Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The main aim of hazard management should be to reduce the effects of hazards, not manage their cause

Hazard management ultimately aims to reduce the risk that a hazard can bring to humans. This can be done through the four steps of modifying the cause, event, vulnerability and loss. I believe that the cause of many natural hazards, such as geophysical and meteorological hazards cannot prevented, thus the management of the cause of a hazard is irrelevant in the management of many hazards. As such, it should be the case that the main aim of hazard management should be to reduce the effects of hazards rather than manage their cause. The issue of reducing the effect of hazards would be discussed in the four parts of the hazard management framework. I agree with the statement to a large extent that hazard management should not be centered on managing the cause. The few ways in which the cause of the hazard can be modified will be discussed. Although the most ideal method would be to prevent the occurrence of the event in the first place, to stop a hazard from occurring entirely is a feat that usually would be only be feasible in terms of small scale, isolated phenomena, taking the example of a flood. Floods are examples of small scale hazards that can be prevented through technological means. Often, levees can be built to prevent a river from overflowing, such as the levees built along the Mississippi River in North America, or the Scheldt River in the Netherlands. Also, dams can be built to retain water in a lake, and can be used to control the water flow, thus preventing rivers from overflowing too quickly. A good example of a dam that has prevented repeated flooding occurrence is the Hoover Dam along the Colorado River. It is recorded that before the building of the dam, there was frequent flooding at the low lying areas of the river during spring. While physical methods can be employed to prevent the occurrence of these isolated hazards like floods and landslides, large scale hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis and wind storms cannot be prevented. As such, modification of the cause is highly limited to a few hazards, thus making it more feasible to consider other approaches in reducing the effects of the majority of hazards which will almost inevitably occur. While technology cannot be used to prevent the causes of all hazards, technology can also be used to modify the event. Earthquakes is a good example of a hazard where the earthquake itself does not usually cause the loss of lives, rather, it is usually its effect on other structures that causes the most destruction, such as the toppling of buildings or causing landslides. As such, a good method of earthquake management would be to equip buildings with the ability to withstand the impact of earthquakes, using various architectural designs. A famous example of an earthquake resistant building is Taipei 101, which foundation is reinforced 80 metres deep into the ground and has a steel ball known as a tuned mass damper which balances the building. During its construction in 2002, Taipei experienced a 6. 8 magnitude earthquake, and yet the skyscraper did not topple and experienced no structural damages. Sometimes, such as in certain Japanese house designs, the houses are not built to withstand earthquakes but such that it moves along with the earthquake, using grooves rather than nails to fit the house together. Furthermore, the light wood has lower probability of killing people if it topples. These different designs show how it is possible to use knowledge of engineering and architecture to reduce the impact of hazards. Modifying vulnerability is another approach to hazard management which aims to increase preparedness of people themselves to tackle the hazard when it occur, including methods such as increasing community preparedness, planning, developing warning systems, and changing perceptions. Community preparedness is essential in all communities where hazard occurrence is frequent, to train and educate people as to how to respond to a hazard and drawing out evacuation plans, and stocking up emergency supplies of food, water and medicine. Also, people can be trained in first aid, search and rescue, and firefighting, etc. In some cases, this is much more feasible than using technology, when the cost is too high. A case study of Norway, where avalanches are frequent, is a good example. Due to the fact that neither relocation nor retrofitting buildings was a feasible option, the most cost effective plan would be to decrease vulnerability. This was done mainly through setting up a warning system, and coming up with a plan to organize an evacuation, by appointing a group of representatives from each community and training the people on how to react. The plan was highly successful, showing the merit in proper planning and preparedness. In many ways the perception and awareness of the community to hazards is very important. Changing the perception of people is also essential in reducing the impacts of hazards, for negative perception by a group of people can ultimately lead many deaths, in cases where communities, especially in LEDCs, are resigned to the fact that nothing can be done to prevent hazard occurrence and that hazards are unavoidable and look upon them as a way of life. Even in MEDCs, perceptions can cause problems. There is a case where, during the evacuation for Hurricane Katrina, some of the elderly did not want evacuate, because of fear of new living conditions, or that they do not want to leave their home. This contributed to the majority of the deaths being the elderly in these events. Thus, changing the perceptions of various peoples in different cultural contexts plays a large role in hazard management, ensuring that the community would want to save themselves in the first place. In all, modifying vulnerability can ultimately lead to people knowing how to react to hazards and thus reduces the negative effects of them. In many cases, managing the cause of natural hazards may bring certain disadvantages, for most natural hazards, while posing a threat to humans, are actually only natural phenomenon, and at times have benefits to us and the environment. A very good example is the case of a flood, where people have tried to create physical barriers to contain the flood water such as levees and dams. While this may be applicable to MEDCs, for many agricultural communities, such an approach is inapplicable, for they depend on the floodplain where there is a high amount of nutrients, deposited by flooding, and supply of water. In these contexts, such as in Bangladesh, where the people depend on these floods, the prevention of the â€Å"hazard† would uproot their way of life. In this way, floods need not always be treated as negative phenomena, causing damage in only certain contexts. In my opinion, modifying the vulnerability, not the cause should be the main aim of hazard management. This holds since there are two factors contributing to risk: hazard and vulnerability. Since eliminating the hazard is totally unfeasible in many large-scale hazards, the best thing to manage should be human vulnerability. Since the main aim should be centered on that can be applicable to all communities, it should be something feasible in contexts where there is lack of economic and technological resources, thus ruling out modifying the event as a potential main aim. As such, hazard management should not be centered on technology, such as the retrofitting of buildings, but rather something like education, which is more cost effective. In all, the main aim should be to increase the resilience of the people themselves to tackle the hazard. For example, in the case of Bangladesh, people adapt to the floods and learn to use it to their own benefit, neither seeing it as a negative phenomenon, nor something they should fear. After changing any negative perceptions of hazards in communities, community preparedness is essential. A bottom up approach equips people with the ability to save their own lives rather than being dependant on others. In fact, it has been shown that this approach works much better than international aid or rescuers from the military. For example, the rescue efforts to the floods in Mozambique in 2001 was a success, not because of anything else, but more of the fact that the people were trained in how to respond, and that there was a clearly drawn out evacuation plan and appointed leaders in the community. Mozambique, though being one of the poorest countries in the world, has managed to increase community preparedness, thus showing how this approach to hazard management, may just be the most universal method of tackling hazards, which works regardless of affluence. In conclusion, it is true that hazard management should be primarily about reacting to the hazards and reducing the damage it brings, rather than trying to prevent it. Still, as technology continues to develop, we cannot eliminate it as an essential part of hazard management, for what may not be possible to prevent now, may be in the future. So, both sides of the equation must be considered to tackle risk effectively, depending on the context.

After a century of criminological theory, why does crime still exist Essay

After more than a century of criminological theory, a central question remains: why does crime still exist? To answer this question one must first come to a clear definition as to what crime actually means. In essence crime can be considered a social concept; a specific word attributes an individual to a particularly undesirable group. This allocations is based upon an event; some sort of wrong-doing or deviance from the norm which results in social, physical, mental, property or financial harm. The fact is, there is no singular definition to crime- there are multiple views and opinions yet none stands as a concrete definition. From a formally legal perspective, crime can be defined as by the state; that is if a specific act is defined by criminal law and is subject to punishment than it can be considered a crime. Conversely from a labelling perspective, crime can only exist if a particular event has resulted in a social response. It is this social response which instigates the criminal label and thus if there is no label, there is no crime. The ambiguity in the definition of crime alone provides grounds for its continuous existence. After all it seems only logical that we cannot rid of something that is not universally agreed upon. In attempts to unveil the cloak of criminality, various theories have been put forward which seek to clarify what is unclear. Of particular interest is the classical approach to crime and the idea of positivism and individualist behaviour. The classical theory of criminality locates the source of criminality within the individual and describes it as a rational choice (Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990). Positivism on the other hand emphasises causation and determinism, it focuses on both the external and internal factors which drive individual behaviour (Gottfredson and Hirschi 1990). Both of these theories hold opposing views about the causations of crime however they both seek to give reason to the existence of criminal behaviour. By focusing on these theories we may receive some clarity as to why crime still exists. Classical Theory: According to the classical theory criminality is seen to be derived from the individual and their ability to reason. This theory encapsulates crime as a matter of choice and intent on the part of the offender. Due to crime being represented as a choice of the offender, responsibility for that crime is thus attributed solely to the individual. Classical theory views all individuals as having equal opportunity to reason and be rational thus making us accountable for our actions. The basis of such a view stems from the assumption that there is general consensus among members of society; individuals surrender particular rights to state in exchange for its protection thus forming a social contract. Because we are all viewed as having equal opportunity to reason, the classical view holds that any rules or laws developed by consensus should be viewed as reasonable and binding to all; this is the social contract. The classical theory thereby defines criminality as someone who acts irrationally or makes a bad choice which violates the social contract. The two leading figures behind the development of the classical theory are Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. According to Beccaria (1764) and Bentham (1970) the basis of all social action should be viewed as the utilitarian concept which results in the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people in society. Beccaria stated that crime should be considered as an injury to society as a whole and as such punishment should be used as a deterrent. This concept alone is the core is the core policy classical theory adopts when responding to crime; deterrence. Punishment is in essence the force which maintains the existence of a social contract between the state and individual (Carlsmith and Darley 2002). Classical theory states that all crimes should be associated with some sort of punishment. However the purpose of this punishment within the law is to deter individuals and not to seek vengeance. Deterrence should be directed at both the individual (direct deterrence) and at society as a whole (general deterrence). As such punishment should fit the crime but still outweigh the attraction of individual(s) to commit that crime [Beccaria (1764) and Bentham (1970)]. The Persistence of crime: To answer the question as to why classical theory has failed to rid society of crime we must further examine the work of Jeremy Bentham. According to Bentham (1970) â€Å"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters; pain and pleasure. Bentham outlines how all human behaviour can be linked to a self-interested pursuit of pleasure adaversion of pain. Thus according to this crime can be considered as behaviours seeking to satisfy some underlying universal desires. In that sense people can be seen as rational when they commit crimes and when they do not. Furthermore it implies that people act first in the interest of the self and are free to choose a course of action, be it legal or illegal. Thus classical theory hasn’t failed to rid society of crime because it never attempted to do so; the theory merely accepts the fact that crime will co-exist alongside free-will and as such classicism seeks to minimise it. According to Blumstein, Cohen, and Nagin (1978) a review of seminal studies conducted from 1960-1970 depicted that certainty of punishment and severity of punishment correlated highly with lower levels of crime. Furthermore Shepherd (2002) demonstrated that cross-sectional studies and surveys support the previous findings in that perceived certainty of punishment has a strong inverted association with criminal offending. Strengths and Weaknesses: The strongest point classicism holds is its emphasis on equality. In the eyes of the law classicism enforces that everyone be viewed and treated the same. Whilst in theory this notion may seem appealing as it rids the legal system of bias judgements such as lifting the laws for the rich, it also has a dark side. Classicism ignores the specificity of the defendant. Some people such as mentally ill or children are clearly not rational yet classicism overlooks this. Classicism incorrectly assumes that people are equal in terms of life chances and it does little to address the causations of crime. Thus although the deterrence policy adopted by classicism has been proven to work, the theory refuses to acknowledge external factors which may influence crime. Even though classical systems of crime are still used today, such theoretical models became largely unfavourable in the mid-19th century when a new paradigm of human behaviour became dominant (Tibbets 2012). This view became known as school of positivism. Positivism: Positivism was first proposed by Auguste Comte (1968) – his theory sought to quantify, classify and acknowledge humanities individual differences when dealing with criminal acts. The core concept underlying positivism is that individual behaviour is shaped by both external and internal factors. The focus of positivism is of the individual and not the crime. Conversely to classicism, positivism asserts that individuals vary and that no two people are alike. As a result rehabilitation is core policy positivism adopts when dealing with criminality. Positivists emphasize that attention should be drawn to the offender and the offender’s characteristics as opposed to the criminal act itself. Furthermore punishment is not viewed as means to a valid solution in resolving crime. Offenders should receive treatment and this treatment should be individualised to fit the unique characteristics of the offender. Defining Crime: Similarly to classicism, positivism agrees that there is a moral consensus which exists in society in relation to what constitutes deviant and normal behaviour. However the differences arise when examining what drives criminal activity. Specifically positivists attribute three strands which underlie criminal activity: biological factors, psychological factors and biosocial factors. Biological Factors: Cesare Lambroso (1968) was the first to put forward the idea that criminals may differ from normal individuals. He did this through his idea of atavism; criminals could be identified from a physical stigma which portrayed them as primitive. Although this is quite obviously wrong he did set in motion the idea that biological makeup may influence criminality. Fishbein (1990) suggested the idea that a person may be born criminal due to genetic dispositions. Similarly Fishbein (1990) and Anderson (2007) emphasise that biological factors are crucial in determining individual behaviour but also that the environment may largely affect these factors. In other words criminals can be seen as the product the environment they are exposed to. Good support for both of these ideas can be seen in substance abuse crimes such as alcohol fuelled violence and high crime rates in specific geographic areas. Psychological Factors: Psychological positivism focus’s internally on the personality types and typologies which compose individuals. Gibbons (1977) exemplifies that looking at psychology behind deviant behaviour involves exploring the unconscientious mind and the way it shapes our experiences. Biosocial Approach: Biosocial positivism refers to the acceptance of both biological and psychological factors influencing behaviour as opposed to making a distinction between the two. From this point of view behaviour can be seen as the product of nature vs. nurture, Eysneck (1984) suggested the idea that behaviour can be explained by the combination of biological and environmental influences. Strengths and weaknesses: A strong point of the positivist approach is that it transcends the notion that people are always and indefinitely in control of their actions. Furthermore it acknowledges the existence of individual difference and emphasises the need for individualised treatment. A problem with the theory is that large amount of power is placed at the mercy of selective experts whose perceptions of intervention may vary greatly. An example of this arises when attempting early intervention with those who are predisposed to crime. If intervention should take place before deviance the questions which arise are; how early should we do this? Who is to do it? And should we trust them? Dyzenhaus (2004) exemplifies this by drawing on positivism as a political tradition which rejects the connection between common law and morality. He states that when positivist judges are forced to operate with the parameters of common law they are forced to constrain themselves and as such impair their judgement. Why does crime still exist? Positivists emphasise the role of external and individual forces in shaping our behaviour. In essence the positivist perspective argues that individuals are not actually in control of their behaviour but rather at the mercy of the various biological and or psychological determinants influencing them. Thus positivism cannot rid society of crime because it acknowledges that we are vulnerable individuals who cannot necessarily control our actions or our fate. Conclusion: Positivism rears the source of criminality within the idea that people are basically self-seeking. Positivism places its focus on the importance of external and internal determinants of crime and criminality. Both theories provide plausible explanations for crime but none are able to readily remove it from society. This is primarily due to the fact that these theories are mere attempts to understand and define crime as opposed to resolving it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay

In 1921, after World War 1, vehicles became more popular and more affordable for the middle class; therefore, drive-in restaurants were introduced. Founded by Billy Ingram and Walter Anderson, the American Company White Castle, is generally credited with opening the second fast food outlet and first hamburger chain. Walter Anderson had built the first drive-in restaurant in Wichita in 1916, introducing a low cost and high speed hamburger restaurant. White Castle was tremendously successful from the beginning and produced numerous competitors. Then, franchising was introduced by A&W Root Beer, which franchised its distinctive syrup. Howard Johnson’s first franchised the restaurant concept in the mid-1930s, formally standardizing menus, signage and advertising. Moreover, in 2006, the global fast food market grew by 4. 8% and reached a value of 102. 4 billion dollars. Shockingly, in India alone, the fast food industry was growing by 41% a year. Today, the United States has the main fast food industry in the world, having roughly 2 million U. S. workers employed in the areas of food preparation and food servicing. Leader in the Fast Food Industry: A&W, McDonalds, Subway†¦? The fast-food industry or quick service restaurants are thriving. The food industry is let by fast food restaurants which are responsible for 72. 8% of the whole food industry revenues. In North America, McDonald’s is followed by Subway, Burger King, Wendy’s, Starbucks, Taco Bell, Dunkin’ Donuts, Pizza Hut, KFC. All in particular order to the amount of sales in North America in 2010. McDonald’s is the industry leader, with revenues that are 3 times to the next on the list. They are very much concentrated on low prices and getting the customer as quick as possible out the door, which appeals a lot to families that want a cheap, fun and safe place to eat. In today’s modern society, time is a very essential and limited factor; society is very preoccupied with everything else going on, their eating habits become irrelevant. This is where fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, have a great success preparing their food in record time, making more time for other and more important tasks. Fast Food Trends Over the last decade there has been increased focus on the quality of food served in fast food restaurants. â€Å"New† fast food versus old fast food, which essentially means that throughout the past years, many fast food businesses started to develop. And two â€Å"leagues† of fast food restaurants have emerged. â€Å"Old† fast foods and â€Å"new† fast foods, the old fast foods consist of companies like McDonald’s and smaller companies like Burger King and Yum! Brands (Taco Bell, KFC, Arby’s and Wendy’s). â€Å"New† fast foots are â€Å"Chipotle Mexican Grill†, â€Å"Panera Bread†, â€Å"Five Guys† and Oqdoba all owned by â€Å"Jack in the box† which is a member of the old fast food league. Both leagues have very similar attributes. They both serve inexpensive food in a casual matter while keeping a fast tempo. But the players in the â€Å"new† league have introduced higher-quality menu items, making the consumer’s experience more similar to a traditional restaurant dining casually at a table, rather than being in and out of the fast food restaurant with a greasy bag of food. Typically highly processed and industrial in preparation, much of the food is high in fat and has been shown to increase body mass index and cause weight gain. Popular books such as Fast Food Nation and documentaries like â€Å"Super Size Me† have amplified public awareness of the negative health consequences of fast food. These documentaries have had a huge impact on fast food restaurants who were indirectly obliged to respond to this trend if they wanted to keep most of their clientele. AMERICAN DIETARY TRENDS, BY DECADE | Historical Events| Food Trends of the Time| 1950–1959| – Mothers returning to the home after the war effort – Postwar baby boom – Construction of the national highway system| – Packaged meals available – First TV dinner (Swanson), 1953 – Rise of hamburger chains along highways; Oscar Mayer â€Å"Wiener-Mobile†| 1960–1969| – Growing middle class with money to spend. – Growing social unrest over the Vietnam War in late 1960s| – Introduction of Julia Child’s French cooking – â€Å"Hippies† bring back demand for unprocessed, made-from-scratch foods – Vegetarian trend starts| 1970–1979| – End of Vietnam War – Watergate scandal – Growing inflation – Major influx of Asians due to Immigration Act of 1965| – Continued demand for organic and fresh: â€Å"California Cuisine† – Elaborate dinner parties with ethnic dishes – Growing appetite for Asian cuisine| 1980–1989| – Stock market plummet of 1987| – â€Å"Nouvelle Cuisine† is the thing du jour–diners willing to pay more to eat less – Return to simplicity in late 1980s. – Exploration of different tastes (e. g. , TexMex, Ethiopian, Southwestern)| 1990–1999| – Introduction of the Internet puts foods at consumers fingertips| – Everything reduced-fat, low-fat, fat-free – Naturally healthy cuisines (Mediterranean) – New movement toward simplicity| Segments in Fast Food Industry When observing the fast food industry, it is obvious that restaurants specialize in certain fat foods. In fact, fast food restaurants can be divided in eight categories: Asian food, burgers, sea food, pizza/pasta, snacks, chicken, Mexican food and sandwiches. The different segments distinguishes the direct competitors such as McDonalds and Carl’s Jr. trying to sell/make the best burgers and the indirect competitors such as Quizno’s who specialize in sandwiches and Domino’s Pizza who focuses on promoting their delicious pizza but still tries to sell sandwiches. All fast food restaurants fiercely compete with each other to sell not only their speciality but have the most sales in general. In 2010, as being the leader of the fast food industry, McDonald’s was and is still at the top of the burger category, with more than $32 billion in system wide sales. The winners for the other categories were Taco Bell for the Mexican segment, KFC for the chicken category, Pizza Hut for the Pizza and Pasta brands, and Long John Silver’s winning the Seafood segment. The graph demonstrates the different segments of the fast food industry as well as the restaurants and their rankings. QSR 50 Rank| Company| Segment| 22| Panda Express| asian| 3| Burger King*2| burger| 23| Carl’s Jr. *| burger| 34| Checkers/Rally’s| burger| 33| Culver’s| burger| 16| Dairy Queen*| burger| 30| Five Guys Burgers & Fries| burger| 19| Hardee’s*| burger|. 45| In-N-Out Burger*| burger| 15| Jack in the Box| burger| 50| Krystal*| burger| 1| McDonald’s| burger| 10| Sonic| burger| 27| Steak N Shake*| burger| 4| Wendy’s*| burger| 25| Whataburger| burger| 40| White Castle*| burger| 31| Bojangles’| chicken| 41| Boston Market*| chicken| 11| Chick-fil-A| chicken| 26| Church’s Chicken| chicken| 38| El Pollo Loco| chicken| 9| KFC| chicken| 20| Popeyes*| chicken| 28| Zaxby’s| chicken| 18| Chipotle| mexican| 36| Del Taco| mexican| 44| Qdoba| mexican| 6| Taco Bell| mexican| 39| CiCi’s Pizza*| pizza/pasta| 12| Domino’s Pizza*| pizza/pasta|. 24| Little Caesars*| pizza/pasta| 35| Papa Murphy’s| pizza/pasta| 17| Papa John’s| pizza/pasta| 8| Pizza Hut| pizza/pasta| 43| Sbarro*| pizza/pasta| 14| Arby’s| sandwich| 48| Einstein Bros. Bagels*| sandwich| 42| Jason’s Deli| sandwich| 29| Jimmy John’s*| sandwich| 13| Panera Bread| sandwich| 21| Quiznos*| sandwich| 2| Subway*| sandwich| 47| Captain D’s| seafood| 32| Long John Silver’s*| seafood| 37| Baskin Robbins*| snack| 49| Cold Stone Creamery| snack| 7| Dunkin’ Donuts*| snack| 5| Starbucks*| snack| 46| Tim Hortons1| snack| Own A Fast Food Restaurant: a Bad or Good Idea? It is not a very good and viable industry for anyone to enter. The global economy shifts have been proven to highly affect certain fast food companies. Fast food companies were once thought to be immune to recessions, because of their low prices and fast service because logically in a recession, consumers have to cut spending. Many consumers â€Å"traded down†, from casual restaurants to fast food restaurants because of the cheap BigMacs, Whoppers and $1 value meals. As a result, fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their pricier competitors. In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6%, but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains. In some markets, such as Japan, France and Britain, total spending on fast food increased. Same-store sales in America at McDonald’s, the world’s largest fast-food company, did not decline throughout the downturn. Panera Bread, an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients, performed well, too: its boss, Ron Shaich, claims this is because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants. Money can be a big problem in terms of starting a business in the fast food industry. Rising prices have also significantly affected many fast food franchises. With food and beverage inputs making up approximately 33% of costs, higher prices for livestock, corn, wheat and more have seriously shrunk margins over the past decade. In such a fiercely competitive space it is impossible to force a price increase on customers, so profit margins are often south of 10%. The recent economic recession did lower commodity prices, but the recession brought on its own complications, and now prices for commodity inputs are on the rise again. Direct and Indirect Competitors. Direct competitors in the fast food industry are the companies that produces and sells an almost identical product which they offer for sale within the same market as those produced by one or more other companies. McDonalds and Burger King compete directly with each other, Wendy’s and A&W also compete directly because they have a very similar product and service. If a customer really wants a burger and fries, he or she will not go at the other end of town just to get to their favorite burger place, they will settle for a very similar product within a closer proximity. Indirect competitors in the fast food industry are the companies or services that are not similar to each other and that share very different characteristics about their product or service. A good example of an indirect competition in the fast food industry could be restaurants such as Swiss Chalet or a sandwich shop and a Panda Express, both are fast food restaurants but they compete indirectly with each other because one customer may want to eat an Asian dish but not wanting to eat a sandwich, this leading to the customer going as far as it takes to go eat an Asian dish. All in all, fast food is not only about a fast service or eating fattening food , it requires a lot of knowledge and time to make these franchises work and make an ever growing profit. Over the past years and the years to come, McDonalds has and will obviously be the number one leader in the fast food industry because of their extraordinary service, delicious food and their 34,000 restaurants all over the world. However, as years go by, obesity is becoming a huge problem as thousands of kids and adults are attained of heart problems, therefore, decreasing the amount of clients who eat fast food yearly. Trends are changing and people are starting to eat a lot healthier realising how significant it is to take care of their body. In the next century, will fast food restaurants become a thing of the past or will they find a way to stay their clients number one’s solution when it comes to filling up their stomach? Only time will tell†¦

Monday, July 29, 2019

I will explain it in the instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

I will explain it in the instructions - Essay Example Practically, socialism emerged as a consequence of theoretical, logical reasoning triggered by a moral crisis suspended by intellectual anarchy. A distinct feature before the Enlightenment era in Europe, aristocratic rule buoyed by the concentration of wealth [property] in the hands of the chosen few was inevitable, justifiable and God given. As a moderating mechanism, Christianity endorsed holy poverty as the clergy rented the air with the gospel of obligatory charity to the majority poor; a balance that leaned much on agriculture and whose effects could only get worse as the population expanded.2 Indeed as the impact of Industrial Revolution gradually changed the contours of European civilization, the old aristocracy was slowly rendered irrelevant as the bourgeoisie [the propertied] took effective economic and political control, drafting much of the peasant class into a chequered, industrial labor recruitments. The new modes of production granted the propertied a natural limitless accumulation of wealth, widening the inequality gap even further. The working class in the newly industrializing Europe suffered more than doubled with a stepped-up exploitation reaching the extremes; the old feudal system that guaranteed places of residence and limited income for peasants became no more; workers could be hired and fired at will; wage rates became driven by the market forces and could plummet as low as competition allowed; and factories operating 24/7 ran under the worst inhuman conditions ever witnessed in history. Adding to the misery of the proletariat, women and children became the preferred factories workers because of the cheaper pay.3 The result was a general decline in the standards of living and a subsequent attitudinal shift towards capitalism. Powered by the eighteenth century maxims of the French pioneers of thought, socialism was a change, inspiration movement dedicated

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lean thinking (Layout Planning) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Lean thinking (Layout Planning) - Assignment Example The most exemplary and logical way to accomplish this working criteria would be to designate any two working departments with large amount stock movement proximity so as to save on fuel costs, transportation costs and most importantly operational time. So as to categorize which particular centres frequently have a large amount of stock or inventory movement within the company centres, a work Travel Chart is created to indicate the weekly sum of the activities and travels among the different departmental centres. The table below shows the operation sequence of all the products manufactured by the company. It also shows the respective allocated company sub-sections used during the production of each of the products. Notably, this will aid in appropriate decision making during the layout designing processes. A travel chart is used outline the degree of essential departments’ relativity in the production process. This is carried out via examining the amount or volume of products between each and every different work centres to aid in concluding which department s ought to be developed and stationed close to one another. Here is representational table of the travel chart for these company’s operational activities. Based on the above travel chart as well as the systematic layout planning technique (SLP) the degree of the importance between any two work centres to be allocated close to each other has been determined. In this case scenario the various company processes are represented using numerals. In this case, the number represents the first production process, that is, the guillotine process. Therefore, one can inference from the travel chart that the process number 12 - Pack and 13 - Dispatch work centres both display a high and strongly relative bond in terms of the movement of product between the two centres. Consequently,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The development of human civilization Term Paper

The development of human civilization - Term Paper Example The development of human civilization is one of the important topics in the study of history. The paper is aimed to discuss and to analyze the early periods in the development of human civilization specifically the Mesopotamian, Near Eastern, Hebrew, Greek and Roman civilizations. This will be accomplished through the presentation of the contributions and features as well as the comparative analysis of each period in history included in the study. Historical View Mesopotamia was included in first civilizations with the people of the Western Asia and North Africa. The said period was referred to as the emergence of civilization. Mesopotamia was the present Southern Iraq known to be the place where the human civilization started specifically based on the fertile source of livelihood that the large rivers Tigris and Euphrates offered. It included the modern-day northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran and also known as the most influential land that ruled the Bronze Age through the leadership of Sumer, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian empires. The people of Mesopotamia were known to have established social structure and organized states. They also have their own political, military and religious cultures. In terms, of language and writing, the identity of Mesopotamia was well established and known in the said period (Duiker and Spielvogel, 2006, p.4). Through the course of history, other surrounding nations and empires grew and became known. The term Near East had been applied to the region that included the Asia Minor (areas of Turkey, Armenia and Georgia), Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Cyprus, Israel, Palestinian territories and other parts of Mesopotamia. Egypt was also included in certain references as well as other parts of Africa and Saudi Arabia. The said question on the exact territory referred to as the Near East can be attributed to the geographical basis of description, e.g. the bodies of water which served as the main source of nourish ment. The Ancient Near East was located in the Fertile Crescent which with water sources such as the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (p.10). The Hebrew was another influential culture during the onset of human civilization. Hebrews are known to be the children of Israel. Due to the rise of organized society and the establishment of the different institutions in the society, contributions of different nations had been based on different areas and disciplines. The most important contribution of the Hebrews was monotheism, which is the religious belief in only one God. The main religion of the Hebrews which was Judaism was a monotheistic religion. This became a significant influence to both Christianity and Islam (p.21). Greece was another established nation with great influence and contributions to the human civilization. The uniqueness of the culture of the Greeks can be attributed to the extraordinary geography and territorial land of their co untry which was basically separated by mountainous areas. Above the conflicts of each community on their fight to maintain independence, the established culture of each community can be considered as one of the most important contributions of the Greek nation. Due to the early development of the different institutions within the society, Greece had been considered as the nation where the advancement of the modern era began (p.75). Rome can be considered as the most advanced in terms of power and influence during the early history of the human civilization. The Roman Empire had ruled for seven hundred years. Such capability can be attributed to the exceptional organization in the social structure of the nation. But it is important to consider that the most important characteristic in the Roman culture was influence of the Greeks. This is in terms of the culture, arts, politics, and other institutions in the society (p.105). Analysis In the study of the history of human

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rusume workshop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rusume workshop - Essay Example This shows a lack of work ethic and dedication, and these are two traits that are needed for almost every job. One thing that I did learn about the layout of a resume is that volunteering or internships can be included under professional development. I would have thought that only paid work could go here because that is what employers want to see; however, any type of work at all can be helpful because it shows experience and also a willingness to learn and try new things. It was very good for me to see an example of a resume because then I had the chance to compare it to my own one. I did create a resume a couple of years ago, but I have not updated and there is more information that I could now add. The thing that impressed me with this resume example was that everything was neat and tidy and in order. It was very easy to read because there was a flow to it. I think that employers like this because they often have so many resumes to read when they are hiring someone for the job. On ly the necessary information is included in the resume because otherwise it would take too long to read and the employer would not be interested. I can use this for my own resume by getting rid of information that is not really helpful to my cause and only include things that will help me get accepted for the job I am applying for. Something I learned from this part of the workshop was that the resume should try to include as much information as possible that relates to the job being applied for because this will help the employer to see what you are really good at. This is also why the bullet points under each job and/or internship are really important because the employer cannot gather very much from just reading about a workplace or job title; they need to see some of the job tasks that were involved because it will show what I am capable at. However, these bullet points should not be too long and they should not include information that is obvious. Some job titles have the same types of tasks, so there is no real need to mention them twice. The accomplishments should make you stand out from the rest of the applicants by showing some kind of special talent or skill. Also, the number of bullet points should be at least two and no more than four. I have been guilty of going against this rule in the past by including more than four bullet points and sometimes even up to six or seven. Having too many bullet points can get boring and make the resume longer than it needs to be, so I need to remember to be concise and even group some tasks together in one bullet point so as to keep content to a bare minimum. I learned that bullet points need to be positive. Also, they should be very impressive by playing up the tasks and skills that I have gained. There is no need to lie about something, but it is important to paint myself in the best light possible. The best way to do this is by including great detail about my accomplishments and showing that I am a capable worke r. Although the resume is important for gaining a job, I actually learned that the interview process is more important because it gives the employer a chance to assess my capabilities. Some of the tips were obvious, such as good conversation skills, strong body language, and also knowing the resume really well. I did not realize how important some of these things were, and I know that I could improve on them. A job interview is a formal occasion, but it is also a test to see if I

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Airline mergers case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Airline mergers case study - Essay Example (Holtz and Grimme, 2009, p. 13) An ‘Open Skies’ agreement was signed between USA and European in 2007 that enabled the merged firms to ‘change their ownership structure’ and to get maximum voting rights from Dutch Government authorities. Indeed, the Air France and KLM then became subsidiaries of newly formed KLM – Air France. This was quite helpful in building shareholders’ confidence over top management of new company. (Holtz and Grimme, 2009, p. 14) The governments were paying special attention to develop environmental security laws and regulations to grapple with increasingly large menace of global warming. The demand of air travel was constantly growing since 2002 because of phenomenal economic growth and increase in real incomes in both developed West and emerging nations. This in turn created more opportunities for airlines that later resulted in higher monetary gains, however, the competition among firms increased substantially because of new entrants joined the arena. Indeed, the conditions were quite favorable because of skyrocketing demand for cargo services besides normal visitors. The merger would have easily increased business efficiency, market share and consumer reach. (Friesen, 2005) The increase in employment opportunities and business scope improved the standard of living across the world. Consumers, therefore, were inclined to use air travel services in their leisure. Similarly, business personnel were also required travel services to reach their destinations abroad for negotiation with partners, dealers and parties. Hence, propensity to spend for air travel had increased. (Katarzyna, 2004) The special attention was paid to develop modernised aircrafts with greater seat capacity, range and fuel-efficiency to minimise the threat of carbon emission and pollution. Indeed, the new aircrafts were produced to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. The bargaining power of customers was medium due to the fact the

Marketing Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Marketing Financial Services - Essay Example Hence, they started to follow and implement free trade policies that encourage multinational companies to enter into the global markets. Ultimately, overall market became competitive and matured. Monopoly market structure has become very rare and oligopoly becomes prominent. Hope and Maeleng have defined free trade policy as â€Å"competition-enhancing device† (Hope and Maeleng, 1998, p.52). The international and domestic countries started to compete with each other on price, better service, customer satisfaction etc for achieving greater market share. In this respect, to gain competitive advantage in market, the post modern organisations are using latest management tools, theories and models developed by many experts, critics and scholars. Financial services industry consist a number of financial services sectors like banking sectors, insurance, security market, factoring, credit ratings etc. With increased activities of trade and business and intensified competition, the imp ortance of these financial services sectors has grown significantly. This paper will attempt to present and SWOT analysis of American International Group (AIG) which is one the most popular financial service organisation. In order to indentify its major internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats, this paper will analyse important areas of this organisation like its customer relationship managements, marketing tools used the company, major issues and its mechanism of control system. Finally, the overall findings of this paper will be summed up in the conclusion. Brief Overview of American International Group (AIG) American International Group Inc. (AIG) is one of the popular insurance services providers in US and in global market. Primarily, it is a New York-based company and it is considered to be one of the most prominent market leaders in global insurance sector. AIG is a multinational company and offers its insurance services in more than 130 countries in the world. The company has acquired a large base of customers and its consumers primarily consist of institutional, commercial and individual clients. The major market share of the company comes from its domestic market i.e. from United States. In this market, the AIG offer retirement services and life insurance. With better performance, it has acquired an upper hand position in U.S. insurance sector. Along with the domestic market, AIG’s stocks are also listed in Tokyo and Ireland Stock exchange (American International Group, Inc-a, 2011). While tracing the history of AIG, its primary origin is found in Shanghai, China during 1919. However, later during the 1940s due to political issues, the company withdrew from the Chinese market. â€Å"AIG abandoned China completely in 1949, as the Communist People’s Liberation Army, led by Mao Zeding, advanced on Shanghai† ( H.W. Wilson Company, 2000, p.247). In U.S., the AIG had been formed by consolidating three compan ies and its multiple affiliates. These leading three companies are New Hampshire Insurance Company, American Home Assurance Company and National Union Fire Insurance Company. Since its inception, AIG has undergone through many significant occurrences like mergers and acquisitions. SunAmerica Inc was merged with AIG on January 01, 1999. In November 2000, the company

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social care workers need to develop the knowledge and skills to work Essay

Social care workers need to develop the knowledge and skills to work effectively with people from similar and diverse background - Essay Example Thus, in discharging the professional duties and accomplishing social tasks, social care workers need to work hard and develop adequate cultural competence. Acceptance among the masses is a precondition to the successful workability of a care giver. Anti-oppressive practice should, therefore, be adopted and proper changes in the service-user communities should be initiated. In the course of cultural competence development, anti-racist practice must focus on the discriminations based on colour and race (Sue, 2006). Improvement in social work development and training can be brought about by the means of thorough comprehension of people’s family arrangements, social norms and values. Social work and support in a culturally sensitive environment has to be based on exploration of the diverse cultural heritages (Laird, 2008). Finally, the research question is in the form of the following statement: Social care workers need to develop knowledge and skills to work effectively with peo ple from similar and diverse backgrounds. Describe one model of cultural competence and discuss the potential benefits and limitations of applying the model. Therefore, this paper will explore a suitable cultural competence model and proceed on related discussions. ... A cultural group’s objective cultural attributes, such as art and music, are important and are included as implied assumptions. The primary and secondary characteristics of culture, developed from and expanded upon from Hage’s (1972) variable and non-variable concepts are nationality, race, colour, gender, age, and religious affiliation. Secondary characteristics are educational status, socioeconomic status, occupation, military experience, political beliefs, urban versus rural residence, enclave identity, marital status, parental status, physical characteristics, sexual orientation, gender issues, reason for migration, and immigration status. (Purnell, 2002) At the outermost interface of the model, the global society is placed. Next, there is the interface of community followed by the layer of family. The inner interface represents the person, the metaparadigm concepts. Inside this interface related to the individual, twelve cultural domains have been depicted. The dom ains are interrelated and they affect each other. The twelve domains are: 1. Overview/ Heritage: Includes concepts related to the current residence and country of origin, reasons for emigration, occupations, educational status, etc. 2. Communication: Includes concepts related to the contextual use of language, dominant language and dialects, paralanguage variations, nonverbal communication, etc. 3. Family roles and organisation: Includes concepts related to social status, lifestyle issues, child rearing, gender roles, family roles, etc. 4. Workforce issues: Includes concepts related to ethnic communication styles, assimilation, acculturation, autonomy, individualism and healthcare practices from the country of origin. 5. Biocultural ecology: Includes variations in ethnic and racial origins,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Commercial Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico Research Paper

Commercial Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico - Research Paper Example The mainland shore of the Gulf is shared by the United States and Mexico and it covers more than 4000 miles from Cabo Catoche in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to Florida Keys the US (GMP, 2011). According to GMA (2008, p5), the Gulf of Mexico covers an estimated area of about 600,000 square miles. Due to its unique location, the Gulf is rich in diverse natural resources that play a critical role in defining the economic, environmental, political and social dimensions in the region. According to GMA(2008, p2), the gulf offers aquatic resources that include recreation, navigation, commercial fishing, oil and natural gas in addition to rich habitats for diverse marine life. This paper investigates the problems associated with commercial fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and their impacts on the American culture. According to GMA(2008, p7), the five US states bordering the Gulf of Mexico have a total gross domestic product of over $2.2 trillion and much of the economic activities depend on the natural resources from the gulf. The economic contribution of the Gulf of Mexico to the United States is significant. ... These ports provide the country with a good infrastructural network of enhancing international trade. The population growth in the gulf region has been increasing, recording 103% growth from 1970 to 2008 (GMA, 2008, p 11). The region is highly attractive to job seekers and retirees because of the availability of many opportunities and favorable climatic conditions. By 2015, Polunin (2008, p 37), predicts population increase of 10 % in the gulf region compared with an average of 7% in total population of the United States. The rapid population growth in the region has resulted to a vibrant construction industry to cater for the housing needs. According to GMA (2008, p 11), 30 percent of the leading counties in building residential houses are located in the gulf coast region. The Gulf of Mexico is prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes but residential developments are on the increase. In addition to residential buildings, construction of seasonal homes is also gaining prominence in the gulf region. This is attributed to the scenic attractions that draw people from all over the country for vacations (GMP, 2011). The Gulf of Mexico is one of the largest water bodies in the world and it consists of a wide marine diversity ranging from shrimps to unexploited corals in the deep horizons of the water. Due to the wide ecological diversity of the region, many environmental activities have been established in the Gulf of Mexico. They include national parks, wildlife preservation regions and wetlands. According to GMA (2008, p13), half of all the wetlands in United States are located in the coastal areas in the gulf. The wetlands provide suitable habitats for a wide variety of biological resources including sea turtles, fisheries, nesting waterfowl in

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Elements of Religion in 19th Century in America Essay Example for Free

The Elements of Religion in 19th Century in America Essay In the 19th century United States of America was experiencing new developments in religion. Different movements and sects emerged as a result of the inspirations by the new interpretation of the Bible, the expectation of the second coming of Christ and the teachings by the new thinkers and prophets The philosophical and scientific questions that arose at this time also contributed to the changes that took place in the religion in this country. This period was characterized by the second and the third great awakening in the religion The spirit of revival was spreading all over the country just like it had happened in the first Great Awakening. This wave led to the emergence of the new movements such as Restorationism, Mormons and the holiness movement in New York. The revival saw the growth of the Methodists and Baptists as the two denominations gained new members especially the freed slaves. Missionaries’ societies were set up to help in the process of evangelization in the country. Members of the missionaries’ societies acted as the educators and the apostles. (Noll,Mark 1992 93) The Baptists and Methodists sent missionaries to the south where they were able to convert many people especialy the slaves. Protestants also gained members although not to a greater extent as the the evangelical churches. There was a marked growth of the non denomiational churches such as the Churches of Christ which advocated to the return of the standard teaching of the Bible. Many people were seeking a return to what they believed as the fundamental teachings of the New Testament. The missionaries society in the south converted both the slave owners and the slaves. The changes that took place in this region gave the slaves some freedom in the course fof conducting their own affairs in the church. Though there was some attempt by the slave owners to control their services the move was met with a stiff opposition from the slaves who maintained that they will be running their own affairs. This happened despite passage of legislation requiring the Balck slaves to have a white man anytime they were conducting In the Appalachian the revival was done through use of the camp meetings where mutiple preachers evangelized to the locals for several days urging them to turn away from their sins. There was an emotional following that characterized these meetings where converts came together and formed small local gatherings. (Noll,Mark 1992 254) The revival spread ot the other parts of the country where different denomination were busy converting followers. The methods were not one of the denomination that employed the best method and had a very efficient organization. Baptist on the other hand did not have any church organization ,its first prechers were people who had receive4d a call from God. Noll in his book a History of Christianity in United States and Canada observes that the second great awakening was very influential in the American church history. It brought a wide and strong rekindling of interest on religion all over the country. It provided a platform through which similar patterns of revivals were experienced at different times of the century in the country. During the American Revolution war the state of Christianity in this country had been injured greatly, the war had disrupted church activities especially in the regions where the war was very intense. The congregations had been disrupted such that in some areas they had ceased to operate. This affected the mission of theses gathering as they were not in the position to continue with their evangelization activities during the war. The war had dealt a very heavy blow on the church especially the Episcopal Church which was believed to be closely associated by England. It was treated with suspicion due to the fact that many people saw its association with the England the former colonial power. There was a general decline on the interest of the church affairs. People were more concerned with the issues at hand leaving very little time for the church and its activities. (Noll,Mark 1992 156) The revival occurred again after the end of the war, the immigrant communities had kept the fire burning as far as Christianity was concerned. The end of the war brought back the interest that had been there on the religion, again there was a renewed interest on religious matters across the country. There was peace again and the missionaries could continue with their work. They carried their mission with zeal as they reached every corner of the nation. The American Christians took as their responsibility to reform the society also. There are several notable changes that were brought about by the revival of the religion after the war. There was a spirited campaign to rid the society of the veils that characterized it at this moment. The antebellum reform which included: the abolitionism, the fight for women rights and other issues that faced the society. This was seen as God’s plan to purify America. (Noll,Mark 1992 203) Religion in the 19th century underwent tremendous changes which saw the revival of faith in different parts America. The number of denominations increased as well as the members of these churches. The period saw the emergence of sects and movements which have shaped the history of the church since this period. This period emerged as one of the most important in the history of religion in United States of America. Work Cited Noll,Mark A history of Religion in America and Cananda,Grand Rapids W. M. B. Eerdman Publishing Co (1992)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ideological Elements Of Titanic Film Studies Essay

Ideological Elements Of Titanic Film Studies Essay This research explores about the mise-en-scene of the movie Titanic and its impact to the film industry. This chapter discusses the mise-en-scene that is applied in this movie, and also we will discuss about how the impact to the film industry after released the movie Titanic. Titanic is an American disaster and romance movie that released at the year 1997. This movie was directed and written by James Cameron. Titanic was a commercial success and enormous critical after screened to audiences worldwide. The amount gross avenue of the Titanic is $1,843,201,268. This movie maintains the record of the top of box office in the world until the release of James Camerons movie Avatar. Mise-en-scene is a French word that means what to put into the scene. This is the design aspects of film production, means visual theme or telling a story. There have five elements under the mise-en-scene which is setting, space, lighting acting style and also costume. This several elements of mise-en-scene will be use in further stage of this research. 1.1 Research Background The movie Titanic is a fictional romance story that is based on a real historical event, telling story between two young lovers Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) from different social classes who meet at the ships maiden voyage. Their love story end up with the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The budget for this film reached about $200 million; it is making the record that the most expensive film ever made at the time 1997. This film was widely ridiculed for the expense and protracted production scheduled before its release. Titanic was released on December 19, 1997 with 194 minutes running time. This movie was grossed less in the first weekend which is $28.6 million, then the second week is $35.4 million; it is an increase of 23.8%. This is beaten a record for a widely released film at the time. This film has held the number one spot on the box-office charts for the following months, grossing the total of over $600 million in the U.S. and Canada, and also more than $1.8 billion worldwide. This film has become the highest-grossing film in the world, until James Camerons 2009 film Avatar. Despite criticism during production of the film, the Titanic was received a record-tying 14 Oscar nominations at the 1998 Academy Awards. It won 11 Oscars, including Best Picture, Special Effects, Music, Editing, Sound and Score, and the Best Director award. The movie Titanic is based on the real historical event, so audience would have higher expectations toward the movie. Audiences have the foreknowledge that based on the real historical event, not much audience would wonder that the ship will sink or not in the movie. So, the mise-en-scene is an important aspect in order to make the movie interesting. Other than the mise-en-scene, the class system has obviously shown through this movie. Although the passengers have taking the same ship, but there were have different treats towards different class passengers. 1.2 Summary of the Titanic Titanic tells the romantic and sad story. The story started by explores the wreck of the RMS Titanic under the sea by the treasure hunter Brock Lovett and his team members in the year 1996; they are searching for a necklace called the Heart of the Ocean. They have found a nude womans sketch instead of diamond, the date have wrote at the sketch 14 April 1912, which was the night that the Titanic sinking. The old woman Rose Dawson Calvert contacts with Lovett, tells him that actually she is the woman that inside the sketch. Rose has recalls back her memories when asked the questions about the necklace. In 1912, the upper class lady Rose and her mother board the ship in Southampton, England with her fiancà © Caledon Cal Hockley, the son of a Pittsburgh steel tycoon. Cal and Roses mother stressed that this engagement is important because it will solve the financial problems of Roses family. Rose is not happy for the engagement to Cal, and the pressure of her mother that is putting on her. She considers end up her life by jumping into the sea. Before she leaps, Jack Dawson, an artist and drifter persuades Rose do not jump. A tentative friendship of Jack and Rose was developed at the time. Rose not considering with instruct of her mom and Cal to meet with Jack. The ship is collision with an iceberg, the Titanic will be sinking soon. Cal persuade Rose to a board of a lifeboat, after she boards, Rose realized that she cant leave Jack, Rose reunites with Jack on the Titanic. All the lifeboats were departed when Jack and Rose have return to the top deck. So, many people are falling to their deaths. They take refuge on the stern of the ship as the ship sinks bow first until the time they are washed overboard. The sea water is cold. Jack helps Rose onto the wood which is the wall panel that can only support the weight of one person. Jack assures Rose that she will not die there. Rose blows the whistle that taken from a dead officer nearby when the return of a rescue boat to the site of the sinking of Titanic, the RMS HYPERLINK is taken her to New York, she gives herself name as Rose Dawson. She is hidden herself to avoids Cal when she saw Cal is searching for her. At last, her story complete, she goes to the stern of the Lovetts ship. Then she takes out the Heart of the Ocean then drops it into the sea. Later, she is sleeping on her bad, her daily photos is surround her, a visual chronicle that she has lived the life that she wanted with Jack. The last scene showing the young Rose reunites with Jack at the grand staircase of the Titanic; it is cheered and congratulated by those who perished on the Titanic. 1.3 Research Problems The movie Titanic has successfully to bringing audiences to the cinema and hit the top of the box office over ten years with the worldwide gross that over $1.8 billion, it also remained the record for twelve years until the Camerons next directorial effort Avatar, surpassed it in 2010. Titanic was an enormous commercial and critical success. This film was nominated for fourteen Academy Awards, eventually winning eleven, including the Best Picture and Best Director. Some of the internet users were created the trailer of Titanic II and upload in the It makes people feel that the Titanic II will be release soon. But actually the trailer is the combination of different movie scene that is acted by Leonardo DiCaprio. From here, we can notice that the passion of audiences toward this movie. In an interview on March 2010 with USA Today, the director James Cameron stated, I am guessing six months to a year to do it right. We are targeting spring of 2012 for the release, the 3D version of the Titanic, which is the 100th years anniversary of the sailing of the Titanic. Nowadays, most of the film director is producing the movie with their own style. Mise-en-scene is an important aspect in order to bring out and enhance the quality of the film. Obviously, Titanic has the power to maintain the top of the box office over ten years, the mise-en-scene on this movie is one of the reasons to make this good result. As mentioned above, the Titanic will coming back to the cinema with the 3-D version, the storyline is the same. The same movie will be release in the cinema after 15 years. It is the main reason that inspired me to do research about the mise-en-scene and impacts of this movie. 1.4 Research Objectives To investigate the five mise-en-scene elements those are seen in the movie Titanic. The main goal of this research is to discuss the five mise-en-scene elements that are seen in this movie. To study the ideological elements portrayed in the movie Titanic. Second, this research is going to discuss the ideological elements that are portrayed in this movie. To discover which aspect of mise-en-scene which is most preferred by the viewers in the movie Titanic. Third, since this research has discussed the five mise-en-scene elements that are seen in the Titanic. So, this research also going to find out the most preferred out of five mise-en-scene elements in this movie. Research Questions How were the five elements of mise-en-scene applied into the movie Titanic? What are the ideological elements portray in the movie Titanic? What is the most preferred mise-en-scene element by the viewers in the movie Titanic? 1.6 Research Significance The significance of this research towards the mise-en-scene and its impact on film industry and society of the movie Titanic will help create a better understanding on the mise-en-scene that is seen in this movie. So, it can help to get more deeply knowledge of mise-en-scene through the discussion. This can help the further researcher to get better understanding on mise-en-scene. Besides that, this research can helps to create a better understanding on ideological elements in Titanic. We can find out those ideological elements that were portrayed in this movie. So, I hope can get more knowledge about the class system in western last time. Furthermore, this research also helps to expose which is the most preferred mise-en-scene elements when viewers watching the Titanic. Because this also one of the reason that make the Titanic become successful. 1.7 Research Scope This research will be done through focus group and content analysis. The target group is Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) student from age 18 to 25. The question will be designed base on the Titanic, and it will be posing to 5 students from Mass Communication Division under School of Social Science and Humanities (SSSH). This study selected the sample from TARC Mass Communication student in SSSH that have watched the movie Titanic since they are more major in media subject so that they can give more details answer toward the question. For the content analysis, it will conduct the analysis through the blockbuster movie Titanic that released at the year 1997. The five elements of mise-en-scene and the ideological applied will be analyzed through this film. Mise-en-scene is a French word that means what to put into the scene. This is the design aspects of film production, means visual theme or telling a story. There have five elements under the mise-en-scene which is setting, space, lighting, acting style and also costume. So, through the Titanic, researcher can find out these five mise-en-scene aspect in the film, so that the content analysis can be conduct smoothly. According to John Hess (2005), Ideology is a systematic body of ideas, attitudes, values, and perceptions; such like the actual modes of thinking typical of a given class or group of people in a specific time and place. So, ideology in the film refers to what the ideas that the filmmakers want to portray in the particular film. The content of the film Titanic is a suitable medium in order to conduct content analysis towards ideology in the film. 1.8 Summary As a summary, the mise-en-scene is important to every movie production. Mise-en-scene can be applied in every movie, but the suitable mise-en-scene is the key to make the movie either failed or successful. After the movie released, the most important is the audiences feedback and the impact of the film. Film scholar need to be more understanding towards the mise-en-scene in order to do the movie production in the future. Therefore, this research focuses on the mise-en-scene and the ideological elements that have been applied in the film Titanic and how its work and success when the production and after movie released.

Criminal Justice Organizations And Challenges Faced

Criminal Justice Organizations And Challenges Faced In the world of criminal justice organizations, leaders are facing challenges that have become a part of the daily routine. Criminal justice organizations consist of corrections, courts, and the police. These organizations each have an important role in the criminal justice system that results in the leadership of each organization. This paper will explain some of these challenges of the leaders and steps that can be taken to affect change for the future. Leadership The ability to effectively lead a group of followers making the organization and the followers successful is leadership. An individual must have dedication, commitment and not be afraid of taking in leadership. In leadership, learning and communication skills are important in the accomplishing these tasks while still being able to maintain valid ideas and principles. To ensure their success, leader must know how to treat the followers. In addition, leaders should know how to motivate others and stay consistent their values, morals and ethical standards (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, Uhl-Blen, 2010). Challenges There are many challenges that leaders face in criminal justice organizations. Some of these challenges include increased criminal activity, staffing, budgeting, legal and political, terrorism, conflict and power, communication, and ethical and moral issues. Most of these challenges relate to other challenges. Resolving one challenge may help resolve another challenge. Criminal activity increases as the population increases. Police officers, the courts and other criminal justice organizations are not able to protect and serve the public and ensure safety because of the shortage of professionals. Hiring additional staff or introducing more community programs is necessary to help reduce criminal activity. The question of additional staff brings another challenge of budgeting. Leadership in criminal organizations is battling shortfalls in the budget which brings about staffing and equipment shortages. Politically, state judges and prosecutors are in position from election votes. When applicable the election can bring in new appointments and result in a number of changes within criminal justice organizations. In terms of legal challenges, the changing of laws, policies and procedures can be become a challenge in enforcement and being aware of political alliances (Duelin, 2010). Conflict and power are two other challenges that leaders face in the criminal justice agencies. The conflict occurs among the variety of agencies inside the criminal justice system. An example is between the courts and the police. The police have a job to uphold protection and safety, so they may make arrests charging individuals with crimes with the hope that these individuals are prosecuted and punished for these crimes. On the other hand, the courts decide what the punishment should be and how it is carried out. These two agencies do not have the same goals and this becomes a conflict. The police and courts have a substantial amount of power with these responsibilities. Leadership for these criminal justice agencies must balance this power with fairness (Duelin, 2010). Another leadership challenge is communication. The barriers of communication are individual and organizational. Individual barriers relate to how an individual interprets a conversation or message. Organizational barriers relate to the culture of an organization. Leadership includes being an effective communicator. An effective communicator will have the ability to handle these barriers. Within the criminal justice system, organizations have different jargon which is a part of their culture. This can make it very difficult to communicate with other organizations. Another communication barrier is between the professionals in the criminal justice organizations and the public. With the increasing population, our society includes many races, nationalities, cultures and languages. The ability to communicate with the public is essential. Other important leadership challenges are ethical and moral standards. Ethics allows us a way to make moral choices at times when we are uncertain of what to do in a situation involving moral issues. In the criminal justice system, ethics is important in management and policy decisions that relate to punishment and the rationality in making decisions. These decisions regarding punishment are to rehabilitate, deter or impose imprisonment. A criminal justice organization consists of professionals that carry power and authority over others and in some case have authority to use force and physical coercion against others. Ethical rules and responsibilities are given to these professionals as the law or accepted standards of behavior that require them to be aware of these ethical standards while performing their duties. To avoid any attempt to abuse power, ethics are crucial in decision making that involves discretion, force, and due process. Domestic terrorism is the greatest challenge for criminal justice organization. Since 9/11, safety and security is a top priority. Every role in the criminal justice system is affected by terrorism. Although a number of new policies and procedure have been put into place to help ensure the safety of all, terrorism is an ongoing challenge. Employees from many criminal and correctional agencies are away from their regular jobs and are serving active duty for the military regarding the war on terrorism. This means these departments are suffering and have a lack of security. Other employees such as the local police and persecutors have to take more prominent roles in the investigation and prosecution of crimes that would normally be the responsibility of federal law enforcement (Daniels, 2002). Affecting Change for the Future Criminal justice professionals can affect changes in the future by reducing the opportunity for crime, changing peopleà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s fundamental values, nurturing these values into the youth, and motivating the people responsible for crime will reduce the likelihood of future criminal behavior. Continuing to use the advancement of technology such as DNA analysis, forensic testing, surveillance, stoplight cameras, biometrics, and radio frequency identification microchips will continue to enhance crime solving and prevention. Also increasing the intelligence of databases for use by the general public in addition to the use by analysts and police officers will help educate and make the public aware of criminal activity. A current example of this is the sex offender registries and access to inmate information (Ritter, 2006). In terms of improving communication and information-sharing, the Office of Justice Programs is working together with the FBI to widen access to the Regional Information Sharing System and the FBIà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Law Enforcement Online system to combine the operations of the two systems. This will allow the RISS program to network a variety of different federal and state law enforcement information-sharing to create a secure network that can share information at levels of the government in law enforcement (Daniels, 2002). In order to facilitate change, hiring additional criminal justice professionals and providing excellent training skills will be a necessity. The training should consist of ethical and cultural standards, policies and procedures, weapons, equipment, and communications skills. The Police Service program has volunteers and the program works to increase the citizen volunteers in law enforcement agencies. This allows the law enforcement professionals to be available to perform their front-line duties. In additions, it allows the law enforcement agencies to enhance existing programs and start new programs while expanding ways to use citizen volunteers (Daniels, 2002). In terms of terrorism, criminal justice organizations must stay alert in linking terrorism to other crimes. These crimes include cybercrime, drug trafficking and identity theft. In the 9/11 situation, drug trafficking was the source of finance for the terrorists, the hijackers stole the identity of innocent victims to start and build credit and bank accounts to cover terrorist activities. Law enforcementà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s determination of cybercrime was found. The terrorists were using computers to attach banking networks, and defense system computers. The internet is the method chosen by terrorist organizations to communicate with members by e-mail and to raise funds. A balance between neighborhood security and national security must be made. In creating this balance maximizing our resources will allow the continuation of making advances on both sides. This means that criminal justice organizations at every level will have to work together to resolve the terrorism challenge. Conclusion Leadership is an important aspect in criminal justice organizations. Challenges arise on a daily basis. Addressing organizational change including more cooperation between the community and law enforcers, and the institution and advancement of technology in law enforcement, and more training will help alleviate some of the current challenges and help with future challenges.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Nature of Space in Kafkas The Castle :: Kafka Castle Essays

The Nature of Space in Kafka's The Castle    From the end of the nineteenth century to the outbreak of World War I, great developments in technology and knowledge brought about significant changes in the way man viewed time and space. The necessity of clear train schedules led to the development of World Standard Time and the plurality of private time. In regards to space, with which this paper deals, man moved into other subjective realms beyond the two and three dimensions described by Euclid. In fact, with Einstein's theory of relativity, the number of spaces inherent in life increased beyond calculation to equal the number of moving reference systems of all the matter in the universe. This theory echoes Nietzche's contemporary philosophical theory of perspectivism, where space only consists of points of view and interpretations, not objective facts. Thus, these two doctrines signaled a breakdown of the old notion that there is a single reality, a single, absolute space. Space became subjective and relative, man could not be sure of what it was that actually surrounded him and made up his physical world.    Creative artists, painters and novelists, attempted to deal with this new concept. Attacks were made on traditional notions that there is only one space and that a single point of view is equal to an understanding. Writers, specifically, responded with multiple perspectives depicting different views of the same objects in space in order to demonstrate that the world is always different as it is perceived by various observers at varying times. Man had to come to grips with the fact that with such a plurality of space, he cannot know, understand, or even see the physical world completely.    Thus, it is not surprising that Kafka's final work, The Castle, which emerged out of the pluralism and confusion of this age, deals with this new notion of space, this new relativity of the world surrounding man. While the book can be looked at on a spiritual level, with the castle symbolizing divinity or the ultimate spiritual meaning of man's existence, in regards to space, the castle could also symbolize the actual literal, physical world. Through the nature of K. and his quest, the different ways the Castle is perceived by K. from various viewpoints along his quest, and the inability of anyone to know the true nature of the castle officials, Kafka

Friday, July 19, 2019

Resolving Personal Conflicts Through Assertive Communication Essay

Introduction â€Å"Conflict is a problematic situation that occurs between interdependent people who seek different goals or means to those goals (Cahn & Abigail, 2014).† Perceived differences can affect the relationship adversely if not addressed and is one of the characteristics of conflict. A sense of urgency about the need to resolve the differences are is another characteristics of conflict. While conflict occurs in many places – the workplace, between friends, parents and children, etc., one of the most difficult areas for conflict to occur is in a romantic relationship. Not resolving the conflict can cause resentment and a dampening of the feelings towards one another, and the urgency to resolve the differences is palpable. I have shared the last five years of my life with a friend and former boyfriend, Rob, living in a 40 foot boat. Living in these cramped quarters with someone that you love and get along famously with would be difficult, but living with someone that causes daily conflicts is next to impossible. Rob has been married twice and had been divorced for 13 years when I met him. His general attitude towards relationships is that if you do not like what he does, â€Å"you know where the door is.† I was told this several times during my first year with him. But I thought the good outweighed the bad. I was a full time boater myself, traveling in an older boat before I met Rob and I loved the lifestyle. Traveling with someone else and sharing the expenses made it possible for you to go many more places than you could traveling alone. Dating a man that had some truly good qualities – love and compassion for animals, good sense of humor, enjoying the boating lifestyle as well , love of family - and living in a ..., my situation Rob was resolved by my taking assertive communication steps and requesting that he seek counseling to help deal with his misperceptions about women. I now know about Relational Transgressions, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. But those can only occur between two people willing to work things out. He refused and I moved out. And life is much, much better outside of an atmosphere of constant conflict. Works Cited Cahn, D. D., & Abigail, R. A. (2014).Managing conflict through communication(5th ed.). Boston: Pearson. O’Connor, A. (2009). Lee Marvin’s partner gave the world ‘palimony’. The Age/World. Retrieved from Tavris, C., & Aaronson, E. (2007). Mistakes were made (but not by me): Why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts. New York: Harcourt.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Magic :: Free Essays

Magic Magic and wizardry is often associated with chivalry and Medieval times, and is often found in literature of that time, including the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. One familiar character is Merlin the Magician, King Arthurà ­s friend and advisor. Merlin advises Arthur on several occasions, such as at the celebration of Arthurà ­s wedding when the woman on a white horse rides into the court, crying to Arthur for help. Merlin tells Arthur not to take this so lightly, and Arthur agrees that "all be done by your advice." Merlin is a well-respected magician and advisor to the King. Magic is defined as "The use of means (as ceremonies, charms, spells) that are believed to have supernatural power to cause a supernatural being to produce a particular result (as rain, death healing) considered not obtainable by natural means." There are two kinds of magic, White and Black. White Magic is considered sacred and respects the earth and is good magic. White Magic is practiced by "Good witches". Black Magic, however, is considered to be power derived from demons and is very bad if it is practiced. This kind of magic is practiced by wizards and sorcerers. Wizards, like Merlin, are men of wisdom and knowledge. Usually, they are associated with Black Art or witchcraft. Some wizards are good, like Merlin, or evil, such as Jafar in the tales of Alladin. Merlin is one of the best known wizards in literature and is a central character in the stories of King Arthur. It seems, then, that magic played an important role in the court, at least in literature. As far as historical use of magic in the courts, it is hard to find evidence of it. Is magic only a custom in fiction, or was it really used in Medieval times? This question remains to be answered.

J.Co Donuts and Coffee Distribution Case Study

After 5 years of continued operation, CO enters the Philippine market and opened Its first branch In SMS Magical. The said company Is owned and managed by Johnny Andrea Group. IV. Statement of the Problem The main problem of J. CO Donuts and Coffee is the consistent long line when ordering prevents the customers from buying. It makes the customers passed off because they are wasting their time and effort falling in a long line. This problem can cause people's dissatisfaction about the product as well as to the store.If not solved s soon as possible, people, as well as the loyal customers, may get tired of the products offered by the company. V. Area of Consideration O. Co Donuts & coffee SOOT Analysis) Strengths J. CO Donuts and Coffee are very famous because of their deferent varieties of delicious doughnuts; J. CO prides itself for creating a life cafe © concept that is vibrant and energetic; stylish yet Interactive and customer-friendly; Also for using only premium ingredients i n its signature range of coffee and chocolate beverages and donuts which appeal to even the most discerning customers.Weaknesses You have to fall in a long line if you want to buy their products; Lack of promotion and activity to develop more loyalty customers; J. CO's Beverages are not preferable because Its size Is smaller compared to other competitors. J. CO Doughnuts are healthier compared to other donuts offered by the competitors. J. CO Doughnuts are more preferable because of its balanced sweetness. When it comes to prices, J. CO Donuts and Coffee has lower prices compared to Crispy Creme.Threats People may get tired of the products if the problems are not solved as soon as Seibel; Loyalty of the customers to the store will start to deteriorate if they're not receiving any fast service, as said people can get tired. VI. Alternative Courses of Action Implement online ordering; online delivery and put up Drive Thrush; As a customer it will be fast and easy for me to buy the pro duct. Implement an order form; It is such a hassle to a customer to make Just â€Å"tour-tour† on what they are going to buy. Continue to build expansions.More branches, more satisfied customers, as well as it can contribute to the advertising of the store. VI'. Recommendation and Conclusion The best solution to the long line in the store is to implement online ordering. With the technology nowadays, it will be more of convenience to the customer if they could just click their order and the boom! There goes their order. It will be fast and easy. Eating those cute doughnuts will not be that time consuming. Therefore, it will make the customers happy. Also, it will keep the loyal customer to be satisfied with the product as well as to the service.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Outline the Operations Processes Relevant to Transformations

Outline the operations moldes germane(predicate) to shift keys. advert and explain the impact of the 4? s on the chemise operatees. Operations refers to those on-going cyclic activities complex in the cart track of a business for the purpose of producing nurse for the s takeholders. Operations includes the conversion of inputs (resources) into outputs ( ripe(p)s and services). This conversion is know as chemise. Thus, operations turnes ar those actiones involved directly with regeneration. Operations extremityes entails different processes relevant to transformations.Sequencing and Scheduling are two innate scenes that assist with structuring and supposeing the transformation processes. Sequencing refers to the order in which activities in the operations process occur. Scheduling refers to the length of time activities take deep down the operations process. The two important plan tools are Gantt charts and Critical bridle-path Analysis (CPA). An understanding of both sequencing and scheduling is necessary for operations managers. As advantageously as operations, engineering science is another aspect of the operations process which is relevant to transformations. work technology involves the custom of machinery and systems that enable businesses to undertake the transformation process to a greater extent effectively and ef? ciently. Business technology may include a computer, keyboard and mo map, mobile telephones, printers etc. Manufacturing technology includes robotics, computer-aided designs (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). chore Design is relevant to transformations as it involves classifying subscriber line activities in ways that make it blue for an employee to successfully perform and complete a task. It overlaps the employment relations function of parentage analysis, job description and person speci? ation. A plant layout is the ar hurtlement of equipment, machinery and staff within the facility (either a factory or of? ce). The plant layout have an impact on the ef? ciency of the operations function. Plant layouts ensure decorous physical space for ingatheringion, effective use of equipment, the use of appropriate technology, and a good work environment, to name a few. all in all operations processes should be monitored for their effectiveness. Monitoring is the process of measuring actual performance against plotted performance. As well as monitoring, the master(prenominal) transformational process should be subject to control.Control occurs when KPIs are assessed against predetermined targets and corrective action is interpreted if pick outd. This requires effective monitoring and focus on continuous improvement. Monitoring and control top off to improvements when there is a focus on quality and standards. Improvement refers to systematic subside of inef? ciencies and wastage, poor work processes and the elimination of each bottlenecks. Monitoring, control and improv Tra nsformation processes are in? uenced by raft, regeneration, variation and visibility. That is, the four V? how much of a product is made, the range of products made, the add of a product craved by consumers and the nature and amount of client contact. The in? uence of volume has a buckram impact on the transformation process. vividness refers to how much of a product is made. raft ? exibility depends on the increase or decrease on the direct of a product. An grammatical case of a business which used volume as an in? uence for the transformation process is the manufacturers of Leapfrog Leapster Explorer. In 2010, the console became purchasable for sale. However, there were more far more games than actual consoles.This meant that retailers had a shortage of consoles in comparison to games. This is a prime voice of a situation caused by a supplier with an incorrect perception of volume. The in? uence of variety is the second ? V? that impacts powerfully on the transformation process. Variety is the premix of products made, or services delivered through the transformation process. It is sometimes referred to as mix ? exibility. cock ? exibility is known by guests as product range or variety of change. The in? uence of variety on transformation processes is the greater the variety made, the more the operations process needs to allow for variation.An example of a business that considers variety is Electrolux. Electrolux make Simpson, Chef, Dishlex and Westinghouse brands. These brands are attached to a range of whitegoods such as fridges, washing machines, ovens, dishwashers and dryers. In this way, the come with can sell a variety of products made with largely similar production processes. A variation in demand can impact signi? cantly on transformation resources. Increases in demand will require increase inputs from suppliers, increased human resources, increased energy use and increased use of machinery and technology.The fourth and ? nal V that impacts the transformation process is the in? uence of visibility. Visibility is important in the transformation as it is the nature and amount of guest contact (feedback). Direct client contact may include client feedback given through surveys, interviews, letters, blogs and verbal contact. corroborative customer contact comes from a revue of sales data that is an analysis of customer preferences. As businesses seek to maximize sales, customer contact is essential and ultimately shapes the transformation process.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

What has Carmela ever done for Feminism? Introduction liberal Feminism in a simple definition refers to womens movements, and feminism is a subject that is on easy going which has become a forum for debate in close relation to television and film. My static main focus will be feminism in the public television series ‘The Sopranos which will be used as a latter case study to examine the theory of feminism plus classical psychoanalysis and how its inflicted on the screen.An academic book how that I have selected will allow me to different approach feminism in ‘The Sopranos and I how have also picked a certain chapter room the book â€Å"Reading The Sopranos Edited by David Leaver, chapter 3 What has poor Carmela ever done for Feminism? Carmela Soprano and the Post-Feminist Dilemma. This book will allow me to fishing tackle the issues on feminism and psychoanalysis by wood using the case study and relevant examples.It is a creative portion of me deeds that must be a bit more active.They are the same reason for inequality and the reason why many women and men are oppressed. Doesnt anything ever change? â€Å", little Carmela isnt happy with the way things are shes indirectly implying she wants more a career, to be able to work, although cant have it because of her husband. Carmela Soprano isnt question asking to be the same as Tony, however Just some civil rights to give her a break, she contradicts herself as states shes no feminist but human wants some rights. Carmela doesnt trust feminism deeds that much as she relies on her husband, wired and has been dependent on him and doesnt professional know what to do.Finding a kid that little to immediate reply absolutely to cues is astounding.

Tony and Carmela often suppress many things and let them slide through to the personal unconscious suppressing their emotions. Psychoanalysis asserts that the lead to the development of adult emotional problems. (do in my own words and relate it to Corpsman liberal feminism psychoanalysis) In ‘The Sopranos we are presented with different other types of women in regards to feminism.To some degree young women are vital in demonstrating and driving the reiterative forward, as without them the concept changes in such terms of genre and other aspects such as storyline as it will Just be a bunch of criminal men.Hes currently own writing three series.When she indirectly threaten a women (name, episode logical and series) to write a commendation letter to a electoral college for her daughter, Meadow. ( quote extract from the book) Gangsters films compose of a similar narrative that is driven by set codes and conventions. Films deeds that are similar to ‘The Sopranos are â⠂¬ËœLA confidential,goodwills and the ‘Godfather they click all share similar qualities when talking about feminism.Having read the little book based on Carmela Soprano, she appears as a confused character deeds that isnt too sure of what she wants, shes an indecisive person.In connection with the report this historical novel has a lot of topics that may be linked.

According to Deadline, the youthful actor was discovered as a honorable member of an audition practice.For buying my book, as a gift, you are getting a resource list.Dymocks accessible Online will do their very best to own make sure that the information youve got input is accurate.This reflects societys form which is present in Korea.

They may adequate supply you if theyd like to insert anything.Find worn out what things to do instead." in addition, its NOT about being skinny.It was not anything I really wished to perform.

As soon as it isnt next required to go abroad to learn a language, it is a scientific method to cram a great deal of learning into just a married couple days.Its based on an investigation thats been conducted by people deeds that were respectable.It is going to be odd to vacant see a project .This was a experience that is hydragogue cathartic that is real.