Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Clown Program Development in Hospitals
Clown Program Development in Hospitals Issues associated with the development of clowns Most of the children tend to shy away from the hospitals because of its frightening nature and experiences. The hospital presents a place away from home for the child with no familiar family members around. The environment is always strange with smell and noise and this creates some fear of the new and unknown to the child.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Clown Program Development in Hospitals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the development of clown program tends to alleviate child’s fear of being within the confines of a hospital by making them feel at ease. This kind of freedom has a positive impact on the child’s healing process since it provides an effective distraction from the pains of illness (Joseph, 2002). Therapeutic Clown change the child’s experiences in hospitals by offering good substitute to the needles and painful processe s. It provides the patient with the opportunity to have fun which is natural and normal to the children. Therapeutic clown offers the children emotional comfort by being the child’s playmate or a friend (Source Direct, 2004). This makes the clowning program in hospitals to be an effective therapy to certain illness since it forms a vital part during recovery process. The process is made possible through the subtle humour that goes with it helping in pain alleviation; this therefore makes it be accepted as one of the rehabilitation treatments to children (Cino, 2010). Clown program provide an immediate special kind of treatment through fun and laughter which has physiological and psychological benefits. This helps the children to feel more comfortable with the medical procedures and emergency cases. There are cases whereby some children, young people and even young adults fear interacting with the clowns. This might be because of unfamiliarity they have with the Clown’s make- up and costuming, other cases can be attributed to insensitivity and unskilled clowns. This can also be aroused by the fear of the evil clowns usually given wide coverage through the media. Therapeutic clowns must learn on how to approach patients professionally to avoid negative responses from the children and others (Koller and Gryski, 2007). Cost and Benefits of clown program Growing research has revealed that the use of clown program has significant benefits for medical treatment as well as the maintenance of health care systems since it reduces the use of pharmaceuticals. This ensures that the high costs involved in the use of drugs and the complications that may accompany it are minimized. The clown program also acts as substitute to ease the tension and fear that a child may undergo during certain medical processes. Besides the patients, clown program is also beneficial to the health care workers since it improves their working conditions (Koller and Gryski, 2007). The re is faster growth on the costs of Pharmaceuticals of all kinds; this has contributed to the increase in healthcare costs in most countries. The clown program hence, provides the best alternative for the reduction on the use of these hence controlling the health care costs (Koller and Gryski, 2007).Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Implementing the program in healthcare organization Research has revealed that the use of Arts-based programs and activities alongside creative Arts Therapies has produced effective results when used as tools for improvement of health. These programs have proved to lower the costs of health care and even contribute towards sustainability of health care systems. The use of clowns has tremendously contributed to the health of individuals and community at large (Arts and Health Network, 2010). The research done in the health care organization has co nsistently cited the importance of implementing psychosocial care within the children’s health care unit (Oremland and Oremland, 2000). It has been noted that play in children protects the child against developmental delays including emotional maturity (Pederson, 1995, pp. 365-375; Vessey et al, 1994, 369-381). This makes it vital for the healthcare organizations to implement hospital play programs that assist in psychosocial care. The clown program presents the children with opportunity to interact and get thoroughly involved in plays (Koller and Gryski, 2007). References Arts and Health Network. (2010). Arts for the health of it, and the Joy of it. Retrieved from Cino, L. (2010). The Therapeutic Clown Program. Retrieved from Joseph, M. (2002). Therapeutic Clowning: Healing connection through play. Credit Valley Hospital 20 (5), 4. Koller, D. and Gryski, C. (2007). The life Threatened Child and the Enhancing Clown. RetrievedAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Clown Program Development in Hospitals specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Oremland, E., Oremland, D. (2000). Protecting the Emotional Development of the Child. The Essence of the Child Life Profession. Madison (CT): Psychosocial Press. Pederson, C. (1995). Effect of imagery on childrens pain and anxiety during cardiac catheterization. J Pediatr Nurs: Nurs Care Children Families, 10:365–75. Source direct. (2004). Source of Unique fine food and beverage products. Web. Vessey, J., Carlson, K. and McGill J. (1994). Use of distraction with children during an acute pain experience. Nurs Res; Vol. 43:369–81.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sikh Amongst the first remarks made by Guru Nanak upon his enlightenment as a Sikh, is that ‘there is no Hindu, there is no Musalman’ (Singh 134). Guru Nanak, the religious founder of Hindu Sikhism, used this remark to address the long standing relationship between Sikh and the Muslim. Nanak implied that all human beings are equal and that any profiling of people on the basis of their religion, skin colour, gender or any other form of stereotypical description is founded on ignorance.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sikh-Muslim conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nanak also added that racial profiling of people does not have any sense of truth since all people are created equally by one creator. As such people from all backgrounds ought to live in peace and harmony, love and kindness towards each other as brothers and sisters from the same creator. Despite Guru Nanak’s philosophy of peac e and love towards each other, the conflict between Hindu Sikhs, of which Nanak was one and the Muslim has had along history. The Sikh-Muslim conflict has evolved over long period of time but many philosophers, analysts and scholars tend to focus on the negative nature of this special relationship forgetting the more positive aspects. Suffice to say that, other than the strong personal relationship between Guru Nanak and other Muslim leaders of the time, it has also been recorded that some Muslim solders served in Guru Nanak’s Hindu army. Despite the positive relationship the Sikh-Muslim conflict has at times been so strained to the extent that it has turned violent. Moreover, many philosophers and scholar argue that this conflict is religio-political. Therefore, despite friendly relationship between the Sikh and the Muslim, violent confrontations have characterised this conflict that has also assumed the religio-political perspective. Despite the fact that Many Muslims and S ikhs view each other as inveterate enemies, these two communities have a long and complex relationship characterised, at times by very friendly relationships. Many scholars tend to focus their attention on studying the more confrontational aspects of this special relationship. However, the Sikh-Muslim relationship is historically founded on cooperation rather than conflict. Many Sikhs and Muslim are oblivious of the fact that Guru Nanak sole aim was to promote friendly relationships between the Hindu and the Muslim people. Guru Nanak sought to attain this by bridging the existing gap between the two communities through his teaching of love, peace and harmony. Furthermore one of Guru Nanak’s closet ally and disciple, Mardana, was a Muslim. Other than this, Guru Nanak made several symbolic journeys to Mecca and Baghdad in search of peace between Sikhs and Muslim. There are other symbolic occurrences that sought to cement friendly relationship between the two communities.Adverti sing Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Harminder Sahib, the Golden Temple of the Hindu Sikh, had its foundation stone laid by a muslin cleric Hazrat Mian Mir Sahib upon the requests of Guru Arjan (Sikand, â€Å"Interview†paras 7 – 10). Singh also reports that some of the soldiers who served in Guru Nanak’s army professed the Muslim faith, while still maintaining their loyalty to Guru Nanak (134). As such to claim that the Sikh-Muslim relations have been usually negative is to miss the point. Despite the long history of friendly relationship, the Sikhs and the Muslim have also have bitter differences that have at times turned violent. The confrontation have at times been too much violent that the two communities have been accused of ‘washing their dirty linen in public’ (Kundnani para 1). There are various instances of violent conf rontations between the Muslim and the Hindu Sikhs in recent times. Some of these violent confrontations have been motivated by such issues as war on terror. In 2001, Sikhs and Muslims engaged on running battler in Bradford, India, over the differences of the definition of terrorism. In the same year, a 15 year old Hindu girl was reportedly severely injured after an argument over the event of the September 2001 bombing of the world trade centre in New York. Some of the violent confrontations between these two communities have turned tragic, such as the killing of three British Muslims on holiday in India. It has been reported that the killings were inspired by the state sponsored war against terrorism and as such any Muslim especially foreigners in the Gujarat state was seen as a representation of terrorism. The state government was accused of distributing weapon such as machetes that were used in such murders (Kundnani para 2 – 4). While the confrontation seems like isolated occurrences, the violence is a manifestation of long running hatred inspired by religious and political propaganda. This type of propaganda is spread through journals, newspaper and newsletter articles, with very strong views against the other community dominating such publications. Readers of these articles are influenced to stand up and defended their sovereignty. This type of attitude has slowly led to the build up of these violent confrontations (Brass 436, 438). The conflict between the Sikhs and Muslims is a result of the long standing religious and political differences. Suffice to say that that other than being racial groups, the Sikhs and the Muslim are distinctive religious groups.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sikh-Muslim conflict specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The confrontations are drawn out of the fact that the Sikhs and the Muslims religious foundations have assumed a political dimension such that the two see each other as opposing political ideologies. The hostilities emerge as a result of the intention of the Sikhs and the Muslims to maintain a religious identity through a political agenda (Johnstone 132). This type of religious and political identification is totally against the philosophy of Guru Nanak (Singh 134). Due to the concerted effort of Guru Nanak and other Muslim clerics made to maintain friendliness in the 15th and 16the centuries, the religious and political hostilities are only sees as the characteristic of post-Nanak era. Furthermore, the post Nanak Sikh identity has fundamentally changed from the open an accommodating to a more radical religio-political identity. The Sikh sees the Islam as the enemy religion. These strong religion-political conflicts are felt in Punjab where the two communities kill each other in what is seen as religious massacre (Sikand, â€Å" Life of Baba Nanak†para 4). The strong religion and political differences sti ll drive the conflict not only in Punjab but in other areas such Kashmir today. The Sikh and the Muslim have a complex historical relationship. Despite the fact that many see this relationship and only based on violent confrontation, the Sikhs and the Muslim have existed peacefully. There have been several instances of cooperation between Sikhs and Muslims scuh as the laying of the foundation stone of the Sikhs golden temple in Amritsar by a Muslim cleric, a symbolic event that is emblematic of the historical cooperation between the two communities. The violent nature of Sikh-Muslim relationship is a manifestation of religious and political differences that exist between the two communities. Due to the complexities involved, there is no end in sight to this historical affair. Brass ,Paul. The production of Hindu-Muslim violence in contemporary India. Washington: University of Washington Press, 2003. Print Johnstone, Ronald. Religion in society: A sociology of religion. Michigan: Prentice Hall, 2006. PrintAdvertising Looking for research paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kanwarjit, Singh. Political philosophy of the Sikh gurus. New Delhi: Atlantic publisher and distributors, 1989. Print Kundnani, Arun. An unholy alliance? Racism, religion and communalism. 2002. July 14, 2011 Sikand, Yoginder. Interview : Makhdoom Syed Chan Pir Qadri on Sikh Muslim relations. 2002. Web. Sikand, Yoginder. Re-Imagining Sikh-Muslim Relations in the light of the Life of Baba Nanak. 2005. July 14, 2011
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economic Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economic Concepts - Essay Example e) Michelle seems to be much more efficient than James at utilizing the same space and resources for the purpose of both raising chickens and growing potatoes. Perhaps Michelle is a much more experienced farmer than James or perhaps the soil in Michelle’s farm is much more fertile. Regardless Michelle has the absolute advantage in both the chicken and potato production compared to James. f) Since Michelle can produce potatoes at a ratio of 4 pounds of potatoes per chicken versus James ratio of 2 pounds of potatoes per chicken, so to Michelle’s the potato crop is more valuable compared to her chicken production. Michelle holds the comparative advantage in the production of potatoes. g) Since James can only produce 80 pounds of potatoes year, but yet he is able to produce 40 chickens which are more valuable than the 80 pounds of potatoes he can produce in his farm; James holds the comparative advantage in the production of chickens. h) If both James and Michelle were to s pecialize in the area where they both hold a comparative advantage they would both be better off. Since based the exchange rate is 2.5 pounds of potatoes for each chicken Michelle’s 200 pounds potatoes are worth 80 chickens versus her capability of producing 50 chickens. This represents a 60% increase in her overall production. In the case of James 40 chickens are worth 100 pounds of potatoes versus his farm production capacity of capacity of 80 pounds of potatoes.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Freedom as it Exists Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Freedom as it Exists Today - Essay Example Democracy does not look the same as it did in 1620. Self-professed Christians do not believe everyone should have the right to worship in their own manner. They believe their version of religion should be taught in schools regardless of its intellectual merit and foisted on American citizens for their own spiriual good. Renaissance humanism has become so much a part of the consciousness of people in Western societies, that the idea of someone telling them how they should worhip never even occurs to them. Many people who live in the United States also never consider the priveleges of living in a democracy, the ability to have equal say in how the government is run. In fact, people in the United States have become so accustomed to the notion of democracy, many do not even participate in it. That is, they do not exercise their right to vote, which is the privilege of democracy, having an equal voice in what laws are passed and who will represent citizens in government. Even worse, accor ding to Frances Fox Piven is â€Å"the sheer complexity of our economic and political system [that] makes democratic choice and deliberation difficult if not impossible. Democratic possibilities depend crucially on the ability of the public to understand what is happening to our society and why, and especially on the ability of the public to decipher the role of government policies (Howard, 2011, p. 68). Each session of the congresses result in more laws that the average citizen may not understand or even have knowledge of. The candidates for office are chosen on their ability to pay for their campaign and not so much on their fitness for office or their ideas. These people with lots of money pass laws favoring their own kind and cloak it in propaganda that fools the gullible electorate into believing it is for their welfare. When and if the people who were fooled into voting for it find out they have been duped, it is too late. Is it any wonder that many do not vote? They do not k now what they are voting for, and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Video game aggression Essay Example for Free
Video game aggression Essay As technology continues to forge ahead concerns about its effects on the populace are raised. Whether it be microwave ovens causing cancer or cell phones causing accidents, people are always interested in researching, and often condemning, these new products. Such is this case with videogames. Ever since PongO swept the nation, scholars have been researching videogames effects on children. The most popular aspect of videogame research is whether or not games increase aggression. A video game is any console or PC based interactive game, aggression is any thoughts or behaviors related with the intention to cause harm. Contrary to popular belief, there is no reliable correlation between videogames and aggression. Claims are the backbone to a study; they are both the starting point and the goal. Cooper and Mackie (1986) sought to discover if a highly violent game would affect 4th and 5th grade kids differently than a nonviolent game or a paper-and-pencil game. Tamborini et all (2000) predicted that aggressive thoughts and behaviors would be highest amongst those playing a violent virtual reality game followed by those playing a violent standard game, followed by those playing a nonviolent standard game. Derek (1995) was interested in what effect, if any, playing violent games would have on aggressiveness in different personality types. Ballard and Weist (1996) researched whether the level of violence in a game would affect peoples responses on a hostility questionnaire. Sherry (2000) performed a meta-analysis on 25 video game/aggression studies; he wanted to see if there was any credence to the claims. All five studies are very similar in their intent. They mostly focus on whether the level of immersion (via different hardware, violent content, and/or graphics) affects the level of aggression. To understand a study one must understand the definitions used within that study. All five studies use the same general definition of a videogame that the general public uses; an interactive game played on a television or monitor whereby onscreen objects can be manipulated through the use of a controller. Violent video games are those that involve death and destruction to things resembling reality and/or fantasy. Definitions of aggression, however, differ. Cooper and Mackie (1986) used a childs toy selection and distribution of reward/punishment as an indicator of aggression. Tamborini et all (2000) consider aggression to be hostile thoughts. Derek (1995) defines aggression as a mindset that includes seven subcategories (the Buss-Durkee Inventory): assault, irritability, indirect hostility, negativism, resentment, suspicion, and verbal hostility. Ballard and Weist (1996) use the word hostility instead of aggression. In this case it refers to thoughts of defensiveness, dominance, aggression, self-confidence, nurturance, and autonomy. Sherry (2000) just says, ?and some form of aggressiveness as the dependent variable. The Cooper and Mackie study and the Sherry study are the only two that incorporate behavior in their definition of aggressiveness. All of the others deal only with thoughts, but are quite similar in their intent. The real make-or-break portion of research is the method in which you seek and categorize the data. Cooper and Mackie (1986) took 84 4th and 5th graders from New Jersey. They had equal numbers of boys and girls separated into three groups. One group played the violent game Missile Commander (a cheesy game where you shoot lasers at little dots representing bombs falling on a city), another played Pac Man (which we all know and love), and the control group solved mazes with pencil and paper. After 8 minutes of game play the kids were told to select a toy to play with while the researcher did some work (the researcher was actually observing how long the child play with each toy. They could select a Shogun warrior (a violent toy), Nerf basketball (an active toy), Lincoln Logs (a quiet game), or pop-up pinball (a skill game). Which toy the child selected acted as an indicator of mindset. After the play session the children were told to hold down a button to indicate the length of a time a child should be punished for various acts of insubordination. They were then told to hold down a button for the length of time a child should be rewarded for various good deeds. Tamborini et all (2000) enlisted 92 MSU undergrads in the Communications department. The predominantly female assemblage was split into three groups. Before playing any games they filled out a self-report questionnaire concerning aggressive tendencies. The first group got to play Duke Nukem 3D on a virtual reality system (Duke Nukem is a modern first-person shooter where you run around blasting aliens; virtual reality systems incorporate a headset and gloves to more fully immerse the player), the second group played Duke Nukem 3D on a regular computer, and the third group played Cool Boarder (a realistic snowboarding game) on a regular PC. Participants got to play for ten minutes then filled out a thought list coded for types and frequency of hostile thoughts. They also filled out an evaluation of the research assistant they dealt with, this was meant to be another measure of aggressiveness. Derek (1995) enlisted 117 students from Strathclyde University (60% women). Participants were split into three groups. The non-aggressive game group played Tetris (a real-time strategy game), the moderately aggressive game group played Overkill (a typical space-blasters game which no one has heard of), the aggressive game group played Fatal Fury (a martial arts fighting game with high levels of trauma and gore). Players were given a personality test before and after game play under the guise that the study was concerned with hand-eye coordination as it relates to personality. Ballard and Weist (1996) took 30 male undergraduates from Appalachian State University. The guys were split into two groups. Group one played Corner Pocket (a billiards game with virtually no action) while group two played Mortal Kombat (an extremely popular fighting game), which was set at either high violence mode or low violence mode. The subjects played for 10 minutes before filling out a hostility questionnaire. Sherry (2000) drank hundreds of cups of coffee and alienated his wife and kids while pouring over insane amounts of research. There were 32 studies available to him, 7 of which he had to throw out for various reasons. Of the remaining 25 he carefully looked for validity problems while synthesizing them into the definitive meta-analysis on this topic. As with all things capitalist and otherwise, its all about the bottom line, lets see what they found. Cooper and Mackie (1986) found that, overall, the kids played with the skilled toy and quiet toy (118 sec. and 134 sec. respectively) more than the active toy or aggressive toy (89 sec. and 59 sec. ). After exposure to the aggressive game the kids played with the aggressive toy more than the kids in the other two conditions combined (82 sec. compared to 46 sec. for the other two groups). Amount of time pressing the reward/punishment buzzers was not correlated with the game played. Tamborini et all (2000) found a significant effect for media environment on hostile thoughts, F (3,91)=7.21, p*. 01, eta=. 20. Contrary to expectations, a higher number of hostil thoughts was found among those who played the game on a PC, not those who played Virtual Reality. They did find that those playing violent games had higher hostility ratings than those whom played nonviolent games, but the highest hostility was found among those who observed the violent games. Derek (1995) used a one-way ANOVA test and found no significant differences between overall changes in aggressiveness and type of game played. Pearsons correlation coefficients also failed to show a significant relationship between type of game played and change in level of aggression. Ballard and Weist (1996) used a one-way MANOVA test and found a significant relationship between levels of hostility and type of game. Hostility scores were higher after playing high-gore Mortal Kombat than they were after playing low-gore Mortal Kombat. Both were significantly high than those who played the billiards game. Sherry (2000) used the Pearson R on each of the 25 studies individually, he then subtracted out the variance due to sampling error. This resulted in a large standard deviation in the weighted effect size, suggesting extraneous variables at work. He also performed a Fisher Zr test, and was unable to reject the null hypothesis. In the words of Austin Powers, whoopdy-doo, what does it all mean There are many factors that cloud the issue, but overall it seems that the evidence is not very convincing. In the Cooper and Mackie study (1986) the higher levels of play time with the aggressive toy was accounted for almost entirely by the female participants. One theory is that playing the aggressive video game empowered the girls (whom are normally shunned from doing aggressive things) to broaden their aggressive horizons; at the least it calls into question issues of generality. The age of this study is also a factor, Sherry (2000) points out that there is a trend for older video game studies to have greater effect sizes. An issue with all of the studies was the short amount of time participants played the games. Sherry (2000) found that playing time was a negative predictor of effect size. It seems that there is an initial spike in aggression that goes away after longer exposure. Tamborini et alls (2000) findings are odd due to the fact that the observers reported the highest hostility. This could indicate that seeing violence on screen-not necessarily controlling it- leads to higher aggression. The most convincing evidence of all is the meta-analysis (Sherry, 2000). His exhaustive study was unable to produce resounding results, indicating that the positive findings in some of the studies could be anomalous. This lack of evidence would leave one to believe that the status quo is acceptable. Game content can be found through the rating system, but any other measures would be burdensome and unnecessary. So, until more convincing data comes along we can rest assured that any rage is the result of good old American anger, not blasting on-screen boogie men. Bibliography Works Cited Ballard, M. E. , Wiest, J. R. (1996). Mortal Kombat: The Effects of Violent Videogame Play on Males Hostility and Cardiovascular Responding. Journal of Applied Psychology, 26, 717-730. Cooper, J. , Mackie, D. (1986). Video Games and Aggression in Children. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16, 726-744. Derek, S. (1995). The Effect of Video Games on Feelings of Hostility. The Journal of Psychology, 129, 121-130. Sherry, J. L. (2000). The Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggression: A Meta-Analysis. Human Communication Research*. Tamborini, R. , Eastin, M. , Lachlan, K. , Fediuk, T. , Brady, R. , Skalski, P. (2000). Virtual Violence. 86th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Sir. Baldric and The Evil Threshmit :: essays research papers
Sir. Baldric and The Evil Threshmit      It was a frigid night at Rockland Palace. The wind blew hard, and howled out of the night, as the rain beat down on Sir. Morgan as he stood outside the castle walls. He had just returned with the news from King Crenshaw. Suddenly from the dark of the night came Threshmite, the great enemy of man. The description of the beast given by the churl , who stood witness to Sir Morgan's dismemberment, was that of a giant, man eating firs snorting, three headed savage warthog gargoyle. As the lightening flashed, and the thunder clapped, the it reared it's center head up, and gave a fell glare into the eyes of the helpless peasant, who was frozen in a horrified Position.      It took nearly five hours, and the help of the resident magician to get that out of him. He is as skittish as a hind , afraid to venture out of the castle walls, or even let down the drawbridge, for fear of becoming Threashmis' next meal. King Lenson grieved deeply over his departed friend. He then asked for volunteers to hunt down the scatheful beast. The reaction to his request was pathetic, not a man stood. It seemed as though King Lenson's valiant knights were nothing more than a flock of recreants. At last Sir. Baldric stepped forward, he had risen to the occasion, proving true to his troth. He was truly a stalwart knight.      Early the next morning Baldric awakened, in preparation for his endeavor. He dressed himself with care, methodically arranging his raiment. As he pulled his hauberk over his head, and sweeping shoulders the lady of the castle mad her way gently into the room. She helped him finish dressing, and when he went to leave the room she made a tryst between herself and Sir Baldric. They would meet in the church before he left. She softly kissed his cheek, and departed. He went to the arms room, and took down his sword from it's place on the wall. It shone bright in the morning bask. It was whet after every use and now ready for action. He saddled his horse, and went to go meet with lady Lenson in the church. He found her in the last pew, dolorous and weeping. She begged him not to go, so he pledged his mission in her honor. He was bound by heart, and soul to seek and destroy Threshmiter. The king sent him out on his way, and told Sir Baldric he would return victorious.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Dadaism And Surrealism
Introduction: The 19th. Century was an era of invention and discovery. The horrors of the First World War led to widespread social trauma. People found consolation in art and literature, and used it as a way to express their outrage caused by the war. People demented a form of expression that was honest, realistic, and critical of political and social behaviors. This Disillusionment following the war manifested itself in a number of ways, sparking artistic, literary, philosophical, musical, and cultural movements.In contrast to pre-war artistic movements, such as Impressionism, post- ar art became bleak and cynical, changing the rules, abandoning tradition. Literature mirrored the artistic movements in exposing the atrocities committed during the world war. Some people were revolted by nationalism and what it had caused; so, they began to work towards a more internationalist world through organizations such as the League of Nations. Pacifism became increasingly popular. Others had th e opposite reaction, feeling that only military strength could be relied on.Dadaism Dada or Dadaism was a post-World War I cultural movement in visual art as well as literature (mainly poetry), theatre and graphic design. The movement was originated in Zurich and Trace in 1916. This movement was a protest against the barbarism of the War. Its works were characterized by a deliberate irrationality and the rejection of the prevailing standards of art. There was also a rejection of war politics and social organization. Characteristics: Dada artworks allow the viewer to interpret artworks in a variety of ways.It was an artistic revolt and protest against traditional beliefs of a pro-war society, and also fought against sexism/racism to a lesser degree. It was an anti-war movement created by artists around Europe as a way to express he troubles and traumas within societies affected by the war itself. Influences by Futurism, Cubism and Expressionism Collage Technique of cutting pieces of paper items and including items such as transportation tickets, maps, plastic wrappers, etc. To portray aspects of everyday life.Photometer Dadaists used scissors and glue rather than paintbrushes and paints to express their views of modern life through images presented by the media. Photometer utilized actual or reproductions of real photographs printed in the press. Key figures: Tristan Tsar (1896 – 1963) was a Romania avian-garden poet, essayist and reference artist. Also active as a Journalist, playwright, literary and art critic, composer and film director, he was known best for being one of the founders and central figures of the anti-establishment Dada movement. Hannah Hooch (1889 – 1978) was a German Dada artist.She was one of the originators of photometer. Francis Pica (1879 – 1953) was a French painter, poet, and typographic, associated with Cubism, Abstract art, Dada and Surrealism. Surrealism Surrealism is a cultural and artistic movement that began in the sass's in Paris. It is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The movement spread around the globe, eventually affecting the visual arts, literature, film, and music of many countries and languages, as well as political thought and practice, philosophy, and social theory. The aim was to â€Å"resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality. Artists developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself. The goal of Surrealist artists was not to produce lifelike replications of people or objects, nor were these artists concerned with creating works of delightful abstract beauty to delight the eyes. They were instead focused upon using all forms of art as a meaner to express the real functioning of the human mind. Fraud's work with free association, dream analysis, and the unconscious was of utmost importance to the Surrealists in developing methods to liberate imagination.Surrealism in all its forms is highly concerned with dreams and the subconscious mind. Surrealist art does not shy away from shocking, sexual or violent imagery; artists within this school actively sought to push the boundaries of what was considered socially acceptable and artistically valid. Surrealist literature Lit ©return contained automatism works and accounts of dreams. Examples of Surrealist literature are Artist's El Pees-Nerds (1926), Argon's Urine's Count (1927), P ©retest's Death to the Pigs (1929), Creel's Mr.. Knife Miss Fork (1931), Shades Headway's the Blind Owl (1937), and Bretons Sure la route De San Romano (1948).Surrealist films Early films by Surrealists include: Un Chine Nodal by Luis Bundle and Salvador Dali (1929) L'?GE door by Bundle and Dali (1930) Music by Surrealists Jazz and blues music were very important during this movement Key figures: Salvador Dali was an Spanish painter and filmmaker whose melting clocks and five- egged stick animals are easily recognized throughout the world. Like the other Sur realists, Dali sought to explore the nature of the artist's true self by embracing the marvelous, irrational, subconscious areas of the mind.The Persistence of Memory is a painting by the famous Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali. The original title of this painting is â€Å"La persistence De la memoriam†and it depicts a fetus-like head lying on the ground, like a fish that was washed ashore and now decaying after a lost struggle gasping for air. There are four watches in this painting, three of which appear to be molten, as if made out of cheese. The only watch whose structure doesn't appear to be malformed – unlike other watches it is orange in color – is sitting on a desk-like object.The ants seem to have found a point of interest in the centre of the orange watch. It possibly derives its meaning from Sigmund Fraud's work on psychoanalysis because Dali painted it during his psychoanalytical era of painting. Interpretation 1: The persistence of memory me aning theme: the drooping backstretches possibly suggest the irrelevance of time during sleep. In other words, when we are asleep, or not conscious, the time does not persist, but memories do. Interpretation 2: Yet another interpretation of this painting may, through the use of symbolism, suggest Einstein theory that time is relative and is not fixed.Conclusion Art movements are born out of the need for people to express their reactions to social, political and religious changes. Whether they accept them or openly disdain them the goals are equal in velocity: To promote their perspective of current changes. In most situations, new movements will gradually appear on the art scene. As the movement grows it will offer the artists an opportunity to explore new philosophies hill extending an invitation for them to enlist among the ranks, adopt some of the ideas or continue to remain loyal to their current trend.The new movement will no doubt meet with resistance from critics and patrons alike, who usually perceive the new movement as nothing more than an unsolicited crusade with little or no hope of survival. The artists, on the other hand, adamant that the message conveyed through their art is critical, will continue to push forward with their movement until it gains acceptance or has reached its apex and has nothing new to offer in the way of ideas.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Managerial Accounting Case Essay
In the Seligram case, the existing cost accounting system measured two components of cost: direct labor and burden. All burden cost, which is the overhead, was grouped into a single cost pool and was calculated only by using a burden rate per direct labor dollar. This may cause problems since direct labor and overhead are not consumed by the products in the same proportion. Simply using the same burden rate is obsolescent. First of all, direct labor hours per lot tested had been steadily declining, especially with the increase of dependence on vendor certification. This will result in the change of the burden rate. Besides, this system distorts the price to some extent, making the price for complex parts cheaper while price for elementary testing higher compared with price for outside services. What is more, the consequences brought from the introduction of high -technology components would decrease the direct labor hour. All of this was trending to higher burden rates and overall hi gher rates. Cost allocation based on current burden rate of 145% is calculated within the Exhibit1. Having noticed of the problems of the existing system, the accounting manager proposed a two-burden-pool method to allocate the burden cost. Under the two-burden-pool method, burden cost has been divided into two pools: one is the burden cost related to the administrative and technical functions and the other is test related burden. The former is calculated based on direct labor dollar, the latter one is calculated by using machine hours. This method takes other factors that cause the burden into account, which makes the cost allocation more accurate than the existing method. The result of two-burden-pool is as the follows. The consultant proposed a more detailed cost allocation method, i.e. separate burden centers from each of each test room and common technical and administrative pool so that a three-burden-pool is formed. Under this method, burden cost in test rooms would be allocated on a machine-hour basis, and technical and administrative costs would continue to be charged on a rate per direct labor dollar. This method is more accurate in allocating the burden cost by providing a cost of each product or job. Through this way, ETO could differentiate client and product and calculate the cost more accurately from direct data such as the machine hour to product a certain product, so that they need not to guess the real cost of that product by allocating cost according to estimation. Besides, due the process of automatic, direct labor dollar amount alone could not reflect the real picture of burden cost as before. So it is necessary to take other related factor into account when allocating burden cost and more detailed analysis of the allocation basis is needed. The allocation result of three-burden-pool is listed below: Since the three-burden-pool system is most accurate in allocating burden cost among those three methods, it is preferable. However, it does not mean the three-burden-pool system is perfect. Because this system provides more accurate and detailed information of the production process, it will cost more than the other two methods. In addition, the redesign of the three-burden-pool system could be expensive too due to the complexity of the system. In order to improve this system, ETO needs to pay attention of the relationship of cost and benefit. Besides, ETO could set up a system that is easy and effective to perform to save the cost of implicating three-burden-pool. Besides the consideration of proposed cost allocation methods, Seligram should also arrange the new equipment into an appropriate cost pool which indicates a more reliable estimation. Assuming that new equipment has a separate cost center, all variable cost, fixed cost and depreciation will be reported separately. The burden rate is only based on the machine hours of new equipment which are 400hr (Year1) and 2400hr (Year2-8). Additionally, we use Double-decline method for depreciation. Balance is shown in Exhibit4. The separate burden rate for Year 1 would be much higher than those in the following years due to set up costs (Exhibit 5). Burden rates combined with main testing room are calculated in Exhibit 6. All combined burden rates are much lower than the separate costing rates. We recommend choosing a separate cost center for new equipment, even though the rates are much higher. Due to the current situation that lower costs for more complex components, which is abnormal, separate method would reflect more accurate and reliable costs of new imported machines. Obviously, combined method would influence the presentation of true costs. The costs are reduced by other factors in main testing room. Higher burden rates are more reasonable that these new machines have higher cost in essence and also they are just for testing components from several specific clients. Higher burden rates are more accurate.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Repercussions of an introvert personality Essay Example
Repercussions of an introvert personality Essay Example Repercussions of an introvert personality Essay Repercussions of an introvert personality Essay This report aims to explain and justify the repercussions of an introvert personality, remarkably in a job which involves public contact. It is done so by taking into consideration various factors which would affect an individual personality. The word personality originates from the Greek word persona, which means mask. It is notably interesting to be knowledgeable about the theatres of the ancient Latin-speaking world, wherein the mask was not used as a plot device to disguise the identity of a character, but rather was a convention employed to represent or typify that character. An individual personality may be defined as the total pattern of characteristic ways of thinking, feeling ad behaving that constitute the individuals distinctive method of relating to the environment (Kagan and Havemann 1976) Personality is a very comprehensive concept yet it is very individualistic and unique by itself. Personality of an individual is determined by the way they perceive or react to the world outside them. In order to interpret a personality, it is very important to find out what motivates them, take into consideration their thinking process, their way of reacting to situations. The process of personality thus integrates the processes of perception, motivation and learning. (Huczynski and Buchanan 1991) Personality, predominantly, are of two extreme types of personality; extrovert and introvert. However of late there is a third term which is in vogue; ambivert, used for personalities that fall between extrovert and introvert. A lay mans description of introverts personality is described as a person who is shy, lacks social skills, will not talk, is withdrawn and unfriendly. However, Introversion is not the same as shyness, though introverts may also be shy. Introverts choose solitary over social activities by preference, whereas shy people avoid social encounters out of fear. (Whitten 2001) Myers Briggs says an introvert derives energy from his or her internal world of emotions and ideas. (CIO 1995). Introverts may not necessarily be silent people but people who remain silent by choice. They are sometimes quiet, introspective (reflective) and appreciate order. (Huczynski and Buchanan 1991). Introverts have always been criticized of being lonely, shy etc. Its worth mentioning Marti Laney description of an introvert as someone who is a good listener, who enjoys time alone, appears calm and is self contained. Introversion is not the same as shyness, though introverts may also be shy. Introverts choose solitary over social activities by preference, whereas shy people avoid social encounters out of fear. The various characteristics of an introvert personality have been studied and debated with various conclusions. However a few characteristics are a vital and cannot be overlooked as a characteristic. The characteristic of an introvert brings out a process of their emotions, thoughts, and observations internally. Many a time introverts are found to be social people; but reveal less than extroverts do. Introverts take their time to think before they respond or react in a given situation, and develop their ideas by reflecting privately. Introverts personality traits are in general passionate, but not aggressive. In short, they are more private, and less public. However at workplace, when boss or a senior asks for the status or an explanation for a pending assignment, it will be considered impertinent on the part of an employee to be silent. The employee is expected to speak up and be answerable. It is highly empirical that an introvert will not be selected or cannot sustain a job involving public contact. Silence will not be granted for introversion of an individual. Some introverts arent stereotypically shy and can strike up conversations with anyone; they do talk and listen to people. However, most introverts avoid striking a conversation with someone. In comparison to out going natured people, Introverts lack the tactic of talking up by themselves. Theyd rather have meaningful conversations about the depths of human souls and minds, but find few opportunities (those arent the usual conversations at work during regular briefings or board room meetings). While working in a company any good role involving public contact, it is a part of the normal routine to make presentations. Introversion of an individual will make the audience of the presentation raise questions on the ability of the individual. This can result in high levels of demotivation and can result in side lining of the employee during presentations.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Get Your GED Online The 4 Best Courses
How to Get Your GED Online The 4 Best Courses SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips No high school diploma? Then you might be thinking about taking the GED test. Can you take the GED online? What about online GED courses? In this guide, we’ll discuss what the overall GED process entails and why you can’t actually take the GED online (even though it would definitely be more convenient!). We’ll also give you our top picks for the best online GED classes. What Is the GED Process? Overview The GED (short for General Educational Development) test is a group of four subject tests that, when passed, certify that one has achieved the US and Canadian high school educational standards. The four GED subjects are as follows: Language Arts Social Studies Science Math As an alternative to a high school diploma, the GED targets those who did not finish high school and who are older than 16. It tests the same essential skills students learn in high school. So what exactly is the process for taking the GED? Here’s an overview of the steps: Check your eligibility: As stated above, in order to take the GED, you must be at least 16 years old and not currently enrolled in high school. Some states have requirements in terms of how long you must have been out of high school, so be sure tocheck your state's policies on this before you decide to take the GED. Register for the GED: You mustmake an account on the official GED website to be able to register for the test. Note that you can take up just one of the tests or all four at once. Each subject test costs about $30 (this price can vary slightly depending on the state). Prep for the GED:Though studying isn’t required, it’s certainly encouraged, especially if you haven’t taken a high school class in a long time or are rusty with a particular subject. We’ll talk more about what you can use for your GED prep shortly. Take the GED test: The final step is to go to your testing center and take the GED! This is just a brief outline of what you can expect when starting the GED process. But can you take the GED online? Can You Take the GED Test Online? The short answer is no, you cannot take the GED online. Similar to many standardized tests, includingthe GRE, the GED can only be taken in person at an authorized GED test center. Although the GED is administered on a computer, you can’t take the test at home or online from anywhere other than an authorized test center. You can search for nearby test centers using the GED website test center search tool. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped websites from claiming to offer real GED diplomas and certificates online. Any website you come across that insists you can earn a GED online or take the GED test online is simply a scammer trying to steal your money. Don't be fooled! All they are actually offering arefake GED diplomas and certificates that are not accredited or recognized in the US or Canada. Even the official GED website has a page warning against these GED online scams: "If the state isn’t awarding you the GEDÂ ® credential or you are taking the exam online or at home, you’re paying for something other than the GEDÂ ® test. Don’t assume a website is stating the truth when it says 'accredited.' They’ll say anything to take your money! To find out if a high school or online program is recognized or accredited by your state, please contact your state's Department of Education." So what can you do online with the GED? Though you can’t take the test on your own computer, you can prep for it using online resources and classes.Read on to learn more! The 4 Best Resources for Online GED Classes and Prep You can’t take the GED test online, but there are many (legitimate!) online GED classes you can take that are guaranteed to help you do your best on exam day. Here are some top resources you can use for online GED courses and prep. #1: Official GED Website By far the best resource you can use for GED prep is the official GED website. The GED Testing Service not only has a tool to help you find in-person prep courses near you, but also offersan array of high-quality, live online GED classes. Course materials can be accessed anytime and anywhere from your computer, cell phone, or tablet. Each live class lasts 60-90 minutes and is taught by an expert Kaplan instructor. This video shows you how these official online GED courses work: The cost is $129 for 90-day access to all four subjects.Alternatively, you can get45-day access to one subject for $59 (Language Arts or Math only). If you don’t want to pay a lot for a class, the GED Testing Service offers practice tests and practice question flashcards for $6-$15 per subject. #2: Kaplan Kaplan is already a pretty famous test-prep company, but it shines extra brightly when it comes to its offerings of GED prep materials. In addition to the live online GED classes Kaplan does in conjunction with the GED Testing Service, the company offers a self-paced online GED class for $129. This three-month course is ideal for working adults and people with kids since you can study on your own time and at your own pace. With this course,you will get access to more than 150 instructional videos, hundreds of GED practice questions, a diagnostic test, and a final practice test. #3: UGO Prep If you're in a time crunch, UGO Prep offers a top-rated two-week GED online course. Online practice tests include real GED questions from previous exams and use an interface extremely similar to what you’ll see on test day. The course costs $69.99 for one-month access to the full study packagefor all four subjects. You can also buy add-on features,including math lecture videos ($9.99), audio lectures ($24.99), and flashcards ($14.99). If you’re not sure how long your GED prep might take you, you have the option to upgrade your package to lifetime access for $15 more- a pretty good value when you compare this price with those for the official online GED classes and Kaplan GED online course described above. #4: Union Test Prep If you’re searching forfree GED classes online, I recommend Union Test Prep. This company offers a broad array of free GED prep materials, from full practice tests to flashcards to study guides. Though these materials aren't a GED online course in the traditional sense, you can use them to structure your own GED review sessions, going over only what you need to know. With Union Test Prep, you’re getting a comprehensive overview of the different kinds of questions and topics you can expect on the GED for all subject areas. You’ll also learn about the GED format and question types. Key Takeaways:Getting Your GED Online The GED is a set of four subject tests that, when passed, earns you certification equivalent to a US or Canadian high school diploma. The test is exclusively administered at GED testing facilities, meaningyou cannot take the GED online. Any website or company that claims to offer the GED test or GED diplomas/certificates online is a scam and should not be trusted! Despite this risk, the internet isn't completely worthless when it comes to GED prep.You cantake online GED courses to help you prepare and review for the exam. The best online GED classes we recommend looking into are those by the GED Testing Service, Kaplan, and UGO Prep. If you'd rather save some money, try studying with thefree GED online study materials provided by Union Test Prep. What’s Next? What exactly is the GED? Learn everything there is to know about this high school equivalency test, including who takes it and whether you should, too! What is a high school equivalency diploma? Get the scoop on how these diplomas differ from your typical high school diploma. Not sure whether you need a high school diploma to do what you want in life? Then take a look at our comprehensive guide to how you can get a high school diploma, even if you're not in high school currently. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Hannah Muniz About the Author Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019
Comparative Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Comparative Law - Essay Example It is a necessary element of a contract that is intended to be legally binding. In cases where a party is attempting to prove the existence of a contract, evidence of consideration often proves useful. However, "the onus is on the party seeking to prove the contract to demonstrate intention and the nature of the relationship between the parties." (Clarke, 2008). Additionally, in order to prove that both parties intended to enter into legal relations with one another, the agreement must have been very specific in its material components. "An agreement which is 'vague or ambiguious', incomplete or constitues a mere 'agreement to agree' will not be enforceable." (Clarke, 2008). In terms of proving a contract's validity, it is important to note that contracts do not always have to be written; they can be oral. Certain types of contracts, as protected by the 1677 Statute of Frauds, do have to be signed. And it is certainly much easier to prove the validity of a contract with a signed docu ment. (Clarke, 2008). German contract law is known to place an emphasis on citizens' rights to govern their own affairs with no or little interference from the government. According to the Principle of Abstraction, "contracts only create an obligation, but there are no actual changes to the legal correlation concerning the object of the contract." (Wikipedia, 2008). In recent years, however, Germany has been moving toward a trend of greater regulation. According to Germany's Civil Code 157, "contracts are to be interpreted in accordance with good faith and fair dealing having regard to commercial practices." (Lando, 1996). Contracts are often voided if an unfair weight is placed on one of the involved parties, especially if that party is somehow weaker, such as a minority or a consumer rather than a professional. In contemplating the validity of a contract, also to be considered are the issues that were involved in the initial formation of that particular contract. (Wikipedia, 2008). Germany is a member of the European Union, which has its own set of regulatory principles regarding contracts. (Wikipedia, 2008). The Principles of European Contract Law is a lengthy document detailing regulations of contracts to be governed by law of the European Union. Some of the articles in this set of principles, to be addressed subsequently, pertain to contract terms, revocation of an offer, and unfair advantages. The European Union includes, as of January 1, 2007, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. (Rosenberg, 2007). Chinese contract law holds both parties involved in a contract to be legally equal. Similar to contract law in Germany, those contracts in which one party unfairly takes advantage of another party may be voided. Contracts in China may be oral or written but similar to both Australia and Germany, there are certain circumstances in which a contract must be written and signed. One of these cases is that of a lease. Whether oral or written, contracts must include which parties are involved, the object or subject of the contract, quantity and quality specifications, remuneration, time limit, method of performance, legal
Friday, November 1, 2019
Control of microbial growth Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Control of microbial growth - Research Paper Example Controlling microbial growth is very critical in preventing food spoilage.There are different techniques used in controlling microbial growth. These will be addressed in this essay. Different technologies used to control microbial growth employ varying mechanisms to cause the death of mechanism. Of critical importance to note is that the rate at which microbes die is usually constant such that logarithmic plots from depicting microbial death are usually straight and descending. Some of the microbial growth control techniques usually cause the cell membrane of microbes to exhibit a new level of permeability, leading to an uncontrolled leakage of cell content. This leakage ultimately leads to cell death. Other techniques usually damage cell proteins and nucleic acids, a mechanism that affects both RNA and DNA. This damage also leads to cell death. There are other mechanisms that serve to limit cell growth as scientists have described over time (Kratz, 2005). Physical Methods There are physical ways that have proved efficient in controlling cell growth. One of these is heat. There are certain terms related to the use of heat in controlling microbial growth that scientists have coined over time. ... A more effective strategy is often the use of steam under pressure as it becomes easier to obtain temperatures higher than the boiling point. For example, typical sterilization temperatures in an autoclave are usually 121 degree Celsius and a pressure of 15 psi with sterilization lasting 15 minutes. An additional technique used is pasteurization as described from the concept developed by Louis Pasteur. This technique employs a certain range of temperatures that ensure that microbes die but the flavor and taste of the product as well as the nutrients remain. It is important to note that this technique does not kill all the microbes, but targets those that lead to food spoilage (Srivastava, &Srivastava, 2003). Pasteurization often uses the principle of high temperatures for a short period. Dry heat may also prove useful in sterilization as in the case in incineration and sterilization in an oven. In addition to heat, scientists have also described the use of filtration membranes that h ave the capacity of separating certain microbes. This technique is applicable for liquids that prove to have high heat sensitivity. A typical example is the use of special membranes to filter air used in theatres. The use of low temperatures in the refrigerator usually at 0-7 degree Celsius ensures that microbes do not grow. However, some microbes need freezing temperatures to become inactive. In other cases, high pressure becomes useful in treating juices to prevent spoilage although endospores prove resistant to that pressure. Of importance in such cases is ensuring that flavor and nutrients do not fade in the process.Desiccation is also a way of limiting microbial growth as it deprives
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