Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How Financial and Non Financial Metrics can be used for quantify the Essay - 1
How Financial and Non Financial Metrics can be used for quantify the effectiveness of marketing campaign (Marketing Analytics) - Essay Example Verhoef and Leeflang (2009) assert the idea of financial metrics and state that influence of marketing department in the organisation is positively associated with the financial performance of the firm. Importance and role of the financial metrics for the effectiveness of the marketing campaign can be clearly assessed from the B&K Distributors. The company integrated marketing and communication tool for building its access to the potential customers. The use of the financial measures revealed clear future potential. For example, the growth potential was estimated to increase at 6% as compared to the inflation rate of 3%. Similarly, increased fixed cost for the IT system integration was also justified with 1% as compared to the 3% of the other channels investment (Jeffery and Anfield, 2006). Hence, in the similar format the cost of the entire project is assessed against the revenue and cost savings. This empirical evidence provides sound basis for the decision making in alignment with the main objective of the business which revolves around profitability. However, the net and actual increase in return is not defined after discounting the investment against factors such as the cost o f capital which is 12% and has considerable impact on the return inflows. This makes the investment and the claimed benefits questionable. Also the marketing activities with long term objective are also required to reflect on other parameters such as increase in customer loyalty and image of the company etc. It is important to notice the measure to enhance the image of the company by signing contract with leading fast food chain did not fetch to B&K significant business from independent franchisees. The new plan of IT integration and respective financial metrics and growth projections are again silent on impact on above mentioned parameters. In no contradiction to this fact
Monday, October 28, 2019
Compare and Contrast Essay Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast Essay Essay Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis were just two young teenage boys whose lives were taken from this world. The two cases for these two boys have some similarities between each other they were two 17 year-old African-American boys, both boys were unarmed, and the stand your ground law was used for each case. There are also some differences between the cases such as George Zimmerman was found not guilty while Michael Dunn was found guilty, Zimmerman stayed on the scene of the crime while Dunn did not do the same, and last eye witnesses were present to Dunn’s case but Zimmerman had zero eye witness. This is the twenty-first century yet we still have hate towards other races. In February 26, 2012 â€Å"Trayvon Martin a seventeen year old African American boy went to the store for some candy and a soft drink. George Zimmerman a Hispanic man was the neighborhood watch captain for the Retreat at Twin Lakes†( Now in November 23, 2012 Michael Dunn a White man â€Å"leaving a wedding reception for his son pulled into a gas station for wine and chips next to the SUV Jordan Davis†another seventeen year old African American boy â€Å"and three of his friends were in†( Zimmerman was monitoring the neighborhood when he calls 911 to report â€Å"a suspicious person.†He was â€Å"instructed to not get out or approach the person†who was. Martin. Zimmerman â€Å"disregarded the instructions given to him by the police and moments later shot Martin†and unarmed boy ( If he was unarmed walking back to his house how could he have had any intention of being aggressive towards another man? In Dunn case he got into an argument with Davis and his friends about the loud music asking them to turn it down. Dunn said he â€Å"saw Davis reach down in his passenger seat to pull out a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun.†So â€Å"Dunn grabbed his gun an open fired ten bullet, three of which struck Davis.†Later when the car was searched no gun was found in the car ( Davis just like Martin was an unarmed boy. In the presence of both cases Zimmerman and Dunn both found there selves in a self-defense situation in other terms the â€Å"stand your ground law†( The Zimmerman case was considered self-defense but he would not have had to defend himself if he didn’t approach Martin. Also when Martin was unarmed what did Zimmerman need to defend himself of? Dunn on the other hand was not in a calm state of mind he was the â€Å"prosecutor portrayed him as a gunman whose â€Å"blood started to boil†because an armed teenager had disrespected him†( Even though Dunn thought Davis had a gun he should not have fired off ten rounds rapidly. Dunn could not have been defending him and his wife when the teenagers were unarmed. They were no harm to Dunn and his wife. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch men and was patrolling the street when he saw Martin. There were not one eye witnesses to seeing what happened at the scene besides Zimmerman a nd Martin who was dead. The only thing they had to go off of was the bruises forming and blood running from the back of his head, also the recording of the gun shot from the police recording of Zimmerman’s phone call. In Dunn’s case he was at a gas station with people around including the four men he was talking to about the loud â€Å"rap crap†music as he called it ( Usually when you flee the scene of a crime it means you are guilty. After Zimmerman got out and came up too Martin and defended himself by shooting him. He stayed at the scene was it because no one was around and he already called the cops, and he knew that with his head bloody it was constituted as the â€Å"stand your ground law?†As for Dunn he fled forty miles back to his motel as soon as he shot off ten rounds. There he took â€Å" his dog for a walk, ordered pizza, and drank rum and cola†( Zimmerman was found not guilty after a year and six months went by. The six women jury found George Zimmerman not guilty. The jury had three choices to convict Zimmerman of â€Å"guilty of second degree murder, to find him guilty of the lesser charge manslaughter, or to find him not guilty. The jurors deliberated for more than sixteen hours total, including the thirteen on Saturday alone†( Now for Dunn even though he had pretty similar crimes as Zimmerman he was found guilty. Dunn received â€Å"a minimum of twenty years on one count, another twenty year count, and another minimum of twenty year count†(usatoday). Works Cited Neale, Rick. Fla. USA TODAY. Larry Kramer, 16 Feb. 2014. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia :: Causes of Anorexia, Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder where people starve themselves. Anorexia usually begins in young people around the onset of puberty. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extreme weight loss. Weight loss is usually 15% below the person's normal body weight. People suffering from anorexia are very skinny but are convinced that they are overweight. Weight loss is obtained by many ways. Some of the common techniques used are excessive exercise, intake of laxatives and not eating. Anorexics have an intense fear of becoming fat. Their dieting habits develop from this fear. Anorexia nervosa is not associated with any pre-existing physical illness. It is on the increase in adolescent girls and younger women, although the incidence is also increasing in young men. It is often associated with depression and low self-esteem, and sometimes with a resistance to growing up, or problems with sexuality. Many medical workers and others claim that the emphasis in Western society on thinness as being central to the concept of beauty is a prime reason for the increase in anorexia nervosa. Because many individuals with anorexia nervosa never seek medical treatment, the exact prevalence of the condition is unknown. People with anorexia continue to think they are overweight even after they become extremely thin, are very ill or near death. Often they will develop strange eating habits such as refusing to eat in front of other people. Sometimes the individuals will prepare big meals for others while refusing to eat any of it. The disorder is thought to be most common among whites, people of higher socio-economic classes, and people involved in activities where thinness is especially looked upon, such as dancing, modelling, and distance running. If you have a family member that with an eating disorder, they need a lot of support. Suggest that your family member see an eating disorder expert. Be prepared for denial, resistance, and even anger. A doctor and/or a counsellor can help them battle their eating disorder. There are many symptoms for anorexia, some individuals may not
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Strategic Management Process
Organizations develop some form of a strategic management plan to enter, maintain, or continue to enhance their position with other competitors within their industry. The primary goal of any organization is to provide a product or service to produce a profit. Though the objective remains the same regardless of the organization, the strategic management processes may vary. Prior to describing the components of a strategic management process, one must first understand the definition of strategic management.Strategic management is â€Å"a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporation†(Wheelan & Hunger, 2010). The concept of strategic management allows a company to set goals in order to secure sustainability for the future. There are four steps in a strategic management plan: situation analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation (Whelan & Hunger, 2010). These steps are performed in this speci fic order when developing a new plan of management.Situation analysis involves reviewing the internal and external environment as well as the organizational framework of a company. When focusing on internal environment of a company one must focus on the different working relationships within the organization. To analyze the external environment would include evaluation of relationships the company has with its customers, suppliers, creditors and competitors. (Coulter, 2005). The second step in strategic management plan is strategy formulation. In this step the strategies for the company are formulated focusing on its strengths.Strategy formulation can be categorized into three organizational levels: operational, competitive and corporate (Coulter, 2005). Strategy implementation is the next step. In this step the strategies that were formulated in the previous step are put into action. This includes development of operating procedures necessary to implement the strategies set forth. To be successful the problems should be prioritized based on the seriousness of the issue and should focus on the important issues first (Coulter, 2005). The final step is strategy evaluation. In this step the entire process is under scrutiny.This includes how the strategy was executed and the effectiveness of it. In this step changes are made as necessary. For example if goals were not met the strategy should be modified (Coulter, 2005). The Internal Revenue Service began using a strategic management plan in 1985. They use the plan to fulfill the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. As part of the strategic management process The IRS plans and budgets, develops measures, implements the plan, and evaluates the results (http://govinfo. library. unt. edu/npr/library/studies/caseirsa. pdf).In conclusion a strategic management plan is a continuous process and is important to the successful future of a company. Strategies will change as objectives and goals change. The use of a strategic management process is important to the sustainability and longevity of a company. References Coulter, M. (2005). Strategic Management in Action. (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. http://govinfo. library. unt. edu/npr/library/studies/caseirsa. pdf Wheelen, T. L. , & Hunger, J. D. , (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Implementation of Lsb Steganography and Its Evaluation for Various File Formats
Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 02, Issue: 05, Pages: 868-872 (2011) 868 Implementation of LSB Steganography and its Evaluation for Various File Formats V. Lokeswara Reddy Department of CSE, K. S. R. M. College of Engg. , Kadapa, A. P. India Email: [email protected] com Dr. A. Subramanyam Dept. of CSE, AITS, Rajampet, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist.. A. P. Dr. P. Chenna Reddy Dept. of CSE, JNTUCE, Pulivendula, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist.. A. P. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ABSTRACTâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-Steganography is derived from the Greek word steganos which literally means â€Å"Covered†and graphy means â€Å"Writing†, i. e. covered writing. Steganography refers to the science of â€Å"invisible†communication. For hiding secret information in various file formats, there exists a large variety of steganographic techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points. The Least Significant Bit (LSB) embedding technique suggests that data can be hidden in the least significant bits of the cover image and the human eye would be unable to notice the hidden image in the cover file. This technique can be used for hiding images in 24-Bit, 8-Bit, Gray scale format. This paper explains the LSB Embedding technique and Presents the evaluation for various file formats. Keywords: Steganography, Least Significant Bit (LSB), GIF, PNG, BMP. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-Date of Submission: 24, August 2010 Date of Acceptance: 08 November 2010 are transferred through unknown cover carriers in such a manner that the very existence of the embedded messages is undetectable. Carriers include images ; audio, video, text or any other digitally represented code or transmission. The hidden message may be plaintext, cipher text or anything that can be represented as a bit stream. II. IMAGE STEGANOGRAPHY Image compression techniques are extensively used in steganography. Among the two types of image compressions, lossy compression and loss less compression; lossless compression formats offer more promises. Lossy compression compression may not maintain the original image’s integrity. Lossless compression maintains the original image data exactly, hence it is prefered. Example of Lossy compression format is JPEG format files. Examples of Lossless compression formats are GIF[3] and BMP formats. We have used an 8-bit image size for implementation of our steganography. Improvement in stegnographic techniques is make it possible to apply the Detecting LSB Steganography in Colour and Gray- Scale Images which were confined to gray scale images in the initial stages The difficulty in colour images control is solved later on in many techniques such as the analysis of the variation of the gradient energy. The secret message embedded in the target image is detected in both gray and colour images, and the length of the embedded message is estimated [5, 6]. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-I. INTRODUCTION Digital content is now posing formidable challenges to content developers, aggregators, distributors and users. Th e destruction, extraction or modification of the embedded message is required to develop more robust systems so that the digital content processing and organization becomes easy. Cryptography was created as a technique for securing the secrecy of communication and many different methods have been developed to encrypt and decrypt data in order to keep the message secret. Unfortunately it is sometimes not enough to keep the contents of a message secret, it may also be necessary to keep the existence of the message secret. The technique used to implement this, is called steganography. The shift from cryptography to stegnography is due to that concealing the image existence as stegno-images enable to embeded the secret message to cover images. Steganography conceptually implies that the message to be transmitted is not visible to the informal eye. Steganography has been used for thousands of years to transmit data without being intercepted by unwanted viewers. It is an art of hiding information inside information. The main objective of Steganography is mainly concerned with the protection of contents of the hidden information. Images are ideal for information hiding[1,2] because of the large amount of redundant space is created in the storing of images. Secret messages Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 02, Issue: 05, Pages: 868-872 (2011) III. HIDING METHODS IN IMAGE STEGANOGRAPHY In Image Steganography, There are a variety of methods using which information can be hidden in images. Least Significant Bit Replacement Technique: In image steganography almost all data hiding techniques try to alter insignificant information in the cover image. Least significant bit (LSB) insertion is a common, simple approach to embedding information in a cover image. For instance, a simple scheme proposed, is to place the embedding data at the least significant bit (LSB) of each pixel in the cover image[7,8,9] . The altered image is called stego-image. Altering LSB doesn’t change the quality of image to human perception but this scheme is sensitive a variety of image processing attacks like compression, cropping etc. We will be emphasizing more on this technique for the various image formats. Moderate Significant Bit Replacement Technique: The moderate significant bits of each pixel in the cover image can be used to embed the secret message. This method improves sensitivity to modification, but it degrades the quality of stego-image. Experiments have shown that the length of hidden messages embedded in the least significant bits of signal samples can be estimated with relatively high precision. IV. THE LSB TECHNIQUE The least significant bit i. e. the eighth bit inside an image is changed to a bit of the secret message. When using a 24bit image, one can store 3 bits in each pixel by changing a bit of each of the red, green and blue colour components, since they are each represented by a byte. An 800? 600 pixel image, can thus store a total amount of 1,440,000 bits or 180,000 bytes of embedded data. As an example, suppose that we have three adjacent pixels (9 bytes) with the RGB encoding. 10010101 00001101 11001001 10010110 00001111 11001011 10011111 00010000 11001011 When the number 300, can be which binary representation is 100101100 embedded into the least significant bits of this part of the image. If we overlay these 9 bits over the LSB of the 9 bytes above, we get the following (where bits in bold have been changed) 10010101 00001100 11001000 10010111 00001110 11001011 10011111 00010000 11001010 Here the number 300 was embedded into the grid, only the 5 bits needed to be changed according to the embedded message. On average, only half of the bits in an image will need to be modified to hide a secret message using the maximum cover size. Since there are 869 256 possible intensities of each primary colour, changing the LSB of a pixel results in small changes in the intensity of the colours. The human eye cannot perceive these changes – thus the message is successfully hidden. With a well-chosen image, one can even hide the message in the LSB without noticing the difference[10]. Fig. 1 Block Diagram for implemented Logic of LSB embedding V. DESIGN DETAILS This section focuses on algorithms Steganography and Steganalysis[10] A. Algorithm for Hiding (Steganography) 1. 2. 3. Read the original image and the image which is to be hidden in the original image Shift the image to hide in the cover image by X bits. And the original image or cover image with 240 which is 11110000 So four MSB’s set to 0. Because of this only four LSB’s considered further. The shifted hidden image and the result of step 3 are bitored. This makes changes only in the X LSB bits so that the image is hidden in the original image. of LSB 4. In MATLAB we convert it to unit8 format. This image can be called as the stego image B. Algorithm for Steganalysis 1. The stego image is bit shifted by 4 bits since it was shifted by 4 bits to insert it into the original image. 2. The image is the ANDED with 255 i. e. , 11111111, which gives the original image. It is ANDED with 255 because initially all the LSB’s were made 0. Now it is recovered back. 3. To get it to Unit8 format we, convert it back to unit8 which is the extracted image. Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 02, Issue: 05, Pages: 868-872 (2011) that a message is being passed is being achieved. C. LSB in GIF 870 Fig. 2: Block Diagram for Steganalysis VI. IMAGE ANALYSIS A. LSB in BMP The BMP file format also called bitmap or DIB file format (for device-independent bitmap), is an image file format used to store bitmap digital images. Since BMP is not widely used the suspicion might arise, if it is transmitted with an LSB stego. When image are used as the carrier in Steganography they are generally manipulated by changing one or more of the bits of the byte or bytes that make up the pixels of an image. The message can be stored in the LSB of one colour of the RGB value or in the parity bit of the entire RGB value. A BMP is capable of hiding quite a large message. LSB in BMP is most suitable for applications, where the focus is on the amount of information to be transmitted and not on the secrecy of that information. If more number of bits is altered, it may result in a larger possibility that the altered bits can be seen with the human eye. But with the LSB the main objective of Steganography is to pass a message to a receiver without an intruder even knowing that a message is being passed is being achieved. B. LSB in PNG Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is a bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression. PNG was created to improve upon and replace GIF. Since PNG is widely used the suspicion might not arise if it is transmitted with an LSB stego. When images are used as the carrier in Steganography they are generally manipulated by changing one or more of the bits of the byte or bytes that make up the pixels of an image. The message can be stored in the LSB of one colour of the RGB value or in the parity bit of the entire RGB value . A PNG is capable of hiding quite a large message. LSB in PNG is most suitable for applications where the focus is on the amount of information to be transmitted and not on the secrecy of that information. If more number of bits is altered it may result in a larger possibility that the altered bits can be seen with the human eye. But with the LSB the main objective of steganography i s to pass a message to a receiver without an intruder even knowing Graphics interchange format also known as GIF is one of the machine independent compressed formats for storing images. Since GIF images only have a bit depth of 8, amount of information that can be hidden is less than with BMP. Embedding information in GIF images using LSB results in almost the same results as those of using LSB with BMP. LSB in GIF is a very efficient algorithm to use when embedding a reasonable amount of data in a grayscale image. GIF images are indexed images where the colours used in the image are stored in a palette. It is sometimes referred to as a colour lookup table. Each pixel is represented as a single byte and the pixel data is an index to the colour palette. The colours of the palette are typically ordered from the most used colour to the least used colours to reduce lookup time. Some extra care is to be taken if the GIF images are to be used for Steganography. This is because of the problem with the palette approach. If the LSB of a GIF image is changed using the palette approach, it may result in a completely different colour. This is because the index to the colour palette is changed. The change in the resulting image is noticeable if the adjacent palette entries are not similar. But the change is not noticeable if the adjacent palette entries are similar. Most applications that use LSB methods on GIF images have low security because it is possible to detect even moderate change in the image. Solutions to these problems could be 1. Sort the palette so that the colour difference between consecutive colours is minimized 2. Add new colours, which are visually similar to the existing colours in the palette. 3. Use Gray scale images. In a 8 bit Gray scale GIF image, there are 256 shades of gray. This results in gradual changes in the colours and it is hard to detect. VII. EXPERIMENTED RESULTS Following experimental results highlights on 8 bit LSB Steganography. A. Results for . png image 8 bit stego image Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 02, Issue: 05, Pages: 868-872 (2011) 871 B. Results for . bmp file 8 bit stego image PSNR is measured in decibels (dB). PSNR is a good measure for comparing restoration results for the same image, but between-image comparisons of PSNR are meaningless. MSE and PSNR values for each file format is shown in table 1. Table 1: Image quality metrics for bmp file Cover image 224. 948 24. 6100 Stego image 244. 162 24. 2540 Cover- Stego image 69. 826 29. 690 MSE PSNR Stego Recovered IX. EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES There are many steganographic algorithms available. One should select the best available algorithm for the given application. Following characteristics are to be evaluated while selecting a particular file format for Steganography. Steganography says that the secret message is to be hidden and it should result in an distortion less image. The distortion must not be visible to the human eye. The amount of data embedded in the image also plays an important role. The algorithm decides how much amount of data could be embedded in the image resulting in a distortion less image. Steganalysis is the technique of detecting the hidden information in the image. The algorithm for Steganography must be such that the steganalysis algorithms should fail. i. e the Steganography algorithms must not be prune to attacks on steganalysis. During communication the intruder could check the original image to remove the hidden information.. He/she may manipulate the image. This manipulation may include cropping or rotation etc of the images. The manipulations done may cause the image distortion. Steganographic algorithms chosen must be such that it overcomes such manipulation and the steganographic data reaches the destination in the required format. VIII. EVALUATION OF IMAGE QUALITY For comparing stego image with cover results requires a measure of image quality, commonly used measures are Mean-Squared Error, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio[3] and histogram. A. Mean-Squared Error The mean-squared error (MSE) between two images I1(m,n) and I2(m,n) is: M and N are the number of rows and columns in the input images, respectively. Mean-squared error depends strongly on the image intensity scaling. A mean-squared error of 100. 0 for an 8-bit image (with pixel values in the range 0-255) looks dreadful; but a MSE of 100. 0 for a 10- bit image (pixel values in [0,1023]) is barely noticeable B. Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) avoids this problem by scaling the MSE according to the image range Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 02, Issue: 05, Pages: 868-872 (2011) Table 2: Comparison of LSB technique for various file formats LSB LSB LSB In BMP in GIF In PNG Percentage Distortion less High Medium High resultant image Invisibility Steganalysis detection Image manipulation Amount of embedded data Payload capacity Independent of file format X. CONCLUSION Since BMP uses lossless compression, LSB makes use of BMP image. To be able to hide a secret message inside a BMP file, one would require a very large cover image. BMP images of 800? 600 pixels found to have less web applications. Moreover such uses are not accepted as valid. For this reason, LSB Steganography has also been developed for use with other image file formats. Although only some of the main image steganographic techniques were discussed in this paper, one can see that there exists a large selection of approaches to hiding information in images. All the major image file formats have different methods of hiding messages, with different strong and weak points respectively. LSB in GIF images has the potential of hiding a large message, but only when the most suitable cover image has been chosen. High Low Low High High Low Medium Low Low Medi um Medi um Low Medium Low Low Medium Medium High Authors Biography 872 Steganography: Seeing the Unseen†, Computer Journal, February 1998. [5] Li Zhi,Sui Ai Fen. , â€Å"Detection of Random LSB Image Steganography†The IEEE 2003 International Symposium on Persona1,lndoor and Mobile Radio Communication Proceedings, 2004. [6] Jessica Fridrich, Miroslav Goljan, and Rui Du. , â€Å"Detecting LSB Steganography in Color and GrayScale Images†, – IEEE Multimedia. [7] F. Collin,Encryptpic,†http://www. winsite. com/bin/ Info? 500000033023. [8] G. Pulcini, Stegotif,†http://www. geocities. om /SiliconValley/9210/gfree. html. [9] T. Sharp, Hide 2. 1, 2001,†www. sharpthoughts. org. [ 10] Deshpande Neeta, Kamalapur Snehal, Daisy Jacobs â€Å"Implementation of LSB Steganography and Its Evaluation for Various Bits†Digital Information Management, 2006 1st International conference. pp 173-178,2007. V. Lokeswara Reddy did his M. Tech (CSE) from SRM University, Chennai in the year 2005. He did his M. C. A from S. V. University, Tirupati in the year 2000. He is pursuing his Ph. D from JNTUA, Anantapur. He has a total of 09 years of experience in teaching. Currently he is working as Associate Professor at K. S. R. M College of Engineering, Kadapa. He has presented 2 papers in International and National Conferences. Dr. A. Subramanyam received his Ph. D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur. He has obtained his B. E. (ECE) from University of Madras and M. Tech. (CSE) from Visweswaraiah Technological University. He is having 17 years experience in teaching. He is currently working as Professor & HOD in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Rajampet, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist. A. P. He has presented and published number of papers in International and National Conferences, International and National Journals. He is guiding few Ph. D. s. His research areas of interest are parallel processing, network security and data warehousing. Dr. P. Chenna Reddy did his B. Tech (CSE) from S. V. University College of Engineering, Tirupati in the year 1996. He did his M. Tech from JNTU, Anantapur. He completed his Ph. D from JNTU, Hyderabad. He has a total of 13 years of experience in teaching. Currently he is working as Associate Professor at JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula, Y. S. R. (Kadapa) Dist. , A. P. He has number of publications to his credit. References [1] Pfitzmann Birgit. Information Hiding Terminology, First International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, Proceedings, Computer Science, 1174. pp. 347-350, May–June. [2] Westfield Andreas and Andreas Pfitzmann, Attacks on Steganographic Systems, Third International Workshop, IH'99 Dresden Germany, October Proceedings, Computer Science 1768. pp. 61- 76, 1999. [3] Moerland, T. , â€Å"Steganography and Steganalysis†, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computing
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Case Study 8 Consult Essays
Case Study 8 Consult Essays Case Study 8 Consult Paper Case Study 8 Consult Paper CONSULTATION REASON FOR CONSULT: Acute on chronic renal failure. Patient is an 87 year old Caucasian male who has a history of hypertension, severe peripheral vascular disease, chronic renal insufficiency, and atrial fibrillation. He was admitted yesterday for treatment of an infected toe. The plan was to obtain an angiogram to check patients’ blood flow; however he was discovered on admission labs to have acute on chronic renal failure, patient states he is unaware of kidney problems before. He states he is able to pass his urine without difficulty, no obstructive symptoms, no history of kidney stones, no urinary tract infections, no hematosis, no dysuria, and no diabetes mellitus. Patient states he has a history of hypertension, but it has been very mild. He has had trouble with vascular disease to both legs. Patients’ base line serum creatinine is 1.5 to 1.7, patients laboratory studies from this morning indicates a BUN of 101 and a creatinine of 3.9. ALLERGIES: Penicillin which causes anaphylactic shock. CURRENT MEDICATIONS: Lanoxin, furosemide, Zocor, Prinivil, diltiazem, pentoxifyline, and as needed pain medications. PAST HISTORY: Significant for hypertension, severe peripheral vascular disease, chronic atrial fibrillation, on Coumadin. History of the left carotid endarterectomy, history of CHF, status post cataract surgery and amputation of the right great toe. SOCIAL HISTORY: Past history of both tobacco abuse and alcohol abuse. FAMILY HISTORY: Never before any kidney disease. Brother has diabetes mellitus. (Continued) CONSULTATION PATIENT NAME: Chapman Robert Kinsey PATIENT ID: 110589 DATE OF CONSULT: 02/24/- Page 2 REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Patient notes he has otherwise felt fine. He has no rashes. He has a good appetite, no nausea or vomiting, no abdominal pain, no chest pain or shortness of breath. No lower extremity edema. He is incontinent of stool. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: General: An elderly male in no acute distressful stop. Vital Signs: Temperature 98.3 Pulse 63 Blood Pressure 96/58 Respiration 24. HEENT: PERRLA, oropharynx clear, bilateral hearing aids. Neck: No JVD. No carotid bruits. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. CARDIOVASCULAR: Irregularly irregular. ABDOMEN: Soft, non-tender, no distended. EXTREMITIES: With no lower extremity edema. He has a first toe amputation on the right. He has a bandage on his first toe on the left and changes of chronic blood flow. Laboratory studies from today show a C-reactive protein of 47. White blood cell 9.8, hemoglobin 13.5, hematocrit of 39.8 and platelets of 198,000, sed rate 57, sodium 140, potassium 5.5, chloride 115, bicarb 14, glucose 99, BUN 101, creatinine 3.9, calcium 8.3, and albumin 4.9. ASSESSMENT 1. Acute renal failure of unclear etiology. Recheck multiple studies. 2. Chronic renal failure with a baseline creatinine of 1.5 to 1.7. 3. Hyperkalemia secondary to acute renal failure. 4. Metabolic acidosis, also secondary acute renal failure. 5. Slight volume depletion. (Continued) CONSULTATION PATIENT NAME: Chapman Robert Kinsey PATIENT ID: 110589 DATE OF CONSULT: 02/24/- Page 3 PLAN RECOMMENDATION 1. I would recommend waiting on the angiogram secondary to his acute renal failure, as this would exacerbate the condition. 2. Discontinue medications that could possibly cause or worsen his acute renal failure, such as his Prinivil and diuretic. 3. Renal dose all medication for a creatinine clearance of 0. 4. Start intravenous fluid at a low rate. 5. Obtain renal ultrasound. 6. Obtain urinary studies. 7. Obtain serum studies. 8. Restrict all potassium intakes. 9. Start Bicitra for his metabolic acidosis. 10. If studies are unrevealing, patient potentially may need kidney biopsy. 11. If he does not recover, he will need to start dialysis. Thank you Dr. Eaton, for allowing me to participate in the care of this pleasant patient. I will follow along with you as needed. __________________________________________ Trevor Jordan, MD, Nephrology TJ: D:02/24/- T:02/24/-
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Dinosaurs of Flaming Cliffs
The Dinosaurs of Flaming Cliffs Location Mongolia Date of Fossil Sediments Late Cretaceous (85 million years ago) Dinosaurs Discovered Protoceratops, Oviraptor, Velociraptor, Therizinosaurus About the Flaming Cliffs Formation Not all parts of the world had substantially different climates 85 million years ago than they do today. During the late Cretaceous period, for example, Antarctica was much more temperate than it is now, but Mongolias Gobi Desert seems to have been as hot, dry and brutal as its always been. We know this from the fact that so many of the dinosaur fossils unearthed at the Flaming Cliffs formation appear to have been buried in sudden sandstorms, and that very few large dinosaurs (which would have needed equally large amounts of vegetation to survive) lived here. Flaming Cliffs was explored in 1922 by the buccaneering explorer Roy Chapman Andrews, who made one of paleontologys enduring mistakes when he accused Oviraptor of stealing eggs belonging to Protoceratops (it was determined, decades later, that the Oviraptor specimen had been guarding its own eggs). This site is also close to the region where researchers unearthed the tangled remains of a Protoceratops and a Velociraptor, which appear to have been locked in a death struggle at the time of their sudden demise. When dinosaurs died at Flaming Cliffs, they died quickly: burial by fierce sandstorms is the only way to account for the discovery of this dinosaur pair (as well as numerous, near-complete Protoceratops skeletons found standing in the upright position). One of the things that makes Flaming Cliffs such a romantic fossil destination is its utter remoteness, geographically speaking, from any nearby outposts of civilization; the most densely inhabited regions of China are at least a thousand miles away. When Andrews made his historic trip a century ago, he had to take along provisions worthy of a polar expedition, including a large team of local guides mounted on horseback, and he set off in a blizzard of press coverage and popular adulation (in fact, Andrews was at least partly the inspiration for Harrison Fords character in the Indiana Jones movies.) Today, this region of Mongolia is a bit more accessible to devoted paleontologists, but still not a place the average family would choose to go on vacation. Some of the other dinosaurs discovered at Flaming Cliffs (beside the famous ones related above) include the long-armed Deinocheirus (now identified as a bird mimic dinosaur, along with its Mongolian contemporary Gallimimus), the tyrannosaurs Alioramus and Tarbosaurus, and the bizarre, shaggy Therizinosaurus.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Stay on the Job Hunt, Even When Youre Not Hunting
How to Stay on the Job Hunt, Even When Youre Not Hunting Looking for a new job while still employed in another makes you more employable; however, it can backfire if your current employer finds out. Workers have various reasons to continue the job search. Perhaps your current job is too far away from where you live and commuting costs are pecking away at your salary, perhaps your salary is on the low side for your job description or maybe you want to work your way up the ladder faster. Whatever the reason, job hunting while employed is common. A few tips on how to do it can help. 1. Keep Quiet About Your Job SearchIf you are looking at job ads for a new position, don’t tellyour co-workers. That’s the fastest way for word to get around and eventually your boss will hear about it. Although some employers don’t care if an employee is wanting to change jobs, the knowledge of it can keep you from getting pay raises or responsibilities that you want.2. Don’t Quit Your JobIt’s easier to get a new job if you are already working. In addition, don’t get lazy in your current job because you are hoping to get a new one. You still owe your current employer a good day’s work for your pay.3. Think Before You List Character ReferencesWhile your first inclination may be to include your current boss or co-workers as references on your job application, don’t do it. Obviously, if you get called for an interview and the hiring manager calls your references, everyone in the office will know you are job hunting. Surprisingly enough, many of those seeking a new job don’t think to leave these references out of their resumes.4. Don’t Bad Mouth Your BossYour current boss may not be all sweetness and light, but bad mouthing your employer is always a bad idea. It may give recruiters the impression that you are a complainer or difficult to get along with. Focus on your qualifications for the job application and the good opportunity it offers for your advancement.5. Scheduling J ob InterviewsHours when you are supposed to be at work are not the times to schedule job interviews. Missing work hours can make your boss suspicious and does not look good to other employees. In addition, it looks odd if your office dress is casual, and you show up for work dressed up for an interview. Instead, schedule interviews outside of office hours or on weekends when you aren’t at work.This is another no-no when searching for a job while still employed. People who have Facebook or other social media accounts often have friends in the same office. Those friends also have friends who may learn of your job search activities through social media. Job boards are the same problem. Since posting your resume or interest in other jobs on these sites could end up with you pounding the pavement looking for work, keep your job search private.6. Don’t Use Office EquipmentDon’t use office equipment, such as phones, computers and fax machines, to conduct a job searc h or send in resumes. First of all, many companies monitor use of their machines to ensure that employees are not spending company time on personal affairs. Second, you are actually supposed to be working, so keep your mind on the business at hand.There are easier ways to find a new job, no matter what the field, whether healthcare jobs, computer jobs or other types. TheJobNetwork makes it easy and does the searching for you. All you have to do is list your qualifications and the type of job you are looking for, and we do the rest. When appropriate jobs pop up, you receive an email when you sign up for job match alert. This way, you will be among the first to apply for those jobs, and opportunities will no longer slip by.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Executive Pay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Executive Pay - Essay Example While there is diversity across industries, sizes of organizations and countries, executive pay includes the common features of base pay and bonus based on performance. CEO compensation has become one of the most important issues of concern in the field of corporate governance. With ever increasing economic activity and companies transcending all boundaries, geographic, economic and technological, the person in charge of steering the company has been thrust into focus. Typically, huge compensation packages were a phenomenon of the golden days of dotcom glory. The period of Internet boom may safely be termed the era of exorbitant pay-outs. The Internet made millionaires of people in a matter of days. In the Internet-rush' of the late 1990s, a number of small companies mushroomed redefining the principles of economies of scale and scope. The CEOs (as well as the employees) of dotcoms often burnt the midnight oil trying to float their talents. For their efforts, they were compensated handsomely, when the company took off and reaped rewards. However, even after the burst of the Internet bubble and the decline of the software industry from its top position on the list of the most happening industries, huge pay-outs have remained. A quick recap of the origin of CEOs will give us a better understanding of the topic. When economic systems evolved from sole proprietorships to the company form of business, a need for a distinction between the owner of the resources and their managers arose. In some cases, owners stopped playing an active role in managing the business resources and turned them over instead to paid managers. These paid managers acted as agents of the owners and took up the responsibility for the success or failures of the business. As businesses grew in size and scope, the manager attained the glorified title of a CEO. The compensation system also became more complicated, evolving from a simple salary to benefits like bonus, perks and stock options. As time passed, the compensation packages grew in size until t hey attained such astronomical proportions that people began feeling the need for some control. This leads us to the question of whether CEOs merit the huge compensation they receive or not. In the US, historically, CEO's in "utilities earn significantly lower levels of compensation than their counterparts in other industries, while CEO's in financial services earn higher pay" (Ashenfelter, et al, 1999, p. 5). Yet the relationship between firm size and executive pay is weakening. A comparison of executive pay in 23 countries shows that executives in the US receive a greater proportion of their pay from bonuses and incentives than from base salary. Another reason for high CEO compensation was the fact that a major portion of their compensation package consisted of stock options and stock grants. In some cases, nearly two-thirds of the CEO's pay assumed the form of stock options. Some companies offered options packages to compensate for low salary and risk associated with the company, especially in case of a start-up company. Stock options had emerged as one of the most important factors, which made the CEOs salaries in big companies in the US to swell to almost 458 times the
Recent trends in top tier banks in U.S., Europe, Asia, or Latin Term Paper
Recent trends in top tier banks in U.S., Europe, Asia, or Latin America - finance - Term Paper Example such as money transfers, payroll services, bank reconcilement, credit services such as asset based financing, lines of credit, commercial loans, or commercial real estate loans, deposit services such as checking or savings account services and foreign exchange. The latter involves services such as securitization, financing of mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, underwriting of shares, private placements of equity shares and debt securities with the investing institutions. These two services which were specialized by two distinct set of bankers are now being increasingly converged to be undertaken by same banks in view of deregulation of the financial sector. The banks have also started entering into insurance businesses. These changes have catapulted the banks to become an important and integral part of global business environment (Trends in the banking industry). In this context, this paper seeks to trace the recent trends in top tier banks in the U.S. and other countries in re spect of products, competition and global advancement. Since World War II through1970, there had been not many bank failures as it used to be a stable business. There were just ten bank failures in the U.S during the postwar period. It was only after deregulation, and liberalization identified as the catalysts for competition and growth, bank failures began to raise during 1980s and 1990s. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2004) and other studies of Blommestein and Lange (1993) and Blommestein (1997) provide a thorough analysis of bank failures in the U.S., Japan, Europe and others. Figure 1 showing the trend of banking failures during the period from 1934-2003 is clearly illustrative of this. The deregulation and liberalization has resulted in consolidation of banking industry during the last twenty five years. In the U.S. alone, the number of commercial banks which was 13,000 in 1980 has come down to 7,600 as in 2005. The last two decades have been characterized by
Friday, October 18, 2019
Product analysis ( Philip Starch Juicer) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Product analysis ( Philip Starch Juicer) - Essay Example It appeals to customers who want classic and different items. The customer could include an organization or any other entity that wants to use the Philip starch juicer in their day to day operations. The Philip starch juicer retails at  £43. Such is a good price for an effective, simple and durable product. The operation procedure of this product is simple. It involves inserting pressure on the lemon to force the juice together with the pulp from rind through the sieve or filter. During this process, Philip starch juicer itself must resist pressure; hence easily deformable materials cannot be used. The Philip starch juicer is mostly used in lemons. Consequently, since lemon is acidic, only acid based materials can be used to make the product. The safety of the product can only be judged during its normal use. In all products, using them in a different way or purpose from that directed by the manufacturers makes them to become unsafe. There is the manual and electric option of the Philip starch juicer. For the manual, after turning the device, the operator must hold the lemon while for the electric option; the squeezer turns the device on automatically. However, the operator must still hold on to the lemon. Other squeezers crush the lemon against projections. Thus, they usually have long handles in order for them to gain mechanical advantage of the
Discuss the three imperial mosques (Suleymaniye, Selimiye, & Sehzade) Essay
Discuss the three imperial mosques (Suleymaniye, Selimiye, & Sehzade) designed by the Ottoman architect Sinan - Essay Example He spent his childhood in Agirnas, a village near Kayseri, until he joined the â€Å"masters of carpenters†(Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). He learned the craft there until 1512 (Matthews 2011), when, at the age of twenty two (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011), he joined the royal army (Matthews 2011) and got recruited into the Corps of Ottoman Standing Troops (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). As a cavalry officer (Matthews 2011), he traveled far and wide in the empire, to places such as Egypt, Persia, Damascus, and Baghdad (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). He visited architectural wonders and ruins, and according to his own statement, learned something from every building and every ruin (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). He was quickly ranked as a construction officer (Matthews 2011). As an army engineer, he constructed bridges and forts (Matthews 2011), which proved to be very successful and architecturally sound. As his reputation built, he was promoted to the rank of the head of royal architects (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011), or the Architect of the Abode of Felicity in 1538 (Matthews 2011), at the age of fifty (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). As he built, his reputation rose (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). ... Sinan’s work include an eclectic range of construction projects, from hospitals to mosques and from asylums to bridges (Matthews 2011). However, his most prominent accomplishments remain the great mosques that he designed and constructed (Matthews 2011). Sinan generally designed the larger mosques mostly as complexes with hospitals, schools, libraries, almshouses, and public baths (Matthews 2011). Three of his greatest masterpieces, the Sehzade, Suleymaniye, and Selimiye mosques (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011) are discussed in detail later in the paper. Most of his work is influenced by the Hagia Sophia (Matthews 2011), with a weightless central dome supported by windows (Matthews 2011), an interior that is flooded with light due to those windows (Matthews 2011), pillars, buttresses, and minarets (Matthews 2011). One of his unique projects is the urban mosque complex next to the harbor in the Kadirga Liman quarter (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011), the Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque Complex, started in 1571 and finished in 1572 (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). The challenge of the fifty six feet dropping landscape (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011) is met with great ingenuity (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011) and expertise by Sinan, which can be viewed as a refreshingly changing landscape view (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011) as the complex is accessed by a number of entries through narrow and winding lanes (Turkish Cultural Foundation 2011). In the Hagia Sophia, Sinan added two large minarets at the Western end (An Architectural Wonder 2008), and to the southeast of the building, the mausoleum of Selim II in 1577 (An Architectural Wonder 2008). Later, he added a dias for sermons (An Architectural Wonder 2008), a minbar in the Sultan’s
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Anayse how language is used in a couple of texts( opening pages of Essay
Anayse how language is used in a couple of texts( opening pages of Gone with the wind and Romeo and Juliet - Essay Example These elements include phonology, lexis, punctuation, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. By comparing the usage of these elements between two classic texts, such as William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind, evidence can be found in each element of language that demonstrate how the usage of language changes over time and place as well as through dominant format of the communication goals. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1597 reflecting the Elizabethan values and traditions of England while focusing on the story of a young couple in Verona. In this way, he also incorporates some of the values that were understood in his time to have been important to people of an even earlier time. Mitchell wrote Gone With the Wind in 1936 America reflecting the struggles of the Great Depression and capturing some of the major issues that faced people living in the Civil War south. Like Shakespeare, although she didn’t live during that time period, she incorporates many of the values that were understood in her generation to have been important issues a generation or so earlier. In each case, there is a strong sense of identity reflected in every aspect of the language used. While each novel is written in the same general English language, each illustrates the ideas of love coming to bitter conclusions and each struggles to portray a period of time prior to that in which the author lived, each does so in such a unique way as to make it seem as if they were each written in separate languages all together, which can be teased out by examining the various aspects of language used to tell the story. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare establishes early on a formal and literary tone within the lexis of his text. For example, in the Prologue, he indicates the scene of his play is in â€Å"fair Verona†, a use of the word ‘fair’ that falls within the formal lexicon, especially
Answer to discussion board post Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Answer to discussion board post - Assignment Example ers aiming to effectively relay knowledge, it would be appropriate therefore, to assess the general or predominant learning styles of the students to provide the learning strategies that would maximize the students’ potentials to learn. This would also entail teaching applicable study skills like â€Å"active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management, time management, test taking, and memorization†(Education Corner, 2011, par. 2), as needed. The strategies for applying study skills could be different depending on the subjects, such as English, science, history or mathematic classes since the subjects have diverse thrusts, learning objectives and focal points; but the study skills remain the same. For instance, English classes aim to develop students skills in grammar, writing, reading and comprehension which requires study skills that would develop proficiencies in these areas (note taking, reading comprehension, time management). On the other hand, for mathematics, skills could be apty developed through practice and provision of visual learning aids, such as flashcards, charts, or graphs, as needed. History requires a lot of reading and science subjects need both reading and applications, where active listening, note taking, time management and memorization would assist students in enhancing their potentials to learn. It is a matter of using the most appropriate strategy to apply the study skills deemed needed to impro ve learning and academic performance of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Anayse how language is used in a couple of texts( opening pages of Essay
Anayse how language is used in a couple of texts( opening pages of Gone with the wind and Romeo and Juliet - Essay Example These elements include phonology, lexis, punctuation, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. By comparing the usage of these elements between two classic texts, such as William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind, evidence can be found in each element of language that demonstrate how the usage of language changes over time and place as well as through dominant format of the communication goals. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1597 reflecting the Elizabethan values and traditions of England while focusing on the story of a young couple in Verona. In this way, he also incorporates some of the values that were understood in his time to have been important to people of an even earlier time. Mitchell wrote Gone With the Wind in 1936 America reflecting the struggles of the Great Depression and capturing some of the major issues that faced people living in the Civil War south. Like Shakespeare, although she didn’t live during that time period, she incorporates many of the values that were understood in her generation to have been important issues a generation or so earlier. In each case, there is a strong sense of identity reflected in every aspect of the language used. While each novel is written in the same general English language, each illustrates the ideas of love coming to bitter conclusions and each struggles to portray a period of time prior to that in which the author lived, each does so in such a unique way as to make it seem as if they were each written in separate languages all together, which can be teased out by examining the various aspects of language used to tell the story. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare establishes early on a formal and literary tone within the lexis of his text. For example, in the Prologue, he indicates the scene of his play is in â€Å"fair Verona†, a use of the word ‘fair’ that falls within the formal lexicon, especially
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Strategic HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Strategic HRM - Essay Example The third principle reflects that a systematic approach should be developed by an organization in terms of human resource management for defining the objectives of the organization and the plans as to how these objectives can be attained. This report is prepared with the aim of identifying the core strategic issues in one of the fastest growing and largest companies operating in the Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) industry, Foxconn Technology Group. The core strategic issues in the company which have acted as impediments in the way of successful management of the company are identified and evaluated with the use of established strategic HRM theories and concepts. The report also includes the identification of suitable solutions for the existing strategic problems in the company which are presented as recommendations to the management. The report is concluded with a summary of the overall case study analysis. Strategic HRM is a process which includes the formulation of suitable approaches for developing human resource strategies in an organization (Smit and Trigeorgis, 2004). The development of strategic human resource systems and processes is important for every organization because strategic HRM is considered to be a major source of generating competitive advantage. Also, the human resource strategies can be vertically integrated with the business and corporate strategies and horizontally integrated among the different groups of strategic HRM strategies. These strategies are aimed at defining the plans of the organization with respect to the specific business considerations like people management, organizational effectiveness, employee relations management, reward and appraisal systems, learning and development, resource management etc. (CCH Australia, 2011). Foxconn Technology Group is a leading
Monday, October 14, 2019
Understanding Culture and Multicultural Education Essay Example for Free
Understanding Culture and Multicultural Education Essay Culture has no standard definition but rather various definitions are existent depending on its usage. One of the many definitions of culture is that it is a system of collective ideals, behaviors, beliefs, values, and artifacts among members of a society which is passed from one generation to another. This system is utilized in the interaction of the members of a society with each other and to the rest of the world. Culture is transmitted to the younger generation through inculcation of the components of the system to the young based on what they observe in the society or group that they belong(Hanley ). Another definition of culture is that it is a process of molding the moral and intellectual faculties through education. It is also defined as a set of values, norms, beliefs, and traditions which is shared by people that belongs to the same group or organization(Culture, 2007). Culture thus is a way of life of a cluster of people. It is a summation of the acquired behavior of a group of people that separates those who belong to that group from those who do not. The existence of students from various ethnic, racial, cultural, and social-class groups in one education system lead to the emergence of a discipline that aims to solve the differences that goes along with the different backgrounds of students. This discipline is termed as multicultural education and the goal of this is to provide equal educational opportunities to students from different backgrounds. This system focuses on providing guidance to students in obtaining knowledge, skills, and attitudes which are essential in participating in a pluralistic democratic society. The things that the students will acquire through this type of discipline will enable them to interact, communicate, and negotiate effectively among people from different walks of life so that a moral and civic community that will thrive for a common good will be established(Laboratory, 2004). Multicultural education enables the students to learn and appreciate the similarities and differences of other student’s culture from their own. The materials which are utilize in multicultural education portrays the various groups realistically using not only the perspective from the person belonging to that group but perspectives of people who view a specific culture from different angles. Through this educational discipline the students are taught to value their own culture without degrading the culture of others. It promotes the acceptance of the flaws and positive attributes of one’s own culture as well as the realization that other cultures exists aside from one’s own(Multicultural Education, 2003). In multicultural education, all students are given equality in attaining the highest levels of education through implementing school policies, practices, and organization that supports this endeavor. Issues about sexism, racism, linguicism, ablism, classism, intolerance to other religions, heterosexism, and ageism are among the primary issues that are directly addressed in an institution that promotes multicultural education. The students will be able to work and interact with other students despite these issues that some of them are involved(Multicultural Education, 2003). In this education system the ethnic minority are not considered inferior to others. The people of color for example whom were victims of the then racists’ society are given equal rights to have proper education like the other students. The structure of the schools with multicultural education is reformed into a non-discriminating institution. The African American students fro example is not only taught about the history of their race but about others as well like the Asian Americans and Latino Americans. The interlinking between the races are taught to the students without bias to the white people’s history(Hanley ). Multicultural education serves as a medium for equality and social justice. It promotes not only a single culture but all the cultures of the world. Task C I already have preconceptions about the diversity in culture but my idea is somewhat generalized. I was not able to define what these differences were. Yes, I know that differences and biases exist; and these cause problems in the student’s process of obtaining knowledge. I did not know that the differences in culture encompass values, norms, beliefs, traditions, and language which I have researched. To solve the differences among students I was able to generate an idea that a multifaceted system can be implemented, and I did not know that there is a multicultural education that I capable of overcoming the differences among the students of different backgrounds. I also did not know that multicultural education has been advocated by various institutions already. My research made me aware that cultural differences and bias exist but a certain discipline which is in the form of multicultural education can be implemented to settle these differences among students. The research made me realize that culture is inculcated and passed through the latter generations by way of living. Thus if the education system promotes equality among these various cultures then students will be able to perceive that equality is a component of their cultures. The differences in language, religion, tradition, and beliefs would not matter to the students if the educators will provide an environment wherein all of these do not matter and only the desire to obtain knowledge is important. Students of various backgrounds can interact and coexist in their quest for knowledge in a harmonious way. My newly acquired understanding will help me teach in a manner that promotes the equality among my students that are from diverse cultures. I will promote the understanding of each others culture among my students. The activities that I will incorporate in my classes will serve as a medium for the learning and appreciation of the knowledge of other student’s culture aside from their own. Diversity in culture is inevitable but the quest for knowledge is the same in all the students so they deserve to have equal treatment. References Culture. (2007). Merriam-Webster Online Retrieved January 28, 2008 Hanley , M. S. The Scope of Multicultural Education. Laboratory, N. C. R. E. (2004). Multicultural Education. Learning Point Associates Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. ncrel. org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/presrvce/pe3lk1. htm Multicultural Education. (2003). National Association for Multicultural Education Retrieved January 28, 2008, from http://www. nameorg. org/resolutions/definition. html
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Analysis of The Man He Killed, Reconciliation, and Dreamers Essay
Analysis of The Man He Killed, Reconciliation, and Dreamers In the chosen poems, Thomas Hardy, Walt Whitman, and Sigfried Sassoon each have a common viewpoint: war brings out the worst in man, a feeling buried deep inside the heart. Even with this clotting of the mind due to the twisting ways of war, a flicker of remorse, a dream of someplace, something else still exists within the rational thought. These poems express hope, the hope that war will not be necessary. They show that man only kills because he must, not because of some inbred passion for death. These three authors express this viewpoint in their own ways in their poems: "The Man He Killed", "Reconciliation", and "Dreamers". In The Man He Killed, Hardy speaks about the absurdity of war. He gives a narrative of how he kills a "foe", and that this "foe" could be a friend if they met "by some old ancient inn", instead of the battlefield. Hardy says "...quaint and curious war shoot a fellow down you'd treat if met where any bar is..." In this Hardy speaks how war twists the mind, and also makes you kill people you have no personal vendetta against. In Reconciliation, Whitman shows the devastation of war. In a war, you kill someone and even if you win, you lose. Whitman describes a man mourning over the death of his foe. He rejoices over the ultimate death of war "Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage utterly lost." He also feels great remorse over his so called e...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Parents + Teachers = Conflicts :: essays research papers
     As we are introduced to the four key beliefs that form the framework for the MIT program here at City University, (Preparation, Practice, People, and Professionalism) I have chosen to focus first on People, since people are at the core of what we are seeking to become. Obviously there are areas of overlap in the four; like professionalism is going to include preparation, but people are at the heart of it; teachers, parents, children, and administrators working together for the common goal of education.      Unfortunately even though the goal is the same, what route to take in order to achieve that goal is sometime a contentious one. Laws are passed. Curriculums are made with the general population in mind, but not the individual. Teachers have to work with their entire class at the same time. The parent however is often focused on only one thing, the education of their child and that can lead to problems      In â€Å"Parents Behaving Badly†by Nancy Gibb (Time, 2005,135,40-49), the author examines how well meaning parents can hinder the educational process by doing things that perhaps are well intentioned, but are quite possibly not for the greater good.      She sites from a 2004 MetLife survey, (Gibb, 2005, p.44) that 90% of new teachers agree that involving parents in their children’s education is a priority, however only 25% described their experience working with parents as â€Å"very satisfying†. In fact 31% of the teachers cited involving and communicating with parents as the biggest challenge they face. The vast majority of teachers in the survey felt too many parents treat schools and teachers as adversaries.      Parental induced problems included, but were certainly not limited to: parents doing their children’s homework, blaming teachers for their child’s mistakes, demanding that grades be changed, demanding daily updates on their child’s progress, restricting teacher’s speech (in the context of Parents + Teachers = Conflicts     3 what can be said to their child), lawsuits, verbally abusing teachers, and at the other end of the spectrum parents that are completely uninvolved. â€Å"While it’s the nature of parents to want to smooth out the bumps in the road, it’s the nature of teachers to toss in a few more: sometimes kids have to fail in order to learn.†(Gibbs, 2005, p.44)      â€Å"Research show that students benefit modestly from having parents involved at school†¦but what happens at home matters much more.†, (Gibbs, 2005, p.44). She calls on studies that demonstrate a partnership is required to achieve the best results.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Actual advantages to block csheduling via research studies Essay
A Temple University study found that block scheduling had distinct advantages in academic achievement. Students who made the honor roll at the three schools studied rose from 22% to 31%. SAT scores rose by an average of 14 points. In addition, the number of detentions declined while student attendance increased (Evans, Tokarczyk and Rice, 2000). Most recently, a 2006 study indicated a variety of advantages to block scheduling. Five Connecticut high schools were studied to determine what, if any, positive outcomes would result. The researchers used test scores and surveys as a means of data collection from school guidance counselors, teachers, administrators and students. The study found that gains in math rose significantly over a two year period, achievement test score averages rose in a statistically significant manner over three years, and PSAT and SAT scores increased within the first three years but then leveled off. (Wilcox, 2006). This study is one of the few longitudinal studies available. This study also stressed the importance of time as a factor in determining the success of block scheduling. â€Å"Almost all of the results which indicated significant differences were shown after two or more years†(Wilcox, 2006). Clearly some time is necessary in order for students and teachers to become accustomed to the changes. Some of the school studies Wilcox (2006) examined had been operating on a block schedule for as long as ten years. Unfortunately, not all the schools had baseline data for years before the block schedule or had opened with a block schedule. The study further stresses the level of support by the staff can be a determining factor as to the success of any type of block scheduling, which seems to correlate, at least on surface examination of the results, with training procedures and teacher confidence. 2. 2. 4 Actual Disadvantages to Block Scheduling via Research Studies A University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study studied achievement in reading and mathematics of students in a high school which ran a tri-schedule. This schedule consisted of a traditional schedule, a 4 x 4 schedule and hybrid schedules which all operated in the same single school. The NC state mandated tests in reading, language and math were used to determine achievement. For reading and language test results, there was no statistically significant difference based on the types of schedules. There was, however, a statistically significant difference in math computation subtest. The traditional schedule saw slightly higher scores in understanding and retention of mathematical computation for tenth grade students. Thus, this study â€Å"supports the importance of daily instruction and contact time to student achievement in mathematics as distinct from other academic skills†(Veal and Shreiber, 1999). Another study tested students in the Wilmington area of North Carolina. It, too, found that students on traditional schedules scored higher on tests of algebra, English, biology and history than did students on a block schedule (Lawrence and McPherson, 2000). 2. 2. 5 Studies that were Inconclusive in Determining the Efficacy of Block Scheduling in Increasing Academic Achievement. A third North Carolina study, this one undertaken by the Department of Public Instruction, compared End-Of-Course (EOC) test scores in five areas (English I, Algebra I, Biology I, US History, and Economic, Legal and Political Systems (ELP)). It sample scores from schools that operated on block schedules and on traditional schedules for 1993 to 1996. It mentions at the outset that the first schools to adopt block schedules in NC were those that had lower achievement scores to begin with. These schools’ scores were adjusted for the purpose of this study. The overall results were inconclusive. Some blocked schools showed some improvement in some years but then lower scores in other years. â€Å"At present, there are essentially no significant differences between groups of blocked and corresponding non-blocked school groups in terms of student performance in state EOC Tests†(North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 1997). Walker (2000) conducted a study of students in the Kansas public school system. He focused primarily in math scores with a purpose to see if students’ math scores would increase from year to year using block vs. traditional scheduling. He found that â€Å"while the block-scheduled schools did make better percentage gains than the traditional schools, such gain was found to be insignificant when using split-plot analysis of variance. Therefore, there is not a significant measurable difference in the impact of block-scheduling or traditional scheduling on this mathematics assessment†(Walker, 2000). A test conducted by the Georgia Department of Education found similar results. This study tested four types of scheduling systems (4 x 4, A/B, hybrid and traditional) among nearly 40,000 students in various GA schools. Students were tested in eight subject areas (9th Grade Literature, American Literature, Algebra, Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, US History and Economics). No significant differences were noted among the scheduling types, but one general comment was made that Algebra scores in all blocked schedules were slightly higher than in traditionally scheduled schools (Domaleski, 2004). This study relied primarily on test score results. In the Spring of 2004 the mean Algebra score for students on block scheduling was 601. 78 which the mean score for those on traditional scheduling was 599. 73. Over 73,000 students were tested and scores analyzed for each. In all the other subject areas, the scores were very nearly the same, and no statistically significant differences were reported (Domaleski, 2004). The reasons for the differences are not clear, but one might suggest that schools which adopted block-scheduling early were those with serious problems, behavioral and/or academic and done so as an attempt to create a positive change in those schools. Another reason might be that some schools operated on a hybrid block schedule, so even though a school is designated as a ‘block’ school, a student may not have taken that particular course in a block format. Another possible limitation to this study is the fact that the Spring 2004 scores were obtained before the decision to count the EOCT as 15% of the student’s grade. â€Å"Since the use of the EOCT as an accountability assessment likely differed among schools and systems for this administration, it should not be assumed that the motivation of all examinees in each conditions was consisten†(Domaleski, 2004) 2. 2. 5 Returns to a Traditional Schedule from Block Scheduling Some districts have returned to a traditional schedule from a block schedule. According to Canaday and Rettig (2003), this change may be premature. In a study of over 200 Virginia schools, some of the reasons for change were less the result of poor academic performance and more a result of the following issues: â€Å"The use of a flawed decision-making process to adopt a block schedule; poor preparation for teaching in the block, including insufficient staff development and/or inattention to course pacing; unclear goals, overpromising or not meeting promises made; and poor scheduling decisions in the adoption phase (Canada and Rettig, 2003). Perhaps planning prior to the implementation of block scheduling would make the transition run more smoothly.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Rousseau as Totalitarian?
ROUSSEAU AS TOTALITARIAN? Rousseau, known as â€Å"Father of Modern Democratic Theory†, was being accused by other people as a â€Å"Father of Totalitarianism†. This is one of the contentious issues which attack Rousseau’s social contract; he is seen to be advocating totalitarian solution rather democratic. Others may have only misunderstood the concept of totalitarianism but I tell you there is no clear evidence showing he is in favor of totalitarian. Why, then, some considered Rousseau as a totalitarian? Maybe it goes with his controversial concept of general will.The general will can be perceived as an objective truth to which every citizen must conform. Therefore everybody was under the control of the general will. Since totalitarianism is defined as a political system where the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life whenever necessary; this means that the general will can be use as a tot alitarian device. But the methods suggested for discovering the general will were basically democratic.This concept was introduced to prevent exploitation and this will only take effect if it is willed by the citizens. In this case, we can see that Rousseau was proposing that the best way for a community to make decisions was really to use democratic procedures. Hence, we cannot condemn him being a totalitarian advocate just because general will reigns. After all, even if it controls every citizen, it still comes from all and it tends always to the preservation and welfare of the whole and every associate.Another thing that can probably make people thinks of Rousseau’s social contract as a totalitarian is due to his view of â€Å"majority binds the rest†. Rousseau was aware that no particular human being knows what the general will truly is that is why he proposes that what the majority has voted, it is the general will, assuming that everybody is thinking for the comm on good of the community and not for his own self-interest. Now problem the decision of the majority is what rules the community and we don’t even know if they are really thinking for the common good of everybody.They maybe considered as one political group who reigns over the community. This cannot be a valid reason for saying that Rousseau was after a totalitarian government. Remember Rousseau has insisted that the sovereign is the people and not a particular group only. And at the start of the compact, before they have voted for what they think is general will; the people should give their consent to all the laws that will be passed even in their opposition.Despite that the decision of the majority wins, the people still has participated in determining that certain law. Rousseau was merely proposing measures aimed at creating community cohesion and preserving democracy. We can now say that his proposal was really an authentic attempt of finding a form of association which will defend and protect with the whole common force the person and goods of each associate, and in which each, while uniting himself with all, may still obey himself alone, and remain as free as before.
My Expectations for English This Year Essay
I am very happy to be taking English this year. I have strengths I wish to expand on and weaknesses to improve. I have two main goals for this class this year. I hope with the help of my teacher and classmates I can make the most of this class. I am interested in English in many areas. For beginners, I would like to read novels. In the past, I would choose to read short, young adult books. Now I believe I am ready to read harder, more advanced books. I used to dread writing assignments, but I have come to realize writing is part of life. I just have to do it. Overall I enjoy English class. I have more weaknesses than strengths when it comes to English. My strengths are reading well, brainstorming ideas for writing assignments, and turning homework in on time. I can read well, but the trouble comes when I need to understand what I read. When it comes to writing, I have trouble expressing the words in a unique way. Finally, my grammar could use improvement in areas such as spelling and punctuation. After much consideration, I have come up with two goals that I hope to achieve from this class. The first one is to become a better, more advanced writer. I choose this goal because I feel communication is the key to life. In order to communicate well, I need to be able to write and read. That brings me to my second goal: to be able to get the most out of what I read. I want to be able to understand what I read. Accomplishing these goals will help me prepare for college. I am looking forward to writing a lot of stories, essays, and journal entries this year. I also am excited about reading novels to expand my reading level. I hope to achieve my goals. In doing all this and with practice, I hope to be well prepared for college.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
War of the third Coalition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
War of the third Coalition - Research Paper Example The five articles were located using the Google search engine using key words such as â€Å"Third Coalition†and â€Å"Napoleon I.†Peer reviewed scholarly articles were excluded from the search results, along with encyclopaedia entries which were in any case usually rather superficial. The selected internet sources are briefly described in turn with an emphasis on deciding how accurate and useful they are for academic purposes. Text 1 â€Å"Napoleonic Wars†(FAMT, undated). This source is an aticle on the whole series of Napoleonic Wars which has a brief paragraph on each of the coalitions. There is no author mentioned, and no firm date, although the site does suggest that all articles have been written between 2008 and 2010. The most striking feature of the article is its breezy style, and use of imaginative and emotive language, for example â€Å"Napoleon taught the Austrians another lesson at the Battle of Ulm in 1805, but it didn’t last very longâ₠¬ (FAMT, undated, p.1) This kind of comment is not very specific, since the phrase â€Å"taught the Austrians another lesson†gives no quantitative details of troop numbers, or indication of tactics, or indeed any details at all about the apparently decisive Battle of Ulm. There are serious doubts about the objectivity of this article, and this can be seen both in the content and in the nature of the website which hosts it. The anonymous author’s conclusion is flagged as being controversial, and indeed the claim that â€Å"Anglosphere money power financed Napoleon’s remarkable career†(FAMT, undated, p.1) gives a hint that there is a hidden agenda. The author acknowledges that â€Å"this is not a popular view of Napoleon†(FAMT, undated, p.1) and hints that more research might produce evidence to support it! The website hosting the article is set up to resemble an information/news/reference site, modelled on a newspaper, as its title â€Å"The D aily Bell†suggests. Its express purpose appears to be â€Å"to promote and support the widespread advancement of laissez-faire economic principles†and this betrays a strong political and ideological bias. This site is not suitable as a secondary source for information on the Third Coalition and Napoleon but it is perhaps interesting as a primary source on the way contemporary political organisations are attempting to use the internet to re-write, or re-interpret history in order to support particular beliefs. Text 2 â€Å"The French Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars†(Hickman, undated) This source is a formal narrative giving bare facts about the events in Napoleon’s career, including the War of the Third Coalition. It gives a few key dates, and provides hyperlinks for key persons and places such as â€Å"Lord Horatio Nelson†and â€Å"Trafalgar†, along with some images of classical works of art which illustrate scenes mentioned. As a histori cal source it is accurate, but much too superficial to be of any use to serious researchers. There are no sources given, and although there are further topic headings pointing the reader to other â€Å"Ask,com†pages, it is clear that this text is nothing more than a few bare facts with no analysis or theoretical debate. It is impossible also to check whether the author has selected the most important items to list, and indeed it could be argued that the extreme summary falsifies the complexity of the events described. One positive feature of the text is that the author’
Monday, October 7, 2019
Communication in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Communication in Economics - Essay Example While private investments showed growth of 0.72% and net exports rose by 0.99% in last quarter of 2013, the government spending is a major drag on the economy as it declined by 1.05%. In view of the economic recovery observed in 2013, it was expected that economys momentum will continue; however, bad weather in first quarter and overseas volatility have reduced hopes of further improvement. The third quarter healthy growth of 4.1% in 2013 had generated enthusiasm across the businesses and industries to continue to have rapid job creations, but certain other economic measurements have been found to giving differing signals. Job creation, consumer spending, factory output and the construction industry data are not in line with the expectations. Many attribute this down performance in the first quarter of 2014 to extreme winter in many parts of the country. Jeremy Lawson, an economist at Standard Life, is of the view that the growth rates recorded in the previous quarters were, in fact, over stating what was happening actually. First-quarter consumer-spending is not as per expectations and the mining industry is still passing through a weak market globally. On export front, the US economy registered a 9.4% growth, which was originally anticipated to rise by 11.4%. Business spending showed buoyancy in the second half of 2013 as companies continued to invest in buildings, software, and equipments. Fixed investment grew by 7.3% in the fourth quarter generating hopes for future growth. Public-sector wages are mostly stagnant not showing any hopes of recovery. As usual, the saving rate has been registered only 4.5% in the fourth quarter that is one percentage point less when compared with the average of the previous three years. Consumers are spending but the government is holding back. In the last quarter of 2013, the Federal Government spending was down by 12.8%. The Federal Reserve is
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded of a Essay
The inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded of a commodity - Essay Example This implies that as the price of a commodity increases, the quantity demanded for that product would reduce, similarly as the price decreases, the quantity demanded for that commodity would increase. Behravesh (2008) describes the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded is a constant law in economics. There seem to be no real exception to the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded as long as it is a commodity that consumers crave to get, this law would always hold its ground. The quantity demanded for a particular commodity depends on the price. The quantity demanded would begin to decrease when the suppliers or manufacturers decide to increase the price of the commodity. Consumers would begin to look for substitutes to these commodities that have a lower price and these means that the quantity demanded for a commodity that its price has just been decreased would begin to reduce drastically. The reason for the inverse relationship that exists betwe en price and quantity demanded is not far-fetched. There is always a price that consumers are willing to pay for a particular commodity and when there is a change in this price, they begin to change their mind. Some consumers may even look for other alternatives and this would affect the general quantity demanded for that commodity. ... ists between the price of a commodity and the quantity demanded is seen below: Quantity Demanded Price 600 100 300 200 150 400 75 800 40 1500 The effect that the increase in the price of a particular commodity would have on the quantity commodity is clearly shown above as an increase in the price would drive the quantity demanded downwards. However, there are exceptions to this law of demand as there are some commodities that the price of a commodity does not affect the quantity demanded for the same commodity. Drugs seem to be an essential commodity for sick people that the price of this commodity does not really affect the quantity demanded for that commodity. Consider a drug that has proven to be the most potent solution to a particular ailment and the price suddenly goes up. A patient that loves his or her life would pay anything to get that drug. Thus, an increase in the case of potent drugs would not in any way affect the quantity demanded for that drug. Hence, there are some e xceptions to the inverse relationship between price and the quantity demanded for a commodity as there are some commodities that some consumers can pay through the nose to get (Jones 2008, pp. 23-26). Another thing to consider is the income of consumers. The quantity demanded for a particular commodity may reduce and the price of that commodity may still remain constant. In this case, would we say that there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded? The answer is no. the quantity demanded reduced due to the reduction in the income of the consumer as consumers would only buy what they can afford as they cannot in any way spend beyond their financial limits (O'Sullivan, Sheffrin, & Perez, 2010). Hence, this represents a somewhat exception in the law of demand’s inverse
Saturday, October 5, 2019
TECHNICAL REPORT & LOG BOOK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TECHNICAL REPORT & LOG BOOK - Essay Example To understanding the working of a major part of the industry a small contractor company is selected as a study sample. 2. Alpha Construction Ltd There are mainly two reasons for selecting Alpha Construction, which makes it’s an important representative example of an organization which fits into construction industry. Firstly alpha construction is an ideal example for a SME, Civil Engineering and Building Contractor whose range of contracts value from ?250k to ?5m. Secondly it is a company which is in Hilton Derbyshire which would help us understand the working of contractors in the midlands. The Alpha construction deals in a wide range of works that include building and civil engineering aspects of electricity generation and distribution, food processing, water, quarrying, chemical processing, infrastructure works, manufacturing and coal production projects. The company’s management includes Rob Smith as Managing Director, and Mark Clarke, Melanie Cartlidge, Ken Durham as Commercial Director, Business development Manager and Contracts Director respectively. It is observed that management have very less experience in Environment and related issues and that’s where the issue exists in the small construction enterprises. As we are very well aware that now the environmental aspect of each project is critically scrutinized at every stage of the project (Design, construction and operations) and if the project does not conform to the standards and regulations heavy penalty or even the closure of the project can occur. So now with the changing time we have to make a slight change in the structure of the company. After an analysis I have come to a conclusion that the existence of Environmental Management Unit is the need of the hour. 3. Environmental Management Unit The structure of this unit would be a small, so as to match the size of the company, it would include an expert in Environmental sciences/engineering and must have experience in analysis and management of environmental issues related to diverse construction projects. The experts will work under the Business development Manager and Contracts Director collectively. In the status quo it is very important that there must be no issues raised related to environment in contracts, because it would harm the companies profile making it difficult to get new projects in the current recession. Secondly a certain level of leverage can be acquired from the introduction of Environmental Management Unit, this is because increased awareness of the client for protection and safeguard of environment and can be at times detrimental in the selection of contractors for civil engineering project that Alpha construction normally does. The main purpose and technical areas of expertise of this unit would be introduce the usage of new green materials of construction and then provide sustainable construction processes and pathways. Bringing in new green construction material is important due t o two reasons, firstly an immense amount of construction material is used, it is estimated that about 420 million tones of material is used in construction industry in UK every year (Lazarus, Construction Materials Report 2003). Then secondly it is an area in which very
Friday, October 4, 2019
Motivation behind Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Motivation behind Behavior - Essay Example The topics of the course were very diverse. They ranged from an overview of sustainability aspects including engineering perspectives, health, corporate and consumer responsibility to planning, designing, and measuring sustainability. They offered broad knowledge and adequate case studies such as Offshore Wind Farm negotiation that were practical and taught me how to plan and execute negotiations with stakeholders for a sustainable environment (Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005; â€Å"PON at Harvard Law School – Offshore Wind Farm Negotiation,†2008). Moreover, they also enabled me to understand how to perform an analysis of a project impact. Leadership lessons taught me how to motivate others, identify developing conflicts, and solve them. The Strength Deployment Model taught me to identify positive things from people’s behavior, learn the motivation behind their behavior, and use appropriate language to motivate them towards a sustainable environment (SDI, 2015). Concepts in this lesson helped me understand myself and my roles as a leader in sustainability. It taught me the value of being aware of happenings in the society or the importance of an aspect such as the climatic change to society. Some of the main aims of leadership include actively solving the issue of how to organize the collective effort for optimal outcomes. It also taught me that working with people is challenging and I now know the challenges to expect and what to do to create a motivating environment for everyone to accomplish sustainability measures in society.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Free Will Philosophy Essay I strongly believe that W. T. Stace is correct while arguing for the view of soft determinism, also known as compatibilism. Stace believes in compatibilism, which states that determinism is true, but free will still does exist. He puts both views together by studying the definition of free will. Stace asks, â€Å"How can anyone be punished or rewarded for his or her actions if they have no control over their actions? †That statement seemed extremely convincing to me because both d’Holbach and Chisholm supported one side of the argument. d’Holbach and Chisholm argued that we are either strictly determined by the laws of nature and physics or that we are not determined, rather being we have the power to do as we choose. Stace on the other hand, put both positions together and made them work together. He explained that the laws of nature and physics do have an impact on our choices, but we do have the ability to choose what we want to choose when making a decision. Outside forces may push on our decision, but we are the ones responsible for choosing what we want to choose. He persuasively defends his view of soft determinism by explaining the definition of free will. He states, â€Å"In order for one to define free will, one must look into how the phrase is commonly used. †The way a philosopher interprets free will is different than the way a common person will do so. Stace defines free acts as acts that are directly caused by a person’s internal thoughts or desires coming directly from the person. Not free acts are those that have outside forces pushing a person to do something a certain way such as a threat or harm. This was very different from what other philosophers have stated in the past. By providing examples of free will, Stace points out that free will clearly does exist. It wouldn’t make sense for free will not to exist since it is compatible with determinism.
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