial market crash investors and stakeholders began looking at corporations to act more socially responsible. The meaning of social responsibility differs across regions. Western countries are the ones who are pushing for corporate social responsibility -thesis-- A broad overview at corporate social responsibility (CSR) looks to corporations to make a change in the society or the environmentRead MoreCsr : Corporate Social Responsibility1598 Words  | 7 Pages CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by many groups like, Tata steel, Coca Cola, Reliance, Videocon etc. Although they all stand for similar meanings connecting to taking responsibilities of the society as a business individual, its definition has been getting broader from a established point of view, corporate social responsibility is a type of business instruction included in a business demonstration. CSR policy functions as a self-regulatoryRead MoreCsr : Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1285 Words  | 6 PagesCSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and it is a concept with many definitions and practices and also a buzzword in the media. In general, corporate social responsibility is the policies and progra ms of business corporations which tend to benefit society while improving a corporation’s public image and profitability at the same time. The meaning of it is implemented in different countries and companies differently. Warren Buffet said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and onlyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1314 Words  | 6 PagesSocial responsibility has become a primal interest to the humankind for the past two decades. In the earlier days, the firms and organizations concentrated only on the financial part of the business and ignored the ethical, social and moral sectors. But in the recent times, the businesses are getting a grip of the significance of the social, ecological and environmental effects on their success. This has resulted in the emerging interactions between organizations and social segments thus giving riseRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1173 Words  | 5 Pages Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is highly important to Millennials. If a company is lacking a CSR plan, now it a good time to start one. Millennials are looking for ways in making a positive impact on the world and are expecting the same from companies. They are looking for companies that contribute to the betterment of communities and the environment. Millennials put great value in supporting such brands, companies and organizations that share these values. Companies without a CSR in placeRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Csr979 Words  | 4 PagesThe notion of Corporate Social Responsibility is a phenomenon globally known for many years. In spite of the fact that CSR has been neglected for quite a long time, nowadays several authors deal with this issue, as revealed by the development of theories in recent years concerning the topic. In spite of the fact that there has been a huge growth of literature it is still impossible to simply define CSR. Many definitions trying to capture the concept of CSR exist, but their content varies (MattenRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1370 Words  | 6 Pagesmore attention on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The core issue is the appropriate responsibility of business. In as much as firms ought to obey the law, but beyond complete compliance with environmental laws, the question is whether firms have extra social responsibilities to commit part of their resources to environmental preservation voluntarily. This memo provides an exploratory investigation of the link between corporate social responsibility and the benefits accruing to aRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1549 Words  | 7 Pagesgovernments to take responsibility for the problems but also the corporations. One outcome of this is corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR refers to voluntary actions of companies or corporations to contribute to the welfare of society and the health of the environment. Some ways it can be accomplished are through philanthropy, working with NGOs in local communities on humanitarian and/or environmental projects, supporting workers’ unions, and investing in green technologies. CSR is not a new concept
Monday, May 18, 2020
What Are You Going - 1637 Words
What are you going to choose? Many countries have distinctive cultures, which are homogeneously grouped, primarily composed of one type of race, ethnicity, or nationality. This can be seen in Germany, France, Russia, China, Japan, Mexico and many others. The United States of America differs greatly from these countries in that it is a melting pot.†The term melting pot has been associated with the United States (US) because there are many cultures within the country which blend together to form a whole (cite book merino, noel). The United States melting pot theory could be argued as the very quality that makes it the greatest superpower of the world. The US has also been called a nation of immigrants because almost every citizen of the country has immigrant ancestry, with the exception of the Native Americans. One may question why the immigrant history of this country is one of the qualities that makes it so unique. Still, large numbers of individuals from other countries come to the US every year t o seek benefits and to fulfill their American dream. Illegal immigration has been a widely discussed topic in politics in the US. An illegal immigrant is a non-citizen who has entered the United States without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. Illegal immigration is a controversy we can no longer be oblivious. Surprisingly not very many American are informed enough about the topic to make a choice of being pro illegalShow MoreRelatedYou Can Never Predict What Life Is Going At You1454 Words  | 6 PagesYou can never predict what life is going to throw at you. Until I was about 9 years old, I lived in Groves, Texas which was located by the Gulf of Mexico. Groves was a small town, so small that I had to go to school in Port Arthur, the city right next to Groves. I had a small house and a big backyard with lots of trees. My dad also kept a small ship and a boat in our yard, and I always thought about what it might be like to board the ship. My days would be spent playing with my little sister andRe ad MoreWhat I Do You Think You re Going Bitch?1204 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Where do you think you’re going bitch?†she hisses at me between her yellow teeth, I can smell the cigarette smoke and alcohol wafting off her as she stalks closer to me. She slams her cup down and screams â€Å"DON T YOU LIE TO ME, THEY HAVE BEEN TELLING ME WHAT YOU’RE DOING BEHIND MY BACK!!†. I shrink back against the closed door bracing myself for what I know is about to happen. I shrink back hoping to spare myself for just a little bit longer in order for me to find an escape. I was accustomed toRead MoreSTATEMENT OF PURPOSE Knowing about what is going on around you can help you understand and love700 Words  | 3 PagesSTATEMENT OF PURPOSE Knowing about what is going on around you can help you understand and love nature.Possessing knowledge that something that exists in the nature does not kill the futher sense of wonder and mystery . There is always more to discover more to learn and more mystery. With knowledge doubt increases and with doubt, we try to seek answers. It helps us to shape our life and the power of knowledge is great. Being brought up in the suburbs I was very close to nature. We had a small farm;Read MoreWhat Recommendations Would You Make to Senior Marketing Executives Going Forward? What Should They Be Sure to Do with Its Marketing?2957 Words  | 12 Pagesspecific, detailed plans to guide longer-term recovery efforts. QUESTIONS 1. In what ways are the Marshall Field’s flood disaster recovery effort a project? Why are large-scale disaster response and recovery efforts projects? 2. In what ways do the characteristics of crisis management as described in this case correspond to those of project management? 3. Who was (were) the project manager(s) and what was his or her (their) responsibility? Who was assigned to the project team and whyRead MoreThe Rainbow Fish : Character Traits1315 Words  | 6 Pages(Students will sit on the carpet.) Hello, everyone! Today we are going to read a book, called The Rainbow Fish, and do a really fun activity over character traits! Does anyone know what a character is? How about traits? So what do you think character traits are? (I am going to get out my anchor chart and refer to it.) In my own words, character traits are descriptive words or phrases that help us understand a character. Looking at what the character says, looks like, feels, and does can help us identifyRead MoreReiwise Power Broker : The Ownership Relationship Analysis1278 Words  | 6 Pagesthe tenant rep prospecting, presentations and negotiations. So what were going to be doing today is entering into the lease analysis platform of the REIWise Power Broker. Now if you are new to Power Broker this is a single solution thats all web based. You can subscribe to this for $399 per year and create unlimited analysis in marketing. If you are CCIM designee you do have the entire power broker transaction platform for free and you can register for that on a link that I will send in the emailRead MoreStock Market and Rosetta Stone Essays1006 Words  | 5 Pageswrite-up. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Rosetta Stone going public? 2. What do you think the current market price is for Rosetta Stone shares? Justify your valuation using both discounted cash flow and comparables (market multiples) analysis. 3. At what price would you recommend that Rosetta Stone shares be sold? Rosetta Stone: Pricing the 2009 IPO Please address the following questions in your write-up. 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Rosetta Stone going public? Read MoreWhen It Comes To Hiring Your Staff, No Matter What Business1396 Words  | 6 Pagesto hiring your staff, no matter what business you may be in, there are certain aspects and character traits that every employer looks for. Knowing what these character traits are, versus what traits might not be so essential or desired, can help you determine just what employees are perfect for your business. The Benefits of Intelligent Workers Intelligence is always a plus when it comes to hiring employees. Having a full staff that knows what they are doing, what is required of them to completeRead MoreEssay on Culinary-Career-Path: A Pastry Chef1161 Words  | 5 Pages Baking What do you think is the most popular job to have in the hospitality industry? I think it is a pastry chef. So what you hearing about are going to be about baking. First, you’re going to hear about educational requirements and recommendations. Second you’re going to hear about salary ranges and geographic effects and how many hours required each week and what is a typical day like in this career when you reach the career goal. Third you’re going to hear about what skills and sets are requiredRead MoreInfidelity and Marriage Therapy Tips1330 Words  | 5 Pagestherapy) and the risk of violence appears imminent. The usual message I give to spouses who engaged in infidelity. 1. You have a choice Understand that your spouse is pissed and there are going to be demands placed on you that you or a therapist cannot legitimately get in the way of in order for your spouse to get to a point where he/she feels she can actually work on the stuff that you believe led to the infidelity. Your spouse may ask for login information to email accounts and social media, may
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Teenage Pregnancy The Preventable Health Issue - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 875 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Teenage Pregnancy Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Teen pregnancy occurs most often in southern states, or areas that dont teach safe sex, or abstinence only. As technology has advanced, teenagers have been able to look online for information that they are not taught in school, so teen pregnancy in the United States has decreased a lot in the last few years (CDC). Many teenagers arent taught safe sex, so they dont know how to prevent pregnancy or STDs (National Campaign). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Teenage Pregnancy: The Preventable Health Issue" essay for you Create order More programs are needed in schools and in communities to teach those who dont know about STDs and pregnancy. Explain the Health Issue According to Peskin, the best way to prevent teen pregnancy is by teaching TPP (teen pregnancy prevention) (Peskin) The problem is that a lot of these programs dont get funding, especially in southern states where religion plays a bigger role in communities. It has been proven that areas with these prevention programs have fewer rates of teen pregnancy then areas without it. Parents talking to their teenagers early on about safe sex has also been proven to help prevent pregnancy (National Campaign, 2011). Teen Pregnancy and STDs are statistically lower in rates in areas that teach safe sex, most teenagers are going to try it no matter what, so if they are taught how to stay safe, it can help the spread of STDs and teen pregnancy. Individual Level Teen Pregnancy mainly impacts the individual. Teen pregnancy is a public health concern because teen mothers are more likely to experience negative social outcomes, including school dropout (CDC, 2012). Of the 1.3 million of students that dropped out of school in 2012, 30% claimed it was because of pregnancy or parenthood (Muckle, 2012). By age 22, only around 50 percent of teen mothers have received a high school diploma and only 30 percent have earned a General Education Development (GED) certificate, whereas 90% of women who did not give birth as an adolescent receive a diploma. Only about 10 percent of teen mothers complete a two- or four-year college program (Adverse Effects, 2011). Without an education nowadays, it is very hard to find a good job that can support yourself, and to include children, it is even harder. These teen mothers are putting a pause on their lives in order to care for their child. This could mean giving up on school, or putting a delay on school in order t o care in order to be a mom. Population Level The problem of teen pregnancy has an impact on both the individual and the population. There is no single cause for the rising rate of adolescent pregnancy, but rather a combination of factors. These can generally be grouped under biological factors, societal factors, personal attitude and/or needs, ignorance, misunderstanding when it comes to sexual matters, and problems innate in modern contraceptive methods (Hechtman, 2006). Teen pregnancy can cause consequences including health, economic, and emotional outcomes for the parents and the child. Teen pregnancy costs U.S. taxpayers about $11 billion per year due to increased health care and foster care, increased incarceration rates among children of teen parents, and lost tax revenue because of lower educational accomplishment and income among teen mothers (Adverse Health, 2011). The population is affected by teen pregnancy because teenage mothers arent able to provide for their children, so they need to get support from the governme nt. Conclusion Teen pregnancy can be a preventable health issue if it was understood and educated to everyone. Abstinence only education has been proven to not be completely effective since teenagers will still get curious and experiment. Since they were only taught abstinence as sex education, they arent aware of how to preform safe sex, and they could end up pregnant or with an STI/STD. Teen pregnancy has the ability to derail a teenagers life, forcing them to drop out of school or not reach their potential because they have to take care and afford a baby. Many teenagers are unable to support a family financially, costing taxpayers millions of dollars for healthcare, foster care, etc.. Safe sex needs to be taught in schools in order to help prevent disease, infection and pregnancy. References Adverse Effects. (2011). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Vital Statistics System: birth data. Accessed September 25, 2018. Gosling, B. (2017). Adolescent pregnancy. Retrieved from Hechtman, L. (2006). Teenage mothers and their children: Risks and problems: A review. Retrieved from Muckle, G. (2012). The Drop Out Crisis and Teen Pregnancy. Retrieved from Melissa F. Peskin, Belinda F. Hernandez, Efrat K. Gabay, Paula Cuccaro, Dennis H. Li, Eric Ratliff,Kelly Reed-Hirsch, Yanneth Rivera, Kimberly Johnson-Baker, Susan Tortolero Emery and Ross Shegog, (2017) Using Intervention Mapping for Program Design and Production of iCHAMPSS: An Online Decision Support System to Increase Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance of Evidence-Based Sexual Health Programs, Frontiers in Public Health, 5, (2017). Prepregnancy Contraceptive Use Among Teens with Unintended Pregnancies Resulting in Live Births Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 20042008. (2012). Retrieved from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Counting it up: the public costs of teen childbearing: key data. (2011)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personality Tests for Business Organizations - 3607 Words
The Value of HRM to Business Organisations Section 1 This essay will evaluate the literature available on the value of the selection method of personality tests to business organisations. These tests measure individual’s responses to what are usually fixed choice questions to uncover characteristics that have important implications for their job performance (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007). Personality tests were first reviewed in a personnel selection context in 1965 (Guion and Gottier, 1965) but it is only recently that they have become popular with around 30% of companies using them (Heller, 2005), particularly for candidates applying for managerial and graduate jobs within the top companies in the UK (Faulder, 2005; Newell, 2005:†¦show more content†¦Iles and Salaman (1995) have argued that these measures are stronger predictors than had previously been thought but there have been many limitations of studies demonstrating its predictive value. Armstrong (2006) points to the need to have tests which are sensitive, stand ardised, reliable and valid in order for them to be considered effective. It has also been suggested that instead personality tests should be used as part of a two way process whereby results are discussed during interviews to consider how an individual would deal with certain situations (Newell, 2005). This would perhaps help manage the limitation that individuals feel pressurised into giving a ‘right’ answer and therefore fake their responses to a personality test. Throughout these debates there is the reoccurring theme of the need for reliability and validity in personality tests, as with any other selection method a business organisation may adopt. Here it is important that the method is consistent in its measures both throughout the personality test itself and should the personality test be applied to individuals over time. Furthermore, the predictive value will be heavily affected if no clear relationship is established between the tests results and job performance (Newell, 2005). In conclusion, from the literature review it isShow MoreRelatedPersonality Theories And Internet Testing1061 Words  | 5 PagesPersonality Theories Why has personality theories and internet testing created so much interest in the hiring process? Can you judge a person s ability to perform the work just by giving them a personality assessment? Not always, but in the process of hiring many organizations can rely on personality theories and testing, which helps the process of pre-selection. Personality theories help measure, cognitive ability, knowledge, and personality of potential candidates. Employers today use pre–assessmentRead MoreTypes Of Personality Tests Out There844 Words  | 4 Pagesare many types of personality tests out there. Some of them are better than others. These tests are used to help determine the different personality types. Many employers use these tests to help place new employees. They also use them to help determine if an employee will work out or not. It can be important to know your own personality type. Understanding how you learn and what type of jobs might be best for you can be very helpfu l in your own life. Many employers use tests like the one foundRead MorePersonality and Decision-Making Essay1686 Words  | 7 PagesPersonality and Decision-Making Organizations have evolved into a team structure. So, the ability to collaborate with others and make effective decisions to meet business objectives is paramount. Thus, personality has a significant impact on whether business objectives are met. Hence, understanding the personalities of potential and existing employees is important. Thus, while a discussion on personality theory can be broad an overview of how personal and self-assessment tests are used to measureRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Comparison Between JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley1771 Words  | 7 PagesOrganizational Behavior Morgan Stanley is a multinational financial service corporation in America. It operates in 42 countries having more than 1300 offices and about 60,000 employees. Being a broad and diversified business it provides all kinds of financial support and services in the major markets of the world. JP Morgan Chase Co is a multinational banking corporation of investment, security as well as retrial. When it comes to assets it is the largest in the United States. It is a financialRead MoreI Am A Moderate Activist, Strong Preference Reflector, Low Preference Theorist And Moderate Pragmatist Essay1333 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to this test I am a moderate activist, strong preference reflector, low preference theorist and moderate pragmatist. My scores can be seen in Appendix E. 6. Mindful Attention Awareness Scale The mean score of my test is 3.86. Though the above show results in various dimensions of a personality, they are never 100% reliable. Certain choices in a question are obvious about checking the right answer but not the honest one. Many organizations carry out tests like this before recruiting a personRead MoreHiring Process - Recruitment Selection1287 Words  | 6 Pagesqualified people for a job at an organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer-based some components of the recruitment process, mid and large-size organizations and organizations often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization. It is a process of stimulating people to apply for vacant positions of an organization. In other word, recruitment isRead MoreHow Personality Affects Employees Behaviors, Attitudes, And Performance At Work1537 Words  | 7 Pagesemployee has different personalit y. Personality can affect people’s attitudes, behaviours and job performance. Therefore, it is very essential for a company to consider and measure employees’ personality. Purpose The purpose of this essay is to explain how personality affects employees’ behaviours, attitudes and performance at work, how personality is measured by organisations. And using academic evidence, argue it is valuable for organization behaviour scholars to conduct personality testing before hiringRead More2005 Organizational Behavior. Essay. . . . . . . . . .1475 Words  | 6 PagesWords: Personality is an independent existence that affects a single body and mind, shows each person s unique ability, thoughts, emotions and behavior (Liebert, R. M. Liebert, L. L., 1998). It affects the behavior and response of the individual to the social and physical environment. In these features, some people are completely unique, such as their memory, habits, eccentric and some are similar or the same with the others. In this case, personality can be judged by some personality traits,Read MoreThe Value Of Personality And Values1199 Words  | 5 PagesPersonality and values†¦everyone has them. Each plays a crucial role that makes us unique and sets us apart from everyone else. Values are the foundation on which an individual’s personality sits. Values lie within a person’s core. It’s a belief system as to what is right, good, wrong, or bad, also known as ethics. Values have two attributes, content and intensity. Content defines the importance and i ntensity measures the importance and forms their value system. Values can be classified a littleRead MoreManagement Functions And Functions Of Management Essay1529 Words  | 7 Pagestheir purpose for the organization. The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The planning function establishes a way to attain the desired objectives, resolve issues and facilitate action. The purpose of the planning function is to align the vision, culture, employees and the organizational structure with the strategies, and this involves multiple levels across the organization. Ultimately, planning is a needed function for business success (Huff 2009)
The Changed Definition Of Marriage - 1592 Words
The Recently Changed Definition of Marriage On June 26th, 2015, the United States Supreme Court voted to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide and in doing so, rattled the belief system of many Christians around the country. Many took to social media and with the terror and panic of Chicken Little cried, â€Å"The sky is falling†, while others lashed out in hateful speech towards the lawmakers and the homosexual community that celebrated their newly given liberty. As Christians begin to look toward the future with a new definition of marriage put into effect before the country, many begin to question what this will mean for the next generation of believers and for the church moving forward. While the federal government may revise the definition of marriage, as outlined in the constitution, it does not have the ability to change the truth of scripture or the definition of marriage outlines within. The argument brought before the Supreme Court was to eliminate the ban on same sex marriage that was still held by thirteen states. This was done as part of a lawsuit called Obergefell versus Hodges. Court documents outline that, â€Å"14 same-sex couples and two men whose same-sex partners are deceased, filed suits in Federal District Courts in their home States, claiming that respondent state officials violate the Fourteenth Amendment by denying them the right to marry or to have marriages lawfully performed in another State given full recognition.†(United States Court of Appeals)Show MoreRelatedDefinition of Marriage Essay804 Words  | 4 Pageswith respect to the definition of marriage. To get married is a very important event for almost everyone. Particularly for women, marriage and giving a birth could be the two major events of their lives. Andrew Sullivan and William Bennett are authors who are arguing about homosexual marriage. Sullivan believes in same-sex marr iage because he thinks everyone has a right to marry. On the other hand, Bennett speaks out against Sullivan’s opinion. Bennett makes a claim that marriage is between a man andRead MoreLegalization of Same-Sex Marriage1446 Words  | 6 Pagessame-sex marriage hits new high; half say Constitution guarantees right†). They have formed organizations, gone to court, and rioted all over the nation; but they are still being denied the simple right to marry (The Gay Rights Movement). Redefining marriage will allow all Americans access, regardless of sexual orientation, to rights given to heterosexual couples without serious social, financial, or legal detriment to society. Those who are against legalizing gay marriage feel that marriage is notRead MoreModern Family Myth Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesBefore complying with the definition of how the traditional family should be, we must be able to first define what a marriage truly is. Marriage as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is â€Å"the intimate or close union of two individuals†, though the definition seems stable enough it isn’t the only definition of marriage and the idea of marriage itself is actually quite wide spread as we see in Evan Wolfson’s â€Å"What is Marriage?†Wolfson mentions in his article that marriage is sometimes for love butRead MoreChanging Family Patterns And Family Life Essay1502 Words  | 7 PagesWhat do we define as a family? Is the legal definition of a family the same as a single person’s definition of family? We consider an adopted child to be part of a family, but only after a lengthy legal process that can tear famili es apart in the process. The definition of family is ever changing and ever evolving. From Kathleen Gerson and Stacy Torres essay Changing Family Patterns and Family Life, Katherine Schulten’s article on the changing definitions of family, Arlie Russell Hochschild’s The SecondRead MoreCompare and Contrast Two Views of Gay Marriage Essay815 Words  | 4 PagesSullivan had written supporting gay marriage in America. Bennett started out by first issuing two key points as to what divides the proponents and opponents of same-sex marriages. The two articles are derived from Sibylle Gruber’s Constructing Others: Constructing Ourselves edition. Bennett notions that legalizing same-sex marriage would weaken the meaning of it and outlines what the basic concept of marriage is. Throughout the article Bennett argues why same-sex marriage should not be legalized by movingRead MoreSociety s View Of Homosexuals1469 Words  | 6 Pagesbecause same-sex couples now shar ed equal rights with straight couples (Makarenko, 2007). There are many events within society that lead to this legalization, such as the unjust imprisonment of Everett Kilppert. Society’s view of homosexuals has changed drastically since the 1960’s, when homosexuality was an incriminating offence, according to Makarenko. This criminalization was irrational and unfair, and thus created conflict within society. This conflict made it difficult for society to functionRead MoreAustralian Law Reform Commission :990 Words  | 4 Pageslegalized gay marriage. Since this approval there has been new debate as to where Australia stands on same-sex marriage. The amount of same-sex couples in Australia increased by 32% from 2006 to 2011 and 70% of the Australian nation believe that Australia should allow the right to same-sex marriage. Before the Marriage Amendment Act 2004 by the Howard Government, there was no previous definition of Marriage in the 1961 Act and the definition was based on common law. The definition changed by the HowardRead MoreTraditional Marriage Has Changed Over The Centuries1166 Words  | 5 PagesTraditional marriage is a marriage between one man and one woman. Also, it is a form of marriage recognized in a given country or religious group. Traditional marriage has been in jeopardy since the traditional concept of marriage has changed over the centuries. One reason why traditional marriage is in jeopardy is because same-sex marriage has increased, especially because it’s legal in the USA. Another reason traditional marriage is in jeopardy is the acceptance of high divorce rate. TraditionalRead MoreWhy Marriage Is Important?1004 Words  | 5 PagesDefining Marriage â€Å"You’re going to regret it†, â€Å"Are you sure you’re ready?†, â€Å"Don’t do it!†These are a couple phrases used by family members or close family friends daily when speaking to an engaged couple soon to be married. Yes, various amounts of congrats are given however more than often marriage is referred to as a negative word and sparks up negative thoughts and conversations. Why marriage in today’s society viewed as a negative act? It is well known that not all marriages are â€Å"happily†marriedRead More Gays Have a Right to Marry Essay779 Words  | 4 Pageshappen, then there would be a better understanding of gay relationships and their want to get married. This would more then likely lead to the ending of the ban on gay marriages. In his essay â€Å"Let Gays Marry†, Andrew Sullivan, who happens to be a homosexual male, tells of how he feels that gays should not be denied the privilege of marriage. In the essay Sullivan says †It’s the same reason anyone wants to get married†about why gays want the right to marry. He feels that if you find the person you love
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe free essay sample
An essay review of the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe set in late 19th century Nigeria, in the midst of colonialism. This review compares the relationship between Okonkwo and his father, Unoka, in the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. The author discusses the similarities and difference between the father and son with specific examples and how their relationship impacted Okonkwos life. The paper consists of an introduction with thesis, body with quotes, and conclusion. The central character of the story is Okonkwo, a wealthy and respected warrior of the Umuofia clan, part of a consortium of nine connected villages of the Igbo tribe. Okonkwo is an influential clan leader whose hard work and bravery in war have earned him a high status within his clan. He was feared among neighboring villages and within his own home as well. Okonkwo was haunted by his late fathers reputation. We will write a custom essay sample on Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Unoka had died a debtor, owing many villagers. He had spent his life poor and idle, preferring music and conversation to war and status.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Taxation - Theory - Practice & Law Capital Loss of Assests
Question: Discuss about the Taxation, Theory, Practice Law for Capital Loss of Assests. Answer: Case 1: The capital gain or capital loss happens due to sale of capital assets. The understanding of capital assets and the valuation of the assets is completely dependent on nature of assets. The assessment of Capital gain or capital loss is calculated from the difference between historical cost of the assets sold and the sale price. If the sale price is higher than the acquisition cost of the asset then theincome generated out of the sales is to be considered as capital gain. The capital gain tax is a income tax but tax implications are different from regular income. There are some exceptions and rules regarding assessment of capital gains are contained in various sections Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to be discussed below(Yourinvestmentpropertymag, 2016). The revenue nature of income is different from capital gain, therefore capital gain or capital loss cannot be adjusted against normal income. The revenue income will not be clubbed with capital income for tax calculation. The capital losscan only be adjusted againstfuture capital gains from sale capital assets. If the capital loss cannot be adjusted in the same accounting year, then the capital loss can be carried forward to the next year. According to the income tax act, personal assets are almost exempt from the capital gain tax. The CGT is not applicable for those assets on which depreciation is charged. It is important to understand the fact that Australian tax resident earns from the sale of property situated other place then Australia, gain on the sale of the assets will be taxed as capital gain tax in Australia(Pwc, 2013). According to Australian Income Tax act, residential house sold by assesses is not considered as the capital assets. The profit from the sale proceeds is not capital gain. The income from the sale of assets is neither considered as capital gain or normal income. The single dwelling house is not covered under capital assets but there are some criteria that will have to be fulfilled. The resident taxpayersdwelling property is under tax exemption from capital gain tax arising out of sale of the property. There are some important considerations that will have to be covered, including the fact that the individual has to dwell or live on that property. There person has to reside at the property. The property has not been used for the business purpose even in part thereof. The address of the property shall match with the electoral roll of the assessee. The other address proofs like electricity bill and the gas connection shall also substantiate the fact that this is only the dwelling property of the assesse(Koulizos, 2016). The exemption will be allowed from capital gain tax in full provided the resident fulfilling the following criteria; The assessee and his family own the house for the full financial year. The property is not in any way being used by the assessee to produce assessable income- and the person has not used any part of the property for use of business. The land area is below two hectares or less of the property. Here the case is however not part of the exemption but it is more relevant to the fact of assessment of the tax. The sale of real estate can also be considered as normal business income, if the property was bough and developed with the intension to make profit out of the investment. Here in this case the factor is considered different and the assessment is completely based on capital gain tax. There is exemption allowed in case the property is inherited by the assessee. The property is inherited but considering the fact that property was residence of the person who left it to the current owner. The assessee needs to keep record of cost incurred during handover of the property(Yahoo, 2016). In this problem the assessee had incurred loss from investment in shares. The loss from the investment is capital loss and that loss can be carried forward to the next year and can be deducted from the capital gain. Shares are sold either generates income or generate loss is to be treated as capital gain and it becomes subject to capital gain tax. Using Indexation Sale Proceeds $800,000 Less: Purchase Price $100,000 Stamp Duty $2,000 Legal Fees $1,000 $103,000 Improvement Cost $20,000 Index March, 1987 $45 August, 2015 $108 January, 1990 $56 Sale Proceeds $800,000 Less: Index cost of acquisition $245,563 Less: Indec cost of Improvement $38,434 Taxable Capital Gain $516,003 Less: Loss on capital gain $10,000 Total taxable capital gain $506,003 Tax on Capital gain Tax on 180000 $54,547 After 180001 to 516002.92 $146,701 Tax Payable $201,248 Discount Method Tax on 180000 $54,547 Tax on Rest $225,000 Total Tax $279,547 50% Exemption $139,773 The capital gain assessment can either be done on the basis of indexation or the discount method can be used to calculate capital gain. The discount method will be applied if property belongs to a trust and to a society or to any person. Under the discount method capital gain tax is reduced by 50%. Here in this case, Fred is a resident who signed a contract to sell his holiday home in the Blue Mountains in August last year. The sale was settled in February this year when Fred received $800,000 from the purchaser. Fred incurred legal fees of $1100 (Inclusive of GST) and real estate agents commission of $9,900 (Inclusive of GST) in relation to the sale(Workingin-australia, 2016). The holiday home in March 1987 for $100,000 and paid $2,000in stamp duty on the transfer and $1000 in legal fees. In January 1990, Fred engaged a builder to build a garage on the property for $20,000. Case 2: The fringe benefit tax is nothing but the extra monetary benefit or benefit in kind, which can be valued in money is provided to the employee as a recognition of his ability and loyalty. Fringe benefit is a different kind of facility apart from salary and wages paid to the employees, the nature of the benefit cannot be equaled to or shall not be considered as salary or wages. The Australian income tax act has definition for fringe benefit, according to the definition and fringe benefit tax rules benefit provided to the respect of employment. There are effective ways to calculate fringe benefits provided to the employee. The calculation of benefit provided to the employee in course of employment will be calculated in comparison to the market value of the benefit provided to the employee. If employee has benefited from it the benefit amount will be considered as taxable income and to be taxed according to the normal income tax rate(Ato, 2016). This offers an employee to use a work car for the private purpose. Work car for private purposes Offering cheap loan employee's gym membership By way of free tickets to concerts Foods at restaurants and accommodation facility Reimburses an expense incurred by an employee incurred by an employee(Ato, 2016) The benefits provided in respect to the employment and the use of those facilities is mainly for work is not considered as fringe benefit. The computers, laptops and mobile phone given to the employee to be used for the work related purpose will also not be used will not be considered as fringe benefit and hence will not be taxed. There are specific exemption limits mentioned in the income tax act and the exemption will be disallowed once the benefits are used primarily for office purpose and later on for the personal reasons(Ato, 2016). The benefits which are not considered as employment benefits will be taxed in the hands of the employee. The cheap loan provided to the employee will be taxed to the extent the loan is enjoying interest free benefit or low interest rate. The taxable value of the loan will not be considered as fringe benefit can be reduced in accordance with the income tax rules of Australia. The taxable value will be reduced to the extent the interest is paid against the loan. If the employee uses the loan for investment in fixed interest bearing instrument, the interest received from the instrument will be reduced by the amount of interest paid by the employee(Ato, 2016). Here in the case the company Periwinkle provided car to his employee Emma which she uses for work purposes. The cost price of the car was $33,000 (including GST). She travelled 10,000 kilometers in and the car expenses incurred of $550 (including GST). Emma has never used that car for personal reasons. Emma's usage however is not restricted to work but she could have used it for personal purpose. In fact she has not used the car for her personal purpose. Therefore the facility provided to her not is considered as fringe benefit(Ato, 2016). Apart from the car the following facilities are also provided to Emma; Periwinkle provided Emma loan of $500,000 at an interest of 4.45%. the loan amount is used partially to buy holiday home worth of $450,000 and rest $50,000 she gave to her husband on interest free to purchase shares. Emma purchased a bathtub from Periwinkle for $1,300. The bathtub costs in the market at $2600 and company cost is $700(Ato, 2016). To calculate fringe benefit tax; first case is however tax exempt as car was used by Emma for official purpose only. This car use will not be considered under FBT. The use of lower interest loan from the company would be treated as the fringe benefit; 1 Calculate the taxable value of the loan fringe FBT Tax 28250 Deduction $500000 @4.45% 22250 6000 FBT Benchmark Interest Rate 5.65% 2 Interest rate charged on $50000 28250 at 5.65% 3 Employee paid interest equal to the amount of FBT Tax $450000 @ 5.65% 25425 4 Employee is being charged interest on the loan Taxable Amount more than $50000 2225 5 Subtract deductible amount 23200 step4 from amount in step 3 6 The taxable value is the result from 28250 step1 minus the result from step5. Less: Interest paid on purchase of Shares 2225 Total Taxable fringe benefit 26025 The taxable fringe benefit as calculated above would be $26025. Emma purchased a bathtub manufactured by Periwinkle for $1,300. The bathtub cost Periwinkle $700 to manufacture and is sold to the general public for $2,600. Therefore the tax amount will be added with another $1300 ($2600-$1300). Total taxable fringe benefit to Emma would be $27325(Ato, 2016). The fringe benefit tax rate for accounting yearending 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 is 49%. Emma will have to pay tax on $27325 @ 49% tax amount will be added apart from the tax calculation on her salary and other income. The tax liability of the employee would be increased significantly as she used the benefits provided to her and the benefits are being diverted for the use of personal purpose(Ato, 2016). Bibliography Ato, 2016. FBT exemptions and concessions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Ato, 2016. Fringe benefits tax rates and thresholds. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Ato, 2016. How to calculate your FBT. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 September 2016]. Ato, 2016. Reduction in taxable value where interest would have been deductible to employee. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Ato, 2016. What is fringe benefits tax? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Ato, 2016. Work-related items exempt from FBT. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Business, 2016. Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 September 2016]. Koulizos, P., 2016. What is Capital Gains Tax? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Pwc, 2013. Australia: Legislation to remove 50% capital gains tax discount for foreign and temporary residents is now law. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016]. Workingin-australia, 2016. Understanding Australian capital gains tax. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 September 2016]. Yahoo, 2016. What % rate is capital gains tax in australia? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 September 2016]. Yourinvestmentpropertymag, 2016. Capital Gains Tax Estimator. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 September 2016].
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